Bring Your A Game

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 471

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 471

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 471

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 471

Good, So What

The next day, the gang arrived at Landred City. Having just walked out of the airport hallway, they were stopped by two MPVs—one black and one white. One of the doors of the black car was pushed open. Alighting from the black car was an elite-looking man who then approached Alexander with a courteous greeting. “It’s all ready, sir.”

“Okay.” Alexander nodded. When he turned around, he saw a middle-aged man alighting from the white MPV before coming over to hug Elise.

“Mr. Albert!” Elise amiably called out for Albert and went in for a light hug.

Getting out of the hug, Albert warmly uttered, “Let’s go, Miss Sinclair. The master has been waiting for a long time.”

“How did Papa know I’m here?” Elise curiously quizzed.

“This airline belongs to the Fassbenders. Both you and the master have your names on the list of VIPs, so we are notified every time you get on it,” Albert answered.

Acknowledging his answer, Elise tensed her brows. With that, she turned to Alexander. “See you at the auction?”

“Mhm,” Alexander simply blurted.

“What about you guys? Who are you going with?” Elise inquired Danny and the rest.

“With the boss, of course!” Danny stood beside her, gratifying. Now that he was officially a member of SK Group, it was only natural for him to follow his leader.

Wordlessly, Joseph, too, went behind her.

At that moment, Alexander shot Clement a glare. Although as robotic as usual, Clement joined Elise as well.

“Nobody wants you, Alex!” Danny boldly teased.

What can I do? Look at their shimmering eyes! Elise suggestively looked at Alexander, shrugging, before turning around and getting into the car.

Only after watching their car depart did Alexander enter his vehicle.

Soon, the Fassbenders’ car stopped at the most renowned restaurant in Landred City. Subsequently, the restaurant manager came out and guided them into the building, bringing them to the open-air area on the top floor. Getting out of the elevator, Elise immediately saw Quentin, who had been waiting for her. “Papa!” Elise dashed to him and threw herself into his embrace.

“Haha. So you do still remember I’m your papa. How long has it been since you last called me?” Quentin affectionately ranted as they walked.

Behind them were Clement and the rest who tacitly maintained a distance.

“Why do I feel like I’ve seen Mr. Fassbender before…” Wondering, Danny scratched the back of his head before pulling Albert. “Excuse me, but what industry does your master deal in?”

“All of ‘em,” Albert sternly replied.

Danny was somewhat tilted by his rigid behavior. Thereupon, he silently grabbed his phone and surfed the web for anything that pertained to Quentin and Albert, only for his screen to be clumped with the typical rich-man-falls-for-pretty-maid novels. After scrolling through irrelevant results, he eventually found something surprising. Discreetly, he tapped on an article titled ‘Accomplishments of the World’s Top Billionaire Quentin Fassbender and Butler Albert Mann.’ novelbin

Noticing the change on his face, Clement noiselessly peeked at his phone. Seeing the words ‘World’s Top Billionaire Quentin Fassbender,’ he immediately withdrew his gaze and quietly swallowed his saliva.

Meanwhile, Elise followed Quentin to the dining table, and only realized then there were other guests as well. Among them was a girl that was a few years younger than her, who emitted an overbearingly lavish, star-struck aura.

“Joey, meet your sister, Elise,” Quentin introduced.

So that’s Papa’s blood daughter. I’ve always heard that she was studying abroad, but I never knew she came back.

Joey reluctantly stood up and walked to Elise. Smugly, she uttered in French, “Hi, honored to meet you.” As if she had predicted Elise wouldn’t catch up, she revealed a victorious look.

Little did she expect, Elise came back at her with fluent French. “Hello, Joey. Papa’s always talking about you. You’re really adorable, you know!”

Without going further, Joey turned away after blurting a thanks and swiftly withdrew her hands.

Quentin was rather joyous to see that. “Haha! Ellie, since when did you even learn French?”

“Papa, have you forgotten about the French customer that always frequented the Sinclairs’ farm? It was you who introduced us to him. How could you forget about that?” Elise explained.

Upon realization, Quentin waved his hand. “Oh, right! There was that guy. Oh, old people and their short-term memory. Forget about that. You must be starving after such a long flight. Come, eat up!”

Elise noticed that on her half of the table were filled with her favorite dishes, while the dishes on the other half were obviously of a different taste. Amused by how Quentin treated both of them, Elise sneakily beamed. Then, she sat down and began chatting with Quentin, while Joey was uninterested the whole time.

Eventually, Quentin found an opportunity to draw his attention to her. “Look at you fidgeting around like a monkey! Is there a nail on your seat? Can’t you sit still?”

In response, Joey rolled her eyes and turned away, having no intention to entertain him.

Quentin sighed as he looked at Elise. “She’s growing out of me. Why don’t you take care of her for me, Elise?”

“With what?” Disaffected, Joey mocked, “She simply knew a few French words from dealing with a Frenchman. What could a country woman possibly teach me?”

“I have my reasons for letting her be your guide. Disobey me and you can forget about your allowance,” Quentin threatened.

As those words hit her fatal spot, Joey angrily pouted her lips, though she didn’t dare to answer back.

“If so, I shall share the burden with you, Papa,” Elise smilingly agreed to his request, and Joey was obviously annoyed.

After dinner, Joey left with Elise’s party. Having walked out of the restaurant, she immediately went the opposite direction.

“Where are you going?” Elise turned to look at her.

“Mind your own business.” Joey scornfully glared at her and continued walking.

“An autographed poster from mysterious singer H.” Out of nowhere, Elise muttered sotto voce.

The next second, drawn to the lure, Joey froze and automatically returned.

“Are you serious?” Joey eyed her in disbelief.

“And a private photograph.”

Shocked, she started panting and shaking Elise’s arm violently. “Where! Gimme, gimme!”

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