Broken Tower Saga: The First Swordsman

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: A Brave New World Awaiting (3)

"Besides all that, I did not just assist you in following orders," Sophia said. "I want something from you, and that was one of the reasons I call you today."

Wrik raised an eyebrow. "What is it? I can do it if it is within my abilities."

"Are you sure, it may become a bothersome task?"

Wrik nodded. He could handle a little brother in exchange for everything Sophia did for him. The teachings she had imparted with them were not something anyone would give in the Tower.

"Look after my sister when I was away," Sophia said, quite seriously.

"Eh," Wrik was dumbfounded. "Gladly," he said, though he did not know who would be looking after whom. With how secretive Tanya was with her strength, Wrik was pretty much sure she didn't want to break his heart.

"Isn't she lovely?" Sophia asked.

"Yes," Wrik answered without pondering.

Sophia grinned out. "Have you heard it, Tanya?" she shouted. "Now quit your attempt to hear anything secretly, or I'll put up a soundproof barrier next."

A loud snort came from above, as Sophia nodded.

"Don't worry, she did not hear much," she said.

Wrik only gave a hollow laugh.

"Now let's talk about serious business," Sophia continued. "As I said before, I can only indicate you somewhere, you have to find it yourselves. Listen carefully, do not mention this to any of your companions, not even to your brother or my sister."

A stern look appeared in his eyes as he said, "I'm all ears."

"After a month, you will start your climbing for real. With the progress, you made these days, I don't think the Trial will be that much difficult, but prepare for everything in the nine years I have been here. I learned one thing, the situation can always turn worse."

Wrik nodded, repeating the words, "Situations can always turn worse."

Sophia seemed to be satisfied with his behaviour, said again. "You all will get a good score on the first floor if you stick together, remember Brawl and mana are not the only weapons you got. Intelligence plays a good role in it as well. You can do only a little if you're alone, so the best thing will always be to stick together with the ones you can trust." 

Wrik nodded. Sophia had some resembles his aunt Anna when she was in command. Maybe that's why Wrik trust her so much.

"Now the situations become a lot more complicated after you passed the first floor. It's entirely another world." She continued, sighing. "There's a game playing on in the tower, bigger than any. You and I are all but chess pieces, but I as a chess piece know some rules of it while you, Tanya, everyone was oblivious to it.

"The Tower is about to witness another change. I don't know if it will go in our favour or not." Sophia bit her lips, saying that.

Wrik on the other hand, did not understand most of what Sophia said, yet he did not question it either as he knew Sophia could not answer it.

"There will be some who will look for their chess piece after the test finishes," Sophia continued. "There will be some looking for an opportunity in the chaos. Try not to catch their attention if it's possible.

"Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"No," Wrik said truthfully. "Other than you telling me to be cautious, and some bigger play, I get nothing."

"That's not your fault. Just remember my words. There will be tens of people who come after you with friendly offers. .. do not fall into those traps. Try to hide yourself as much as you can."

"I don't understand what game you are talking about, but I get what you are trying to imply," Wrik sighed. "Don't worry though, caution is in my nature, and I don't want to be someone's chess piece either."

Sophia frowned, but then nodded.

"By the way, I have another matter to ask you as well. Even if you didn't call me today, I would have come to ask you this." Wrik recalled a very important matter he was posing for a few days. "I heard you came to my home in Pantia, before finding me in Elania," he continued, seeing the nod from the blonde woman. "Did you see my mom?"

Sophia went silent for a moment. "I did go to your home at Pantia, but I didn't get to see your mother. I heard she was suffering from some terrible illness," she said. "Is this about her? Is this the reason you entered the tower?"

Wrik did not answer the question. "She was suffering from some unknown diseases for over a decade." He continued in a shaking voice. "Her entire body was paralysed, and she almost lost her mind even before that. I don't think she even recognises anyone now."

Sophia could see the anxiety in his voice, and the pain too. But she did not say anything to relieve him.

"Is there any medicine, elixir, or medicines that could cure that?" he asked, finally looking at Sophia with his deep, dark eyes.

His eyes told Sophia he only wanted the truth.

Sophia did not disappoint him. She said in a milder tone. ''There is. But it's a myth."

"Isn't the tower a myth itself?"

Sophia did not know how to answer that. She knew about some elixir that can cure all diseases—mental or physical, but it's a myth of the tower. It might have been true in ancient times, but it's only a myth now.

She could tell Wrik will not take — No for an answer, so she gave the best answer she can offer. "The tower is broader than anyone knew. A miracle happened here every day. I think you could find anything if you wanted it so badly.

"There's a place I know. It may be a myth too. On the 42nd floor of the tower, there was a hidden trial that granted anyone a wish within the limit of possibility. It might just be the lore of the past, I don't know, but it's the only hope I can give you."

A glitter appeared in Wrik's eyes. "Has anyone ever succeeded?"

"There are rumours. I know a person who may have succeeded there, but he never admitted. .. Moreover, there was no news of him for over a decade,'' Sophia paused. She blinked a couple of times, muttering, "Why didn't I think of that before?!"

"Um?" Wrik gave the blonde lady a questioning look.

Sophia controlled her emotions from leaking out. "Nevermind. Do not think about those for now," she said. "The 42nd floor was still a dream for you. Do not neglect your training, just because you have a chance of becoming an Omega designer. Remember, without personal strength, you would not fare well in the trial.josei

"Remember all the words I said to you. A brave new world is awaiting you. .. It may not be the world you dreamt of, but if you want something, you have to take the risk. Advance each step with courage and caution, never settle for mediocrity."


End of Chapter: A Brave New World Awaiting.

Next: Interludes-II

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