Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 382 - Ji Muxian Flushes

Chapter 382 - Ji Muxian Flushes

Chapter 382 Ji Muxian Flushes
Fu Zhengzheng enters the housekeeping department. When she is about to turn into the corridor by which Tian Xin’s room is situated, someone emerges suddenly from the corner.

Her first response is to protect the bag of the heat preservation container and leaps away. She is about to ask, but she finds the person in a hurry is Ji Muxian. She is startled. You know he is always composed and has rarely acted so rashly.

“Muxian, what’s up?”

Ji Muxian sees Fu Zhengzheng, manages to calm down and shakes his head, “Nothing.”

“Where are you going so hurriedly?”

“I have something to do.”

Fu Zhengzheng is anxious, “Is there something or nothing with you?”

“You come here to see Tian? She is in the room. I’m going out.” Then Ji Muxian strides out.

Fu Zhengzheng stares at Ji Muxian’s figure confusedly and mutters while turning into the corridor to knock at the door.

“Tian, it’s me.”

Soon Tian Xin opens the door, “Why are you here?”

Fu Zhengzheng shows her the bag of the heat preservation container, “I bring bamboos for the panda.”

Tian Xin looks at the bag and turns her head sideways to look at her back. Then her eyes darken, “Damn Ji Muxian. seeing you come, he disappears immediately! Wait and see how I will punish him when he comes back!”

Fu Zhengzheng glances at the heat preservation container. She seems to understand something, “Was Muxian going to fetch it in a hurry?”

“Yes. I said I was hungry and couldn’t wait for Aunt Chen to bring it here, so I asked him to fetch it.”

Tian Xin turns around to enter and sits down on the sofa.

Fu Zhengzheng laughs, “No wonder he couldn’t explain clearly. Now I know the reason. Is it embarrassing to run an errand for his wife? Who doesn’t know he has married a tigress? Can he conceal it from everyone by telling a little lie?”

Tian Xin pretends to be angry, “Fu Zhengzheng, who is the tigress?”

“Oh, look, you are a genuine tigress.”

Tian Xin gives Fu Zhengzheng a kick, but Fu Zhengzheng stops her and says seriously, “Don’t move. Take care of the baby. You must be very cautious during the first two or three months.”

“I’m not so fragile.”

“It’s the first time that you have been pregnant, so it’s more necessary for you to take care.” Fu Zhengzheng takes out the heat preservation container, puts it down and takes out a bowl to scoop it, but Tian Xin stops her.

“I don’t want to eat.”

“Aren’t you hungry?”

“I don’t want to eat anything at all. I called Muxian to fetch it just to take the chance to punish him.”

“Are you serious? Muxian ran hurriedly in vain.”

Tian Xin covers the lid of the heat preservation container and laughs naughtily, “It will not be the last time for him to hurry. It’s the punishment because he often leaves me alone at home.”

When she just finishes, she feels sick. She runs to the bathroom and vomits.

Fu Zhengzheng enters the bathroom after her while teasing her, “Look, a person can’t do anything against the conscience.”

Tian Xin has already vomited up her dinner. Now she has nothing to vomit. She points at Fu Zhengzheng twice, but she can’t speak anything.

Fu Zhengzheng strokes her back and feels shocked to look at her vomiting.

“It’s very strange. You have just been pregnant, but you vomit terribly. Luckily, I was not like you when I was pregnant, or there would be no Fu Xing in this world.”

It takes Tian Xin quite a while to stop vomiting. Her feet become feeble. Fu Zhengzheng helps her walk to and sit on the sofa and then gives her a glass of water.

“Gargle with it. If you continue vomiting, I will vomit too.”

After Tian Xin gargles, Fu Zhengzheng brings a cushion. Tian Xin lies against it feebly.

After resting for a while, Tian Xin sighs, “So strange. I felt sick and vomited before, but I didn’t vomit so terribly. After I know my pregnancy tonight, I almost vomit everything in my belly out.”

“It’s normal to vomit for a pregnant woman. Don’t worry. You will be all right in about two or three months.”

“In about two or three months? That means I have to continue vomiting for two or three more months? How can I survive?” Tian Xin begins to swear with a long face, “Damn Ji Muxian. It’s all his fault!”

Fu Zhengzheng only tells her that vomiting will last for two or three months, but Tian Xin already thinks she can’t survive. If she knows someone continues vomiting till the delivery, she will be dead scared, won’t she?

Fu Zhengzheng chokes back her laughter and persuades her, “Muxian has been 30 years old. It’s normal for him to want a baby. Besides, even if he doesn’t want, dad and mom will insist.”

“He doesn’t suffer, so he is OK with it surely.” Tian Xin sits up suddenly and says seriously, “I decide not to bear the baby.”

Fu Zhengzheng is startled and criticizes her at once, “What are you talking about?”

“I’m too sick.” Tian Xin looks at her with teary eyes.

“Take it easy.” Fu Zhengzheng comforts her smilingly, “If not, why does everyone praise the greatness of maternal love? Your baby will praise you for that too. In addition, just because of Muxian’s anxiety, you should win the credit.”

While they are talking, the outer door is opened. Fu Zhengzheng looks over her shoulder and sees Ji Muxian come back.


“Hi.” Ji Muxian enters fast and nods slightly. He glances at Tian Xin who is lying on the sofa. Though he doesn’t ask anything, concern can be seen clearly in his eyes.

Fu Zhengzheng rises smilingly, “Tian, I have to go. I will come to see you again. Rise now and have some porridge. When it gets cold, it will be harmful to the stomach.”

“You haven’t had it?” Ji Muxian frowns.

Tian Xin doesn’t move and snorts sulkily, “I won’t.”

Fu Zhengzheng stands aside and doesn’t leave. She keeps staring at what Ji Muxian does. She is curious about how Muxian who always keeps a straight face will coax Tian.

Tian Xin glimpses Fu Zhengzheng on the edge of her vision and finds her just like waiting for a show. Tian Xin twists her head and glares, “Won’t you go? Do you want the pregnant woman to see you off?”

“Um, no, thank you. I will go right now.” Fu Zhengzheng says while moving. But when Ji Muxian pours the porridge out, she hasn’t walked to the door.

How can Tian Xin not know what Fu Zhengzheng has in mind? She sits up suddenly and glares at Fu Zhengzheng.

“Slowly!” Ji Muxian puts down the bowl and stops Tian Xian immediately with exaggerated anxiety.

He knows nothing about a woman’s pregnancy. His anxiety comes from his mother’s brainwashing of course.

Fu Zhengzheng ignores Tian Xin’s eyes and is amused by Ji Muxian’s response. He always looks emotionless. Now he looks unnatural, twitches his mouth corners and then turns around.

Tian Xin manages to recover her facial expression and waves at Fu Zhengzheng deliberately, “How about sleeping on the same bed with me tonight?”

“No. Siqi is waiting for me at home.” Fu Zhengzheng wants to stop laughing, but she can’t. Ji Muxian flushes obviously. It’s funny to see him flush.

Tian Xin glowers at her, “Then why are you still here?”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t take it to heart, “Please enjoy yourself. I just look.”

“Is it interesting to look at someone eating?”

Ji Muxian’s face becomes normal. Ignoring Fu Zhengzheng, he brings the porridge bowl to Tian Xin.

Tian Xin doesn’t take the bowl. She glances sideways at Fu Zhengzheng and orders, “Feed me.”

Fu Zhengzheng opens her mouth slightly and stares at Ji Muxian with her eyes wide open.

Without looking at Fu Zhengzheng, Ji Muxian stirs the porridge with the spoon. But he doesn’t feed it to Tian Xin. Apparently, he isn’t used to being affectionate with Tian Xin before another one.

“Someone likes to look at you feed me. Feed me, or I won’t eat.” Then Tian Xin opens her mouth and waits to be fed by Ji Muxian.

Hearing what Tian Xin says, Fu Zhengzheng can’t stay here longer. She says “I’m leaving. Enjoy yourself.” Then she runs out quickly. But when she closes the door, she sees Ji Muxian feeding the porridge to Tian Xin obediently.

After closing the door, she can’t help laughing finally.

Tian Xin is really skilled and can tame Ji Muxian who has such a special personality. She admires Tian and feels glad for their happy life.

She comes out, and a breeze blows to her. She takes a deep breath and smells a hint of faint floral fragrance in the air.

She hasn’t walked in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort in the evening for a long time. Looking around, she suddenly finds Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort is more beautiful with lights on.

Perhaps it’s because it’s winter when she enjoyed the night scene of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort last night?josei

Half a year has passed by unconsciously.

When Han Siqi, Fu Xing and other harmonious members of Han family come to her mind, her face cracks into a smile.

The happiness that she longs for is within her easy reach. It’s a great feeling.

She walks forward smilingly.

At the end of the path is the old house that brought her and Han Siqi together.

It has been a long time since she went to the old house last time.

It records the happiest moment of her and Nianxi. She will never forget.

When she walks to the yard gate of the old house, she finds it’s locked. Then she remembers no one comes here usually. She wants to turn back. but suddenly she stops her feet and walks to the wall quickly.

Six years ago, she entered the yard over the wall, curled under a window and was found by Nianxi. He pulled her into the room. Then the story began.

She feels cheerful and is seized with a sudden impulse. Just like six years ago, she enters the yard over the wall. She walks to the door and finds it’s unlocked in surprise. Perhaps because it’s fine recently, the servants ventilate it deliberately.

She pushes the door open, gropes for the switch and turns on the light. Looking around, she finds it’s still dustless. But she doesn’t feel strange, because she knows someone often cleans it.

She walks to the sofa, sits down, leans against it in a relaxed way and closes her eyes for a rest.

She hasn’t come here with Han Siqi except that time when Han Siqi misunderstood the relationship between her and Ji Muxian.

When he is free, she is sure to take him here to recollect the happiness six years ago. It must be a fantastic feeling. Thinking of it, she can’t help laughing.

At this moment, she hears a clap in the quiet living room suddenly. She opens her eyes quickly and finds herself in the dark. She rises suddenly, manages to adapt to the dark in the living room and sees a figure rushing to her. She poses for a fight in panic, but it’s late. She has been taken by the throat…

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