Broken Tower Saga: The First Swordsman

Chapter 115

Chapter 115: People of the Mah'shai D'borge Clan (2)

After finishing the bread, Anton did not just leave. He waited for the three females claimed to be of Mah'shai D'borge Clan to finish their business. Surprisingly, these three girls were more efficient, they did not waste a moment in their meal, nor any other activity.

The violent one of them, Seriel glared at him on more than one occasion, besides that they minded their business. While Anton did not bother them as well. He closed off his eyelids and decided to work on the seal. Even though it would not break anytime soon, the more he tries the less restriction he would feel later.josei

Meanwhile, the three females finished their business, decided to move on again. Anton felt that as well, but waited for exactly a count to a hundred to open his eyes. It was not a good idea to stalk after three unknown girls that he only knew for just a few minutes, and moreover, these females did not look the type that would let him be like that.

That was where Anton's skill at tracking came into play. Like he had thought, the three of the Mah'shai D'borge clan did not move together. The two spear bearers moved along the path, while the Archer was hidden on the trees or somewhere. She was definitely close by, watching over her two other companions.

A simple plan, but splendidly effective. 

It appeared the archer noticed his approach, but did not bother with him. Maybe because of the little gratitude, or Anton did not give her a reason, keeping a safe distance from the group. 

Even without following the group, Anton could fare well alone, but behind them would give a much safer path as they will take care of all the nuisances in the path. That did not mean he would not try to help them if there is a need.

Or maybe his old habit of following after girls acting up again.

Anton was moving along the tracks left behind by the female warriors. It was about half an hour he was following them, none assaulted them as off yet. He wished it would be the same all day. But the world did not seem to care about his wishes.

Suddenly, Anton faltered in his walk. He looked past a few trees to see the Archer that gave him water and bread was sitting on a branch of a tree. She was clearly waiting for him. If he was not wrong her name was Aeriel.

"If you think you would be safe following us, you might be wrong," said the archer on the tree. "Outlander."

Anton frowned. Did she tell him not to follow them? No that can't be right, her tone implied she was only voicing out the news. Her next phrase proved him right. 

"I am not saying you should go on your own. Do you remember the few men from before, the ones assaulted us? They were not just some men, they were ordered to send out after us, and there are more."

Anton did not know what to say. This girl was saying, if he kept on following them then he would mess up in their conflict.

"So, Outlander, if you continue following us, there is a good chance you will be flooded by a conflict you have no concern for."

Aeriel after that. She moved like a monkey in between the branches of the trees, as if she would not mind either way if Anton followed or not.

Well, Anton was not the type to back down either. Even though he was not in any condition for combat, he still decided to follow the three of the Mah'Shai clan. Eh would be much safer following them, rather than moving alone.

At least until, he broke the seal restricting him.

.. .

Leaving all the other business to Lily, Wrik moved along the path indicated on the map. Behind him was Byul. Surprisingly, she was able to keep up with his pace, even though he was running at almost his full speed.

Byul did not complain even if she had to put in more effort, and it was not a time for complaining either. One of their allies was in distress, they had to move as fast as possible. 

The sun moved a little on the sky as they moved away from the foot of the mountain to the large grassland. Wrik avoided the field with large grasses where he was bit by vipers. There was no way he would go there again, knowing the danger.

They figured it would take them about a couple of hours to reach the spot, but later they were proven wrong. It appeared Davin was moving towards them as well, and that too with good speed.

They moved for half an hour more. Wrik opened the map again to notice they were just about to meet. He gestured at Byul to be battle-ready. They do not know what they would be against, it did not hurt to be ready for anything ominous. 

Unsurprisingly, Byul was already ready with her wand. It was in the grassland she was first assaulted on the very first day of the test. There was no way she would be careless now.

After moving along a little while, they came forward a group of men, holding in over a dozen. Fortunately, they found the guy they were looking for. Moreover, there was another familiar person as well and he was leading the group. They were in better shape than Wrik had hoped.

Davin and Jacob sighed in relief together as they saw the figure of Wrik and Byul. They came a long way and finally found their friends.

"It appears you guys are in good shape," Wrik said with a merry smile.

Jacob smiled as well, but Davin froze in his smile. Seeing Davin like that, they figured all was not too well.

"We have a problem," Jacob said in place of davin. He could feel Davin was feeling ashamed of himself.

Wrik had a few questions he would like to ask, such as how Jacob made a group on his own? How their journey till now. But the worry on the duo's exterior made him silent.

"Anton and Kevin got captured," Jacob said again. 

Wrik's heart skipped a beat. "When?" he asked. "How?"

"It was five days ago, counting today," Davin said this time. His face was looking down, clearly could not meet Wrik in the eyes.

Wrik gritted his teeth, and tried all he could to calm down. "Who was it? Who captured Ton?"

"Scythe." Davin and Jacob said together.

"Scythe," Wrik repeated. He was hearing this name these days on multiple occasions. "Tell me in details."

It appeared his encounter with this Scythe is inevitable.

.. .

"Why is this outlander eating with us?" Seriel asked. She did not forget to give a glare at Anton after that. She was the only one that seemed to have a problem with Anton joining them, while the other two put no mind to it.

Anton could only smile at the behaviour of the violent one spear maiden. Spear maiden was the name he had chosen for the two. After the talk with the archer called Aeriel, he did not move away, and it seemed Aeriel was far better at heart than her sister Seriel. She brought him in together and even gave him a few medicines. And now they were eating together. Well, he was still dozens of yards away from them, but they still gave him food.

All of this was probably because Anton helped them again when another group assaulted the maidens. As Aeriel said before, people of the Mah'shai Bourge clan knew how to show gratitude. 

Despite the fact that Anton knew nothing about their clan, and the girls did not bother to mention about their clan, he could guess it was a clan that breeds warriors.

"Do you have a name, outlander?" Aeriel asked. 

Anton did not know what type of question was that. Who does not have a name? It was probably the way they talk.

"I have one," he said. "It's Anton."

Aeriel nodded. "By now you probably know our names," said, introducing themselves. "I'm Aeriel, the one that was glaring at you is Serial, and the other one is Sepiel. We are from the Mah'shai D'borge Clan."

Anton knew their name, from earing their interaction, but hearing out did not hurt. It only makes their interaction a little more cordial.

"Say," Anton asked something he was deliberating for a while. "Are people of your clan also known as Bourgmen, or Borgmen?" 

Serial snorted. "That's just the name you outlander gave us." She continued. "We are the Spear of the Retribution, we are of the Mah'shai D'borge clan."

"That clears a lot of things," Anton muttered, recalling all the tales he heard in his childhood about the Bourgmen. 

There were all types of tales about them, he did not know how much of it was true, but one this was clear the Borgmen loved to fight. The three girls in front of him were the living proof of that.

There was also another name for them. A name they still take pride in. 


End of Chapter: People of the Mah'shai D'borge Clan. 

Next Chapter: Enraged. 

I changed the clan name from Bourge to D'borge, hope there's no issue with that. 

This chapter was also not edited well, apology for that. (Don't know when the laptop will be fixed.)





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