Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 87 The Endgame (4)

Chapter 87 The Endgame (4)

‘Are you fleshing me?’ Skullius thought as he felt the two intense bursts of energy that came from Benzard and Reon.

Another conflict has risen for him and this one was especially vexing.

Reon dashed over to Skullius, covering the vast distance in a flash and swiping his sword with all his might!josei

The blade flickered and shone under the luminance of the golden white spots of light as it aimed for Skullius’ neck, the Discount Human not being able to react to this at all!


Reon’s sword clashed against a large claymore that blocked the way, failing to kill its target!

Skullius’ eyes were wide open as he only realised what had just happened a moment later!

The remains of Fulgardt had suddenly appeared, blocking Reon’s sword with its own!

Skullius drew back and so did Reon as he trembled at the presence of this skeleton that exuded power like he had never felt before. It gazed at him intently with its hollow eyes and reached its hand to grab him!

“How about I be your opponent?” Sause said from a distance, his body beginning to radiate a powerful surge of mana but produced a red glow which drove away the darkness and light!.

The creature that had been about to attack Reon stopped and turned its head to the giant, its figure flickering like a dying light and appearing before the giant with the claymore clutched in one of its hands, raising it high!

Sause grinned.

His body bulged, thick vessels growing to become visible from his flesh.

His red eyes became even more menacing and he prepared to tank the attack of his foe.

The claymore came down and when it did…

Darkness and Light sped towards the sword as it sliced through the air, merging with its blade to replace the dark grey shade of the metal with a strange mash of bright and dark that couldn’t be explained with mere words!

Sause who had convinced himself that he was prepared for this attack was shocked as he, who was on the receiving end, felt the full suffocating pressure of the attack as it blinded him with both darkness and light!

What followed was a phenomenon that noone expected!

The ground rumbled from the force, the power released being enough to push Reon, Skullius and Benzard from the ground involuntarily and then be struck by a storm of darkness and light that blew them to the other side of the large room!

All three knocked against the sturdy walls with Skullius feeling the shock in his body that fractured his bones!

Reon gritted his teeth as he remained lodged in the wall while Benzard had a thin layer of deep red that traced his body as he stuck to the wall, a  dent with his shape around him as well.

The scene before the three was catastrophic as half of the place was obliterated, the once sturdy floor having large blocks that protruded out of it, dust rising upwards!

Ahead, the skeleton that guarded the spiral groves door was in its stance, the sword that had just slashed everything to heck oozing of mana while everything in front it save for one thing was demolished!

Rubble cluttered while what had been firm structure were ground to dust, such as the walls and everything that had made up the next room!

The bulky figure of Sause stood with its arms crossed, a shallow wound trailing from his forehead his abdomen.

Blood was leaking from this cut, but Sause didn’t seem to mind.

The awe he felt was unveiled through the shining of his eyes and the wide smile he wore.

He had successfully defended, but just barely.

The attack packed a lot of the power that Fulgardt had created for himself.

[Evil Darkness] and [Just Light].

‘Aha ha. This is intense. I can tell this is nowhere near as strong as Fulgardt. Even this darkness and light is an imitation of the real thing. This corpse can probably only use the two elements as its power. This still begs the question of whether or not Fulgardt really intended to hand over his power to someone else. I can’t even sense mana from his bones. Could he have…? Anyway, I should focus on stalling for those brats to do their job,’ Sause thought before he suddenly threw a jab punch at Fulgardt’s bones!

The punch left white after-images as it sped, reaching the way shorter figure of Fulgardt which raised its sword and held it vertically to defend!


The ground once again jumped from the power exhibited by Sause, but the claymore in the Fulgardt’s hands didn’t budge under the impact, defending its wielder perfectly!

‘Fascinating. That’s not even your weapon of choice, Fulgardt! You truly intended for someone to inherit your legacy after all, didn’t you?!’ Sause mused.

On the other end, Skullius pulled himself from the wall and landed on the ground.

He saw the battle that was taking place a distance away through the gaps in the darkness that remained after the remains of Fulgardt had drawn a huge chunk of it all and used it in that fearsome attack.

As Fulgardt was preoccupied with Sause, Skullius saw the unguarded double doors to what was probably the legacy that he had resigned to grab for himself and get the heck out of here!

There it was.

Only a few seconds away and waiting for him to take it!

Skullius suddenly bolted towards the doors at full speed, using every ounce of strength he could find!

He even pumped mana from his white core and into his body to increase his speed and the result was a significant boost to his agility!

The door with spiral groves came into view, becoming bigger and bigger as he Skullius got closer!

‘Almost…!’ Skullius pumped himself up as he reached out his hand to the floor.

This had to be it!

The reward for his suffering, endurance and tolerance to everything that had happened in this place!

It had to be him to get one over these fiends that had brought him here!

As he climbed up the staircase, faith brimming in his core, the hairs on Skullius’ cosmetic body rose, a bright flash of light along with a electric noise resounding in his ears!

Skullius didn’t dare to turn around as he kept his eyes on the prize.


Thick bolts of lightning razed the floor and ceiling as they rampaged!

They lit up the doors and pushed away the darkness with their eerie red saturation that made the immediate surroundings look like they were dyed in blood!

Skullius found himself unable to move forward as streaks of lightning ran along his body, a crisp sound along with billows of smoke rising from his flesh!

Benzard’s sword had penetrated his back, coming out from his chest as it released squirming bursts of lightning that began to fry Skullius!

The Discount Human saw his skin ignite, darkening as the heat brought by the red lightning tore away its natural colour and lively appearance!

“I’m afraid your role ends here,” Benzard said, his voice being monotone and devoid of sympathy.

A tattoo ran along the left side of his face to the hand that held onto his the sword which he held his sword with.

The power of the class he had received had finally shown itself, taking to its first victim!

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