Caged Between the beta & alpha

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

The entire journey home , Liam had been quiet .

His hand never left mine , but the storm inside of him , well , I could feel it .

M y heart hurt for him , I just … wanted us to b e happy .

I still believed we’d be ok , we’d b e able to do this , but it still terrified me .

” How are you feeling ? ” Aunty Red asked me .

It was night and we had just had dinner at the Alpha’s home .

I mean , I’d call it a small mansion really … the kitchen was huge yet cosy .

I had insisted on helping clean up .

” I’m ok , ” I said , smiling and flashing her a peace sign .

” Thank you for everything .

” ” Anytime .

” She replied with a smile .

” Heat is a bitch .

” I laughed .

” Oh , it definitely is .

” I agreed .

” Aunty … I know what Liam did brought back painful memories , but he really regrets it … ” She smiled sadly at me and came over , flicking my forehead lightly .

” Are you trying to speak in his defence ? ” She asked , amused .

” Maybe ? ” I said sheepishly .

” He made a mistake ,

but there were factors and he’s still working on redeeming himself .

I love him and I don’t want you to be upset with him .

” Did I sound too bossy ? I hope not … But she just smirked slightly .

” I’m glad you both finally got there … I swear it took you long enough ! ” She teased .

” Don’t worry , I’m ok and I know he’ll be ok too .

You better head to bed , it’s late .

” I nodded , dashed out of the kitchen and u p the steps I’d climbed countless times throughout my childhood ….

However , unlike back then , I didn’t stop at Kia’s room ; I walked right past to my mate’s room .

I opened it and saw him towel drying his hair .

He was shirtless and I almost drooled at how delicious he looked .

Water trickled down that muscular chest of his , down his chiselled abs and into the band of his sweatpants that hung low on his hips , showing off his perfectly groomed V ….

” Hey .

” I said , my stomach fluttering as I shut the door behind me .

” Hey … ” He said , tossing the towel into the washing hamper .

My core ached and I knew , deep down , I wanted him completely .

I had told him earlier that I just hoped he would lead the way now …

He pulled me closer , his hands closing around my waist .

” So … I was thinking … once I’m caught up with the work around- ” He grimaced , closing his eyes and stepping away .

My heart thumped , feeling the darkness surge around him once again .

” Shit … ” ” 1 ” Hey , hey , look at me .

” I said , gripping his face .

” I’m ok .

” He said , looking up at me , his eyes darkening to a deep navy but I could feel his struggle .

I pressed my lips against his , kissing him deeply until I felt him calm down and finally kiss me back slowly .

His heart was beating hard in his chest .

” We are going to get through this .

” I whispered .

But how ? It was getting stronger and I know he was trying his best to fight it … The door suddenly opened and we both turned , moving apart to see Azura standing there in a fluffy unicorn onesie with her hood up , holding a large unicorn plushie in her hand .

” Waven , are you having a sleepover ?! ” ” Umm , yes , I am Zuzu .

” I said , as Liam smiled slightly .

” Then why I not invited ? ” She asked unhappily .

” Baby , what have I told you about knocking ?

” Aunty Red’s voice came .

” I sleep with Waven .

” Azura stated firmly .

” No baby , come , you can- ” ” Let her , I don’t mind .

” I said , glancing at Liam , who raised an eyebrow , looking unhappy .

” We can all sleep here , right Wiyam ? ” I cooed .

He nodded , despite the fact that it looked like he was pouting , Aunty Red raised her own eyebrows .

” Are you sure … ? ” I looked at Azura , who was staring at me with those large blue doe eyes .

They were glistening with tears that threatened to fall should I refuse the little Chibi .

” Of course , I’m sure ! ” I said , bending down I held my arms open to her and she ran straight into them , planting a big kiss on my cheek .

” Yay ! I sleep with Waven ! ” ” Great … ” ” Liam said as Aunty Red gave us a wave and shut the door .

And that was how we spent the night , Liam’s arm under my head , my back to his chest , and me facing Azura , who was hugging her unicorn as she told me endless stories .

” Oh wow , that’s amazing .

” I said , listening to another story .

” Yes , and then …..

” She carried on .

‘ So , what were you saying earlier ? ” I asked Liam through the link , very aware of his body heat behind me , and his hand that rested on my hip .

‘ I was saying , I wanted to take you out … ‘ I bit my lip the moment his lips touched m y neck , his scent making my mind fuzzy and my core clench .

‘ Out ? ‘ ‘ Yeah , I have some stuff I need to catch up on , but the day after Dad’s birthday ..


you and I ? Have a small getaway ? ‘ He asked , his voice husky and seductive .

I knew if Azura wasn’t here , I would have pushed him onto his back and kissed him hard .

‘ I like the idea .

‘ I said , sounding breathless even through the mind link .

‘ Perfect .

‘ His reply came and I smiled .

I couldn’t wait .

A sudden thought came back to me and m y smile faded away .

Robyn’s words echoed in my made , her theory that Liam would have to give me up … Was that the answer ?

But that didnt make sense , Damon and I had ended things so how did that work ? Something didnt feel right about it , I may not be smart but deep down I don’t think that was the answer .

But a selfless act from himself … What if that was the answer ? It was finally the day of Uncle El’s forty fifth birthday , and there was going to be a party in the packhouse .

There was still no sign of Owen waking u p , but to my relief , there had been no more killings ,

I wondered if I was just being too paranoid and it was Owen .

Hmm , I didn’t believe that though .

As for Liam , he was losing control , and it broke me to see that .

Seeing him fight to the extent he was harming himself to keep himself weak – I hated it .

” Fuck baby ! ” I whimpered , watching him stab the dagger into his stomach right in front of me .

We had just gotten ready for the party when it had flared up again ,

we were now kneeling on the floor in his bedroom , and I bit my lip watching him yank the knife from his already bandaged abdomen , the blood spreading on the white bandages .

” You’re killing yourself .

” I whispered , cupping his face and pressing my forehead to his .

” I’m fine .

” He said hoarsely .

He had lost his colour over the last few days and I could see the constant pain he was in , well obviously when he kept stabbing himself to control it .

With his healing sealed away , he was badly injured .

I stood up , silently grabbed another roll of bandages and returned to his side .

He stood up , removing his teal shirt , and I began wrapping it up .

” You look beautiful .

” He said softly .

I looked up at him , fighting back my emotions .

I could see the love and admiration in his eyes as he looked me over , trying his best to act normal when I was breaking at the pain that he was in .

” I like the colour on you .

” He whispered , caressing my cheek .

” Thanks .

” I whispered .

I wore a strapless knee – length deep brown satin dress with a slit down the left thigh .

My hair was up in a messy bun , and on my feet I had some sparkly beige fishnet ankle heels .

My lips were painted a matte deep brown to match my dress .

” You look as handsome as ever too .

But you already know that .

” I said , tucking the bandage in .

I tip – toed , locking my arms around his neck and claiming his lips with my own .

His arms wrapped around me , holding me tight .

I lost myself in his kiss , loving the way he dominated me , the way he bent m e backwards as he kissed me as if it were for the last time .

Please , Goddess , don’t let anything happen to him .

We broke apart and my gaze dipped to his neck .

His scent intoxicated me .

The sudden urge to mark him consumed me and I pulled him closer , my canines elongating , but before I could sink them into his neck , he pulled away .

” What are you doing ? ” He asked , his heart thudding .

I felt a sharp sting of pain rip through me .

” I want to mark you … ” I said softly .

I wanted to mark him , and maybe , just maybe , it would help with the darkness .

” No love ….

not now .

” He said , quietly looking down .

” What ? ” I knew I sounded upset , and I was , but I couldn’t deny the hurt I felt .

” Why can’t I mark you ? ”

He looked away ; I could hear his thundering heart as he turned away , going to his wardrobe to take out a fresh shirt .

” It’s just … Let’s not rush it , I mean maybe at a better-

” I closed the gap between us and grabbed his arm , turning him to face me .

” Liam .

What is it ? ” He was never a good liar .

My heart was hammered incredibly fast against my ribcage , my stomach twisting with unease .

There was more to it .

” It’s nothing , baby .

Let’s not do this right now .

” NO ! We need to do this right now .

Why can’t I mark you ?! ” He looked down for a few moments but I didn’t let go of him , waiting for my answer .

He looked into my eyes , his own cerulean orbs wracked with guilt .

But the words that left his lips felt like a knife had just been plunged into my heart .

” Because if I do die … I don’t want it to break you completely .

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