Bring Your A Game

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 621

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 621

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 621

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 621-“Yes.” Johnny politely nodded and said without flinching, “I’m Johnny Smith, but my original name is Michael Freeman. I graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Business School with a double-degree doctorate, and am currently an external professor at MIT.”

“Good.” Kenneth walked forward in a good-natured manner and patted Johnny’s shoulder. “You’ve heard it, Mr. Haas. Smith Co. is full of talents, and all of them are from Cittadel. As long as you’re agreeable, they can be a lecturer at Tissote University any time.”

Leon’s eyes sparkled when he heard that. “Of course, I’m more than agreeable!” Right after he said that, he realized that he, as the principal, had acted in an undignified manner, and he cleared his throat to calm himself. Then, he turned his head and stared at Martin while saying, “Mr. Kamp, the first principle of being a teacher is to keep your word. You’re the one who came up with the idea to resign as the homeroom teacher. Do remember to write a report and send it to my office once you’re done.”

“Mr. Haas, you—”

“What about me?” Leon had more guts when he spoke now that he had Kenneth’s support. Thus, he immediately added before Martin could continue, “Mr. Kamp, you’re a foreigner, and everyone is polite to you because they see you as a guest. However, if you say one thing but do another without keeping to your word, causing the students to doubt your credibility, things won’t be as simple as just giving up your post as the homeroom teacher.” After he finished speaking, he let out a long breath.

Previously, he had always been polite and respectful when he spoke with Martin because he was a lecturer from abroad, but this time, he finally turned the tables on Martin and took the wind out of his sails.

In this country, it was the voices of the locals that carried more weight. For a person who could even abandon his motherland, he had no right to throw his weight around at honorable students in this


Martin could only shut his mouth and accept this outcome although he was embarrassed.

It couldn’t be helped because he couldn’t lose his qualifications to lead the Elite Class. Right now, he could only step down, but there would be a chance to be promoted again. However, if the students protested against him as a group and he lost his right to recommend students for studies abroad, then it would really be the end of him.

It’s never too late to have my revenge, Martin seethed silently. Kenneth and Elise, I’ll let you have your way for now. You guys better sleep with one eye open or else…

When Sophie saw that Martin had been punished, she thought she was off the hook. As she was worried she might catch Kenneth’s attention, she silently bent her knees and tried to sit down unnoticed. Unfortunately, her butt had barely touched the chair when he called out her name.

“Now, it’s time to speak about Sophie’s problem.”

Elise was speechless as she thought, It seems like he’s the actual homeroom teacher, giving out instructions one after another.

Kenneth raised his brows playfully at her when he caught the look on her face, and she sighed and shook her head in response. Why did I ever expect this guy to be serious for once in his life?

He had his hands in his pockets and wasted no time in saying, “You can come in now.”

After that, Jackson walked in awkwardly while Elise stared at him curiously. Actually, he didn’t want to just run errands for Elise, but Kenneth asked him to investigate this!

This was Kenneth Bailey!

Besides Alexander Griffith, Kenneth was probably the only one who could do as he wanted and find out anything in Cittadel!

As for Alexander, ever since Reuben’s bizarre death, they were always at odds with each other; while one was unwilling to seek help from the other, the other was suspicious of the information provided. So, he could only find another way out.

Just as he was in a bit of a pickle, Kenneth came looking for him with a deal. It was as though the heavens were helping him, so of course, there was no reason for him to turn him down!

Even though he was going back on his words again, he had to bear with it for the sake of the truth!

After regaining his composure, he had a stern look as he showed his arrest warrant. “Sophie Bowen, you’re suspected of conducting illegal transactions in Bloodthirsty Manor and hiring mercenaries to assassinate someone. Therefore, you are now officially under arrest!” As he spoke, he tilted his head and gestured to his subordinates to arrest her.

Two plainclothes officers with police IDs stepped forward and dragged Sophie out from her seat.

“I’m innocent! I didn’t do it! I have no idea what Bloodthirsty Manor is!”

She started resisting and used all her might to throw off the plainclothes officers in her fear. Then, in a moment of agitation, she managed to shove one of them to the ground when he was trying to subdue her.

The officer immediately pulled out the handcuffs and pinned her against the table once his partner fell. “Sophie Bowen, you now have one more charge, which is assaulting a police officer! If you continue resisting, I can and will fire the gun to bring you in!”

Upon hearing the word ‘gun’, her legs turned to jelly from fear, and she bit her lower lip, not daring to make a scene anymore.

The officer who fell over scrambled to his feet and straightened his clothes, looking somewhat embarrassed. In truth, he had tripped himself earlier, and his fall didn’t have much to do with Sophie.

Since she had already been handcuffed, well… Then, it was just her luck!

Soon, the officers escorted Sophie out of the room, and the second they were gone, the classroom fell into complete silence.

Leon hurriedly spoke to Kenneth as he recalled the sudden employee transfer. “Mr. Bailey, may I inquire what has brought you here today?”

Even Martin couldn’t help but perk his ears. Based on his previous research, Kenneth had a lot of businesses under his name, and he should be as busy as a bee. Usually, he wouldn’t be available, but the moment Elise was in trouble… He would lunge forward to help her like a knight in shining armor. What a bootlicker!

However, he didn’t know that Kenneth had already planted his ‘spies’ a long time ago in order to understand Elise’s situation at the university.

“Of course, I’m here for work.” He cleared his throat in an attempt to look more professional, then took another look at Elise before reluctantly leaving. “Let’s go, Mr. Haas. Let’s talk business.” When he reached the door, he paused and added, “Please come along with us, Mr. Kamp.”

Although he made it here in time, he was still a step too late, and Elise had to prove her own innocence. This Kamp guy, who had no idea just who he was messing with, had to be taught a lesson!

Martin was momentarily startled as he took off his glasses irritably and told the class to self-study before he rushed out.

The instant he left, the class started rejoicing.

“Oh, wow; we won!”

“This is amazing! We’ve finally switched our homeroom teacher! I can’t stand him since forever!”

“Elise!” Mica trotted over and grabbed Elise’s hands in excitement. “You are amazing! Are you the one who recovered the video recording? Your computer skills are awesome!”

“I know someone who’s rather good at this,” Elise answered as she tried her best to gloss over the details. “He’s well-versed with computers, so he helped me out in a jiffy.”

“I see,” Mica uttered as she took Elise’s words at face value. “That guy, Mr. Bailey, is your friend, right? Elise, all of your friends are amazing, except me—”

“You’re amazing, too,” Elise interrupted with a smile. “Earlier, you’re the only girl who stood up for me. That takes a lot of courage, so don’t ever sell yourself short!”

“Really?” Mica chuckled sheepishly, a little embarrassed by Elise’s compliment.

Even though she knew that Elise was just being polite, encouraging words could really boost one’s confidence.

All of a sudden, she felt that she shouldn’t have rejected the people who wanted to be friends with her in the past. Friends could be each other’s lifelines; unfortunately, she had learned this lesson too late.

Luckily, Elise didn’t mind her company, so she would definitely treasure a friend like her!

Meanwhile, David slumped onto the couch in anxiety when he received news about Celina’s disappearance. After Mrs. Woods gave him some water to take with his cardiac pill, he gradually managed to calm down from being agitated.

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