Bride Behind The Mask Novel

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Chuck instantly complied, bringing Laverne’s body to the morgue Meanwhile, Frederick returned to the office to continue his work.

Over the past few days, Maurice had been quiet Although Fragrance Finesse had suffered minor damages, Frederick couldn’t afford to let his guard down

Maunce’s tactics were ruthlessly cunning, something Frederick had personally experienced. He attacked when least expected Frederick couldn’t predict Maurice’s next move, but he knew it wouldn’t be easy His only option was to stay vigilant

After a long day. Frederick returned to the manor around eight in the evening. Marguerite was sitting on the couch, engrossed in a television series that Laveme had been watching

Despite the comedy genre, a gloomy atmosphere hovered around Marguente. The apple pie Sadie had baked for her remained untouched.

Frederick approached the couch, resting his hands on the back. He leaned over to discuss with Marguente, “Grandma’s body has been taken to the morgue. The funeral will be held next week”

The word “funeral was heavy, despite Frederick’s attempts to soften it. Marguente’s back stiffened

She forced a smile, her face blank, “Okay”

Fredenck gently placed his hand on her shoulder Marguente suddenly turned to him, “Can I wear the white dress grandma bought for me at the funeral?” Traditionally, black attire was expected at funerals. But Frederick agreed, understanding that Marguente didn’t want the occasion to be too somber

Laverne had always been a cheerful spint. Weaning the dress would be a comforting thought for her, even in the afterlife

Marguerite didn’t feel like talking anymore. She checked the time stood up and started towards the stairs.

As she passed by, Fredenck held her hand, “Where are you going? The finale is about to start, aren’t you watching?”

Marguente looked tired, “I’m sleepy I want to go to bed”

She didn’t like finales, or endings. She held onto the hope that if she didn’t watch the finale, her grandma would come back to watch it with her. They could go back to the way things were.

It was a form of self–deception, but it made her feel slightly better.

Frederick let go of Marquente’s hand, watching her climb the stairs in a daze.

However, after a few steps, she turned back, her voice pleading. “I want to sleep in grandma’s room tonight. It feels too empty Can you stay with me?”

Marguente rarely asked for favors. This was a first for Frederick

Without hesitation, he helped her to Laveme’s room.

There were two beds in the room. Sadie once had set up a small one for Yuna when she came to care for Laverne.

Frederick gently guided Marguerite to the larger bed As she lay down quietly, he moved to the smaller bed to rest.

As the night deepened, the room grew more silent. Frederick, worried about Marguente, couldn’t sleep. He stared into the darkness, in the direction of Marguente

In his memory, Marguente was a resilient girl, unshaken by life’s trials. But Laverne’s death seemed to have broken her.

He remembered the previous day in the car when an offhand comment had made Marguerite lose control. Her hystena was a side he had never seen before

Frederick heard a soft sobbing from Marguente’s direction. It sounded muffled, as if she was crying into her pillow, trying to keep quiet

Fredericks heart ached He got up, moved to Marguente’s bed, and wrapped his arms around her, comforting her through the silk blanket, “It will pass everything will pass…

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