Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master

Chapter 303

Chapter 303: Pretending to Be Caught in The Palm of Their Hand

Chapter 303 – Pretending to Be Caught in The Palm of Their Hand

Even though I’m putting enough power into my fist to send it flying far away, it just doesn’t seem to be working.

And not even a counter.

“Nihahahaha, still poking and prodding at me, how lame!”

“Tch, it’s not working at all…”

I counter with shockwaves while dodging the claws of both limbs swung by the rampaging Norja.

But really, it’s having no effect.

『Tis only natural.』

But Tre’ainar doesn’t seem to find it particularly strange.

『The counter must take advantage of the opponent’s power. Concurrently, tis unexpected to the opponent as they focus on offense… by shooting from beyond the opponent’s expectation, their awareness, it cuts off said opponent’s consciousness… that creates a more effective counter. As it is now, Norja anticipates counterpunches from the start, and yet she herself throws shallow strikes without stepping in. Thus kept from unleashing her full might.』

Yes, while Norja herself was laughing and making it look like she was going wild with all her strength, she was actually quite wary of me.

It’s hard to do her in.

『Roughly, Norja’s strategy simply involves being wary of counterattacks, and merely swinging her limbs around, aiming to land even a single hit on you.』

I kept dodging to not be hit by that single shot, and at some point, use the Great Demon Spiral … but…

“Fufu~n, now~ I~ get it ?”

“…… Oh?”

“Even with my super-honed senses, I can’t read the next move with your brilliant footwork technique… is what I thought, but… bit by bit, depending on the situation, I could see the bias in your footwork, you know ?.”


Bias? In my steps?

“Now I can sorta see how you’re going to move next… it may only be a matter of time before I catch you~”

“What… was that?”

“Once I get you, be prepared. First, how long will you put it in your mouth and lick it? After that, strip you naked and pluck out each and every single one… nihahahahaha ?”

“ugh, this perverted fox!”

I didn’t expect that, and for a moment, my body was shaken.

『Quite the tease, that Norja, but… tis still fine for now, child.』


『In times of crisis, one tends to rely on what one does best… like the steps and forms that come naturally in the spur of the moment. Your opponent is a Six Supremacy. Tis inevitable that they will see through it. With that in mind, I tell you, tis still fine!』

But if I show even a hint of hesitation, my master, who follows up on me right away, is truly something else.

“Uh? Hmm~…… just when I thought you tensed up for a moment, you quickly shifted your focus and regained composure… your mental strength is amazing… But——”

On the other hand, Norja was also watching my reaction to every move, so she sees through a lot of things, and it makes me feel that she’s a Six Supremacy.

But if things stay like this, eventually…

『Tis fine as it is, child. This is the setup. Norja will gradually become accustomed to your steps and movements…that is the aim.』


『She will read your next move somewhat… in other words, you may also ‘know how she reads you’!』

When I thought so, advanced maneuvers and strategies that I could not have come up with on my own were already in progress in Tre’ainar’s mind.

“Haha, now that I’ve figured it out… it’s almost time to end this game of tag!!”

『Here, child! Diagonal right claw swung down, dodge it with a backstep, and Norja will immediately swing her left claw in a cleaving motion! Based on the steps so far, she will expect you to continue with a backstep-stop, then dash forward again—use your radar!』


It’s here! As Tre’ainar said, a downward swing came diagonally from the right…

“You won’t get away!”

The moment I backstepped to avoid it, she cleaved at me. Then I dashed forward again… from then on, it was almost on reflex. josei

Tre’ainar instructions and radar sensing.

I felt as if our senses were in perfect sync, and I kept dodging without stopping.

It was only a few dozen seconds.

From my point of view, it was a breathtaking exchange.

In the first place, if I get hit even once, I’ll take a lot of damage, so it’s only natural.

In such a tense atmosphere, I dodged dozens of Norja’s blows with several steps at short intervals…

“Nihi ?”


Ah, if it continues like this, I’ll reach my limit… that’s when she also sensed it in my anticipation…

『There! Create some distance!』


So far, I’ve been wobbling around Norja’s feet just to keep her from using Norja’s tail to activate the Fūrinkazan.

The inside of the gap was the lifeline.

But, when I came here, with nowhere to run, I dared to flee at the last minute.

By doing that, Norja’s Fūrinkazan will be activated.

『Yes, activate it! With nowhere to run to, you had no choice but to flee from the distance you had maintained so far… Yes, Norja should think so!』

“…… Whoa!”

This is no time for hesitation. I move away from Norja’s feet, as if to distance myself from her.

At that moment, Norja’s eyes sparkled.

“I got some roooooooom!!!”

As long as she was a certain distance away, Norja could freely swing a powerful whip-like tail attack without self-destructing.

As if she had been waiting for it, Norja brought her nine tails together…


『There, child! That is the spot for the Great Magic Spiral! Not that ‘over there’ technique you used on Vasalar?』

“Nihahahaha, now, show me! This is what you wanted, right? What are you going to show me? What——”

It’s also read by Norja! Are you okay with that? No, but…… I have to do it!

“【Grea… 【Ragaan Giga Spiral】!!”

“…………… Huh?”

『The tails have risen! And stiffened! Now!』

At that moment, Norja’s face, which had been smiling broadly, went rigid.

『Manipulating at will, as planned, cornering, cornering, and cornering until the expected climax. Even you, who were prepared for what might be revealed at the end of this relentless pursuit, surely could not have predicted this… it was beyond your awareness, was it not? Norja…… following the breakthrough, to have this technique as well…』

Rather than being surprised, it was as if she doubted her eyes, “how can that be…”

『Be that as it may, even if you activate this technique and attack with nothing else, she would be able to evade it on the spur of the moment while still being surprised… however…… after pursuing her prey the way she wanted, tis important to stay calm until the very end, she was unable to suppress her excitement to see what the child would reveal after being cornered… I suppose she was expecting something unexpected, but… this technique was completely beyond her awareness, was it not? And she remains unaware… of the Fūrinkazan’s weakness…』

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