Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 119 - 117

Chapter 119 - 117: Lolorobert’s Big Adventure

Chapter 119: Chapter 117: Lolorobert’s Big Adventure

Translator: 549690339

The media blacklisted by Lincoln didn’t send lawyer letters casually, just for fun like he did.

Their lawyer letters were seriously issued by law firms, drafted by agents, and stamped with official seals.

In layman’s terms, that means they spent money on these letters!

Law firms don’t provide services for free.

But with Lincoln’s series of actions, all the lawyer letters turned into jokes.

They couldn’t count on their lawyer letters being taken seriously anymore. Their only options were to pretend nothing ever happened or, as the letter stated, to actually sue Cloud Dream in court!

However, a lawsuit in court is different from a simple lawyer letter—it would require more money.

Although the money spent on lavvyer letters is not a big deal even if it’s wasted, engaging in a serious lawsuit could be costly. If they still lose in the end, it would all be in vain.

The Anti-Cloud Dream Alliance group fell silent.

At this moment, a chief editor with an odd train of thought came up with an idea: “What if we report Lincoln for forging an official seal?”

A series of question marks appeared in the group chat, expressing confusion at this peculiar idea.

But soon, everyone caught on.

“Right! This is a great idea! That ‘Awesome Law Firm’ sounds totally made up!”

“Seems like forging an official seal is a pretty serious issue, right? Anyone familiar with the specifics?”

“Can a case be filed?”

“That’s hard to say, it depends on the specific circumstances. It’s best to consult a professional lawyer. But even if a case can’t be filed, at least he’d be detained for a few days!”

“I don’t care about compensation for losses anymore; as long as he spends a few days in jail, I’m willing to pay!”

“Young people tend to be arrogant when they’re successful. This kid has finally shown his weak point!”

Roooooobert noticed the sudden change in the group chat and was a bit worried.

He wasn’t versed in the law, but he did have a basic understanding of legal matters.

He did some research and found relevant legal provisions online, but the criteria for conviction were somewhat confusing and hard to comprehend.

Just in case, he logged into his Spiritual Rhinoceros alter ego and sent private messages to Lincoln and Cloud Dream Studio, warning them about someone trying to cause trouble with the “forging official seals” accusation and attaching a screenshot of the chat group.

He had no choice—his main account had been blacklisted, and he couldn’t send private messages.

As for whether Lincoln would see the message and be moved enough to unblock him, that remained to be seen.

Having done that, he prepared to post his video.

He didn’t include the topic of forging official seals.

There had already been too many dramatic events today. His new video had been revised multiple times, and the production kept getting delayed.

He felt that if he continued to make changes, it might never end.

As a member of Cloud Dream’s blacklist, Roooooobert had also been steadily losing fans these past few days.

Watching his fan count drop from 200,000 to 140,000 day by day, he felt heartbroken and couldn’t breathe. He just couldn’t wait any longer.

After uploading the video, he submitted it for review.

“Finally!” Roooooobert sat up straight and stretched his sore back. How things would unfold and whether his account could make a comeback would be left to fate!

On this magical Saturday, the netizens who loved watching the drama felt tired of indulging for the first time.

But by now, everyone felt that the long day was finally about to end.

Lincoln’s lawyer’s letter to the ten million Spiritual Rhinoceros users was a disguised response to the lawyer’s letter the media sent to Cloud Dream.

This absurd mother-inviting absurd behavior should have been the final big fuss.

Unfortunately, they were wrong again.

Just 15 minutes later, on the Little Video Station’s real-time trending list, Roooooobert’s new video parachuted to the top.

Minus the time spent on review, the video took just over 5 minutes to squeeze onto the trending list, making it into the top 10 overall and showing the explosive level of its popularity!

Video title: “The Strongest Anti-Cloud Dream Alliance! Who are they? Video uploader infiltrates at risk of their life to expose the truth!”

“In the past few days, everyone must have already known what happened. To put it simply – I was blacklisted by Cloud Dream.josei

It was a bolt from the blue! This is not an exaggeration.

Those who have watched my live streams and videos should know how much I love Cloud Dream’s virtual environment and “Traveler of the Wind”.

But I can’t complain, because I did take the money.

At the time, I thought I was getting something for nothing, and I was overjoyed like a fool.

However, it turns out there’s no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

How does the saying go? All gifts of fate have a hidden price tag.

The price I paid this time was not small.

But as they say, ‘a setback may turn out to be a blessing,’ and thanks to this opportunity, I got to unravel a big secret.

Now watch – Roooooobert’s undercover adventure!”

In the following video, Roooooobert timestamps each clip with accurate dates and times, helping the audience to piece together a clear timeline.

First, after being blacklisted by Cloud Dream, he received an invite to join the investor’s group.

He also mentioned Super Tomato’s post refusing the 300,000 sponsorship.

He speculated, “The person who reached out to Super Tomato and the person who found me should be from the same group.”

He didn’t forget to mock himself: “Super Tomato’s offer was 300,000 for one post. Mine was 15,000. So my combat effectiveness is only one-twentieth of Tomato’s.”

After joining the group, Roooooobert displayed the list of group members and their respective accounts and fan numbers.

The audience can easily see that all these members are either blacklisted media or celebrities by Cloud Dream Studio.

“Although the host wanted to hide it after joining the group, the discussions in the group quickly exposed their identities – NetDragon’s PR Department!” Roooooobert ruthlessly exposed NetDragon.

The complaints, curses, hyped-up topics, guiding players’ opinions, and forcing Cloud Dream to make a statement in the group were presented as a clear storyline by Roooooobert for the audience.

Many viewers didn’t understand until this moment why so many people were still pestering Cloud Dream for a specific release date, even though Lincoln had already agreed to launch a multi-platform version of “Traveler of the Wind”.

It turned out the goal was to suppress Cloud Dream’s console sales!

In this light, Lincoln’s no-nonsense direct sales approach showcases his impeccable integrity!

Rather than suffer losses, he wanted to fulfill the players’ wishes. What a spirit!

Because of this, players who feel used are burning with anger and ready to go after those responsible once the video ends.

But after covering this topic, the video timeline skips ahead.

Roooooobert played the earliest clip of the group discussing “suing Cloud Dream for compensation” and the recent “media sending lawyer letters” clip from today.

The audience suddenly understands: so this is the root of it!

These people probably thought they couldn’t win a lawsuit and didn’t want to invest, so they changed to using lawyer letters to intimidate Lincoln.

Combined with Lincoln sending lawyer letters to ten million people not long ago, the situation suddenly becomes very amusing.

Lincoln’s actions have multiplied the mocking effect!

At this point, the video still hasn’t ended yet…

The timeline jumps forward again!

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