Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 999

Chapter 999

Chapter 999

Chapter 999

While driving, Tom reflected on the incident and said, "President Fuller, you said it's been three days since the incident. Has Miss Reed come up with a solution?"

When he heard Tom's words, Toby frowned.

Do I have a solution? Judging from my understanding of Sonia, she might have already found a solution. After all, I haven't seen any signs of worry or anxiety in the last three days and it's definitely not because of how well she acted. It is highly likely that she already has a solution, which explains why she is able to regularly continue our conversation. If she did not, she would definitely have been distracted and I'd have noticed it, sooner or later. So, she definitely has a plan, but will this solution resolve all her problems?"

Tom was not surprised when Toby remained silent; instead, he turned the steering wheel and continued, "I guess Miss Reed didn't come up with any solution because according to what we know about Paradigm Co., those components are crucial for them. We'll be in a serious problem if we can't recover them. The consequences are devastating and there are only two viable options right now. The first option is to get the components back whereas the second is to use the money to compensate for the missing components. However, Miss Reed may not be able to obtain that much money, or is she prepared to reimburse it?"

After speaking, Tom glanced in the rearview mirror to check on Toby seated in the backseat. I know that President Fuller had already given his supplementary credit card to Miss Reed and told her that she could use it at any time she wanted. As a result, her hesitating to use it is not crucial, but the question remains as to whether she is willing to withdraw the money. On the other hand, I feel that Miss Reed will be unwilling to spend President Fuller's money. How could she be willing to do so when she did not inform him about the incident?

Tom's hypothesis was verified by Toby's reply.

Toby lowered his gaze and muttered quietly, "She's not going to swipe my card."

"I knew it." Tom exclaimed, "I'm confused about why Miss Reed is so adamant, though. Even though it is clear that she has your support, she insists on taking responsibility for everything alone. However, she lacks the ability and strength to satisfactorily address many situations now; why does she even bother?"

If I were Miss Reed, I'd be ecstatic to learn that President Fuller is on my side and will provide me with resources to spend so that I won't be as helpless. Miss Reed's thoughts and actions are baffling me.

"Do you still think Miss Reed doesn't fully trust you, President Fuller?" Tom made a guess as he turned back to look at Toby.

"Shut up," Toby hissed as his eyes narrowed. What does he mean when he says Sonia doesn't trust me completely? No way. She has to have total confidence in me. Perhaps, she just didn't want to depend too much on me.

However, Tom's statements made Toby uneasy.

Tom lowered his head and kept driving in silence after he realized he had said something inappropriate.

Toby took out his phone, opened Messenger, and looked for Sonia's contact. He then clicked in, intending to send her a message but didn't type anything, despite his fingers hovering over the typing bar for a long time. After a while, Toby removed his finger from the screen and quit Messenger.

He couldn't think of anything to say and had no idea how to approach or ask her for the reason why she hadn't informed him about the incident. Nonetheless, there was no use in asking again because he already knew the answer. Let's hear her out once I return the components to her.

Also, Toby realized he needed to get the record straight with her instead of lowering his guard down in response to her confident demeanor. It was vital for him to be forthright with her about his generosity being inappropriate. Not for her, at least not right


Meanwhile, after completing a document processing task, Sonia was a little unsettled and disturbed. It was akin to being caught with one's hand in the cookie jar.

"What's the matter?" Charles asked with concern as he watched Sonia's expression change while seated across her and playing games on his phone.

Sonia sipped her coffee and shook her head before responding, "It's alright. I'm a little anxious, but I'm fine right now."

"Are you feeling sick? Do you want me to call the doctor?" He grew anxious upon hearing her reply. He turned off the game and kept his phone away. In an instant, he stood up and extended his arm in an attempt to touch her forehead.

Daphne, who was in the lounge across from them, could see this scene through a crack in the open door as her eyes were filled with sadness and anger. She had known that President Lane was a kind and caring man, who was deliberately arrogant and pretentious to those who were not acquainted with him. Being one of those outsiders, she would never be the one whom he cared for.

A resigned Daphne closed the door and stopped looking at them. She had made up her mind to forget about him. If I continue to look, doesn't it mean I'm just asking for trouble? What's the point? After letting go of the door handle, she turned around and sat by the bed in the lounge where she lowered her head and said nothing.

After Sonia smacked Charles' hand away, he appeared to sense something and turned to check the closed door to the lounge across the office.

She was in the middle of fixing her hair when she was startled by Charles' reaction and stopped abruptly. It was enough to make her instantaneously worried and with concern, she said, "What's the matter, Charles? What exactly are you staring at?"

"I was staring at your lounge, and I felt like someone was looking at me earlier," Charles said as he still glanced at the lounge door.

"Uhm... Is someone staring at you?" Sonia's eyes widened in surprise. How, oh, how did he manage to find out?

"Yes, I did feel someone watching me just now." He nodded, confirming his suspicion.

At that, he turned his head and narrowed his eyes at her as he spoke.

The unexpected expression in his eyes startled Sonia and the corners of her mouth twitched." W- what?"

"You look quite terrified right now, Sonny. Are you... hiding someone inside?" Charles' eyes narrowed again as he leaned his head over.

"No!" She was full of fear and it was immediately apparent in her tone.

Sonia's overreaction validated Charles' claim that she was hiding someone in the lounge. Moreover, that person was looking at them earlier.

Sonia regained her composure and recognized that her behavior was giving the appearance of guilt. She was betraying her innocence by consciously denying it. She was upset and annoyed. It's over!

In the lounge, Daphne sprang to her feet in a state of terror and anxiety when she heard noises outside at that very moment. What should I do? President Lane noticed I was staring at him just now! Will he barge into the room and grab me? Her face paled as she paced the lounge, unsure what to do. She was terrified that Charles would come in any time, drag her out, and find out that she was pregnant.


The fear in Daphne's eyes grew as her face paled even more. Her eyes turned red as she clasped her hand and silently prayed that Sonia would be able to stop Charles from finding her.

Standing outside, Sonia was aware of the consequences of Charles discovering Daphne. She was prepared to do whatever it took to prevent it from happening.

After confirming that there was, in fact, someone in the lounge, he went to the room to conduct an investigation.

Sonia jumped to her feet and went around the desk in a flash as she trotted to Charles with outstretched arms. "What are you doing, Charles?"

He came to a stop and replied, "What am I doing? Obviously, I'll find out who you've been hiding in the lounge."


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