Bride Behind The Mask Novel

Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Marguente couldn’t recall how shed left the lounge, or how she’d ended up in the car

By the time the gathered her senses, Maunce already had the car parked in front of the mansion. Marguerite was about to step out of the car grabbed her wrist “What’s the matter? You are upset to find out your old flame is doing well?”

Marguente didn’t understand where Maurice’s resentment came from “Don’t call him my old flame. He never responded to my feelings”

Uurouted love is always cheap

Marguente pulled her hand back, her words biting. “You don’t even deserve cheap love”

His hands grasped her shoulders, pulling her closer “Marguerite, you want to see him, don’t you? Now that you have, you should consider my proposal”

“What proposal?” Marguerite was still reeling from seeing Frederick, and Maurice’s words were just adding to her confusion

“Marry me

Im not in the mood for romance”

“If you want to find your son, you’d better stick close to me

Marguente stared at him, realizing for the first time how his assertiveness scared her

She made her intentions clear yet he was obsessively trying to keep her by his side in the past three years, countless women had messed around Wasn’t there anyone who could fill his twisted, empty


Maybe it was because she was hard to get, inflating his pride, that he only saw her as a game piece. But love wasn’t a game, and while he couldn’t heart, Marguente could

if she couldn’t be with Frederick, she didn’t care who she ended up marrying, but it would never be Maurice

His intensity scared her, but she couldn’t have insisted on this when she knew it was wrong.

Marguente stared him down, freeing herself from his grip, exiting the car, and slamming the door behind h

Meanwhile at Sapphire Valley Estates

vithout à second look

Marguere’s appearance made Frederick distracted

Had been sent the entire nde, his face a mask of severity Yuna, however was ecstatic Today Frederick had shown her respect in front of Marquette She Som wading for this moment for a long time So as soon as they’d arrived back home, Yuna had practically held Frederick sa arms. She clung to hum affectionately, her hot breath tickling his neck Freddie”

He showed no reaction, puting his arms away and warning her “We’ll meet the kids later. You’ll have to be demum ”

Yuna was slightly disappointed but still content. Compared to three years ago, Frederick was much kinder to her now

That change had come about because of their children, and the more she thought about it, the more she believed she made the night baodiah.

she hadn’t taken Marguentes baby all those years ago and passed the paternity test, shed have been exiled by now. She would be me by Frederic

Looking up at the grandeur of Sapphire Valley Estates, Yuna’s ambition grow

jer trump card everything her could be hers

They entered th

sion to find Mandy playing with his Legos “Daddy! I missed you

Fredeno poked up Manley, his stem gaze softening “Are you a good boy today?

“Of course I’m always good”

Franck Mankey’s hair, then realized they were alone. Whem is everyone else?

“They went out to back for Mayes”

Free’s brow furrowed, and he set Manley doon Where did Hayes go?!

Marley Booked at Vuna then turned back to Frederick, embeltrating the truth, I don’t know Hayes got into a fight at schoor seday and drapesired home eye has cared of facing you and Mommy, so he’s lung

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