Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 334

Chapter 334

Chapter 334

Chapter 334

Bella’s POV “Please follow us immediately.” One of the policemen urged.

At this time, I came to my senses and asked with a tongue-tied voice, “Which commercial crime am I involved in? Did you make a mistake? I never did anything illegal.”

“If you have anything to say, you can say it when you’re at the police station.” The two policemen’s faces were very serious and they didn’t listen to me at all.

At this moment, Selina stepped in from the outside.

As soon as she saw the two policemen with ID, she said to me harshly. “Bella, I didn’t expect that you would do such a thing. You really let me down!”

“You‘re very good at work. As long as you work hard, you will definitely have a bright future. Do you know that you have to pay the price for doing this? You might be be fired if things are not too serious. But if it’s serious, you will never be able to work in this field again in the future, or you might even be sentenced.”

“Once you go to prison, your whole life will be over!”

I was even more confused. “What the hell is going on? What did I do?”

“Selina, I want to know what I did. Why did you say that?” I asked, trying my best to hold back my anger.

Upon hearing this, Selina was so angry that she laughed. She reached out and pointed to the other employees in the office and said, “Bella, you are really good at acting. Do you know that everyone in the company knows what you have done? Why are you still pretending to be innocent?” I looked up and saw that the eyes of the six staff members were all staring at me. I began to panic. “What the hell is going on?

What have I done?” At this time, an older employee accused me. “Bella, we didn’t expect that you would take advantage of your position to sell the next annual budget plan of the QT Company to their competitors, which led to the exposure of the trade secrets of the QT company. What you did not only made you unable to gain a foothold in the industry, but also seriously affected the reputation of our company. I really don’t know what you are thinking. Just 20,000 dollars can make you abandon a professional career as an accountant. It’s really shameful to work with you!” Hearing this, I immediately shook my head and said, “How could I do such a thing? There must be a misunderstanding. Someone must have slandered me!”

“Who’s slandering you? Didn’t the competitor of the QT Company transfer 20,000 dollars to your account yesterday? And a few days ago, someone saw you drinking coffee with a senior executive of the competitor of the QT Company in a coffee shop. Is that right?” Selina immediately said.

At this moment, I stared at her in disbelief. Did someone transfer 20,000 dollars to my account yesterday? I had two accounts. One was a salary card, which had message alerts. The other was a bank card, which did not have message alerts.

I didn’t receive any message alert yesterday. It seemed that someone must have transferred the

Chapter 334


20,000 dollars to my bank card.

As for the senior executive of the competitor of the QT Company, it was a classmate whom I hadn’t seen for a long time. We suddenly met each other on the street a few days ago. We drank coffee together, but my classmate only said that he was working in an advertising company, and didn’t say which one it was.

Thinking of this, I roughly understood. All of this was planned. Someone must have framed me. Who was the one who wanted to frame me? My gaze was finally fixed on Selina’s face. Who else would hate me so much other than her? It was no wonder that Jeremy suddenly got acute appendicitis. It seemed that he was also involved in this. I could only blame myself for being too careless. How could I fall into their trap so easily? “All of this was designed by you, right?” I said indignantly “Don’t accuse me. Now all the evidence is pointed at you, and you can’t escape at all. I advise you to confess to the police when you’re at the police station. If you refuse. It will only bring more trouble. If you take the initiative to explain it, you won’t be punished so severelyi” Selina raised her chin and sneered.

“Selina, it’s not so easy to frame a good person.” I said.

The two policemen couldn’t wait any longer. They urged impatiently, “Bella. please come with us immediately, or we can only take you away by force, which will make you look bad!” The next moment, I picked up my bag, glanced coldly at Selina, and followed the two policemen away

When we arrived at the police station, three police officers interrogated me and asked about the details of the case in detail.

They kept asking me questions for seven or eight hours before letting me go home. And I couldn’t go out before the case was over. They told me that I had to pick up their calls at any time.

I walked on the street at dusk in low spirits. How could I be in the mood to take care of Lucky now?! was also afraid that my mood would affect her, so I called Gary and asked him to take care of Lucky

for two days.

On the way back, I thought a lot. In the end, I was sure that this matter was planned and carried out by Selina and Jeremy

Now all the evidence pointed to me. There was nothing I could do.

But I couldn’t be framed like this. If I were to be put in jail, what would happen to my children?

And this would become a stain in my life.

I might not even be able to find a job in the future.

So I couldn’t be framed successfully. I thought for a long time, and in the end, I thought of Klein. He was a lawyer, and a famous one. Should I ask him to help me file a lawsuit?


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