Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 732 Interpretation (2)

Chapter 732 Interpretation (2)

It had been a long time since Skullius had had an epiphany.

Instead of accruing a bunch of skills, realising truths about oneself without a plethora of external factors, crutches really, like techniques, weapons, and all, was the key to utilising said crutches to the fullest.

As Skullius held the chunk of rock shaped – vaguely – like a sword, while making sure his control of Null Life Essence kept his diced body intact, tough, and firm, his perception of everything seemed to increase.

There was a momentary wobble, because he had hurriedly drawn, and connected his severed leg to his body clumsily so that the healing effect of the potion could attempt to reconnect it properly, but he soon steadied himself.

Skullius' direction of growth wasn't wrong. It was merely a bit misguided, and he had been missing a lot of hints along the path... until now.

One of these hints, was Alaris' actions, and words from that day they sparred.

The other, which quite blatantly screamed in his sight multiple times, was [Unmatched Sword Sense].

However, this revelation Skullius was beginning to understand, was not solely related to Swordsmanship, which was why he himself, was a bit overwhelmed by it.

What was its limits?

Null Life Essence briskly coated Skullius' 'sword' and he gave himself up to the idea that yes... it was a sword.

It crisply serrated the rugged edges of the sharp shapely rock, and as the short Swordsman watched, first in confusion, the Hybrid Luman looked to become like a vacant shell that was inhabited by a concept.

His presence turned hollow, yet vast for a moment.

Standing with his damaged clothing, in a still, but frightening position, a menacing whisper rang loudly, turning the short Swordsman's face a little pale, and paralysing him.

Or was he entranced instead?

Skullius had sunken into [Swordmaster's Quiescence].


Horror swept by.


The short Swordsman felt a nick on his cheek, and he began to bleed from a narrow cut.


Yes, he was guarded excessively by his meddlesome red clouds.

Yes, he was fully on guard the entire time.

...And no, he had not seen this coming.

As he ran a finger on his cheek, letting the blood stain it, he immediately dashed towards Skullius with a murderous flare in his eyes!


What was this?!

Did this wannabe Swordsman actually... copy him?!

By the time he reached Skullius' location though, the Hybrid Luman had already vacated to another distant spot, a large distance away. He had immediately set to flee before the short man even finished accumulated the idea to attack, and cull his existence before he conjured something else absurd.

This time, his enemies found that it was difficult to locate Skullius.

His presence had suddenly turned dim, nearly indiscernible, but it wouldn't take them long to find him.

Skullius was counting on that brief gap in time to fully grasp this tether at a realisation.

Alaris had told him that reaching the level of a master, a true master in any craft, required committing wholly.

That the evil scum of the world, committed, and that's why they could touch on their goals.

The just also committed, to the notion of risks and reward.

But Skullius wasn't whole in the first place, so perhaps that was why he was lagging in Swordsmanship.

The Hybrid Luman had also theorised that this lack extended to all his powers which he had yet to fully understand.

And that's why now, he remembered, and realised.

'That day, Alaris said he was about to get serious in our spar, and told me that if I could move all the grass with a swing of my sword, I would be close to becoming a Master, but I couldn't...' Skullius, whose thoughts were rapidly segmented by the Omniscient Thought Cracker, recalled.

Yes, that day.

Skullius hadn't questioned how Alaris made the grass turn still, and erect without even moving. He had assumed it was just an advanced sword technique that he could learn by using [Immoral Authority] on some fool in the future. Granted, Alaris didn't teach with words that much, so Skullius was justified in being a little confused.

But now, he understood it a bit.

He almost slapped his own face.

No wonder.

 Sword Sense! It was just Sword Sense!

The very same damn thing he had!

The same thing Skullius had a skill, called [Unmatched Sword Sense].


Unmatched Sword Sense (Special) | Lv.40]

You attain a passive extreme understanding of any sword. How to wield it, how to care for it, how to hear its LIVING SOUL and how to swing it. In addition, you gain the active ability to bring out 200% of any sword's potential, even if its durability is gone.

Mana Requirements: 1000 (I) Mana Points, 100 (I) Mana Points every minute

Durability: ---

Cooldown: None


That was all it was!

Those who intended to master the sword had an affinity with swords, and could in some way, understand a sword, as well as its intent. Not all swords had consciousness, but every sword had a purpose.

To cut.

To pierce.

A high understanding of the sword, allowed one to manifest a sword's purpose without moving it.

Sword Sense.

That was what the short Swordsman was doing in order to strike from a distance.

However, this level of mastery, required that the Swordsman actually communicate with their blade, listening to its intent, and making it comfortable in his or her grasp.

But Skullius...

The Hybrid Luman slapped his own face this time.

In that same spar with Alaris, he had reminded the Bashful Abomination to keep quiet as he used it. He didn't like the rattle of its voice, and even though the sword very much liked him, he didn't use it the way it actually preferred – besides, the Bashful Abomination was still too entranced by the promotion from being held by a smelly, large goblin, to a human who bought it a nice scabbard.

As for Demion's Dance, Skullius barely paid attention to its quivering, and humming which usually rang through his hand when he used it. He hated that too.

And now, as he looked at the description of [Unmatched Sword Sense] once again, he felt a shiver of shame.

Why didn't Alaris just tell him?!

Well, that didn't matter right now anyway.

 Skullius was not only looking for a thread of breakthrough in Swordsmanship.


A warning made him dart away, and while he kept a keen focus on the Mind Caster, who could once again immobilise him, Skullius stopped, and held up his 'sword'.

As the pillar he was hiding behind shattered, sharp whisper cried towards him, and this time, Skullius... could perceive it!

He stood still, and kept a firm belief on what he was a holding.

In the very depths of his soul, he felt himself believing...

'It's a sword...'

It was a sword.

It had to be sword.

And so it was.

Thus [Unmatched Sword Sense] didn't have a choice, but to recognise the strangely shaped rock as a sword!

A sharp whisper scurried from the Hybrid Luman, and carved against the one which came from the short Swordsman!

The short man was appalled to see Skullius unharmed, and when he saw him wearing a ghostly face, another crisp shriek calling in his ears, a sign of something approaching, he dived to the side in horror!

However, more than a nick that came last time, a large gash appeared on the short Swordsman's chest, even though he thought he had gotten out of the way!

What was this?!

Even if Skullius was using swordsmanship on par with his, how was he able to ignore his defences with mere mana coating his blade?!


Skullius took a breath, and traced the Mind Caster's whereabouts. Naturally, he was moving on his own, hunting the Hybrid Luman in his own way.

'Just a little more,' Skullius thought before rushing away again while the short man looked puzzled by the conundrum that was 'how'. Like before though, he quickly recovered, and started running after Skullius again.

The Hybrid Luman hid behind another pillar, and took a breath.

With how his mind, and soul were now feeling, he couldn't help but be proud of himself for buying the Super potions. He had about 16 stocked up in his Temporary Storage!

They could heal a person even if half their body was ground to dust, and cure recent soul damage. Moreover, their regenerative effect lasted 24 hours!

The one Skullius had consumed was the reason why his emotions were quickly settling from how hard his soul had been rattled by the Soul Seducer. Honestly, Skullius wished he had thought to use them sooner, but using it right now, actually made him feel better.

Perhaps if he hadn't found himself in this predicament, he wouldn't have found this hint towards the next step to growth.

...And now, he could figure the rest out.

Swordsmanship wasn't Skullius' main goal, but it was a gateway. The key to the gateway, lied in one skill from his Swordsmanship corner.

[Swordmaster's Quiescence]


Swordmaster's Quiescence (Special) | Lv.31]

A sword master, after reaching a certain calibre can enter a state of flow, peace and immersion within their mastered craft. This state is only a once in a lifetime opportunity for most practitioners but for a true sword master, it is an ability used through simple choice.

Mana Requirements: 20,000 (I) Mana, 1500 (I) every minute.

Duration: 10 minutes

Cooldown: 20 hours


A state of flow, peace, and immersion.

That was this skill induced.

In the past months, Skullius had learnt to control this state of immersion, but only for a very brief period – ten seconds. He would be immersed in the feeling of giving in, in order to heighten his capability as a Swordsman.josei

It was handy, but... was it really ONLY limited to Swordsmanship?

Since he had window where he could think properly, and move for himself while in this state, couldn't he steer this state of immersion, towards any idea he wanted before being swept into becoming a manic butcher?

To reach an extremity, one had to give themselves wholly to it. To the benefits, and the risks.

Yes, Skullius was not whole, and would probably never be until he found the other half of his soul, but he could cheat that with [Swordmaster's Quiescence]. Just for a short time.


Once again, Skullius felt that his enemies were close.

A thick red cloud began to envelop the area around him, covering a distance that exceeded [Destined Warp Steps]' maximum range.

It was time to stop running, and act on this idea anyway.

Currently, Skullius was the Hybrid Luman, the Insurgent Magnus.

From the legacy, he had awakened the WILLS of Fulgardt.





If Skullius didn't know any better, he'd think that Fulgardt had reached the extremity of each of these, and they seemed to be the very thing he needed to overcome his enemies.

Well, as a start.

Though, he wondered, was the ten second window enough for this?

Perhaps. Perhaps not.

But more importantly, as he had questioned himself before...

Was the current him REALLY inadequate in dealing with these two fools?

Flesh no!

He just needed to immerse himself wholly in things that were already a part of him; cunning, understanding, brutality, and bloodlust!

'And of course, in the midst of it all, is Null Life Essence!' Skullius thought.

The short Swordsman bellowed as he dashed towards Skullius who immediately used [Swordmaster's Quiescence] while a rush of excitement bubbled within his torn, bare flesh that oozed of red clouds wherever he had been cut.

The Mind Caster also saw the opportunity, and attacked from a distance, reluctant to enter the stewing red mass.

Micro moments before the short Swordsman reached him, Skullius seemed to once again turn into a hollow shell possessed by nothing except the concept of a body.

But... right before his opponent who was desperate to kill him, heaving his glowing odachi sceptre (?) down, the Hybrid Luman wore a blissful grin, and looked up.

The manifestation of something so profound, it was bigger than Skullius simply learning to accept that death was an inevitability, bloomed, darkening the fates of his enemies....

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