Can’t Win Me Back

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Alter reeling the quests, Rose brought Alyssa to her studio. The mentor and menter were as close as sisters. They challed and laughed

merrily in private

There, Rosse

ved Alyssa excellent tea and desserts from the top pastry chefs in the nation. Not even the quests on the first floor had the honor of tasting the delicacies.

“Madam, have some teal

“Oh, the valuable spring tea! It’s bright green with a rich aroma and a deep lavor profile. This is good.”

Spiling. Alyssa savoted the tea. She wrapped her slender fingers around the cup as she sipped. Her graceful demeanor denoted her excellent upbringing in a wealthy family. Her noble alr was the culmination of a distinguished pedigree that could not be copied.

“I feel honored when you enjoy the tea.” Rose grinned. She always wore a cool and chic Image in public. Yet, she’d turn into a silly and good–natured young lady in front of Alyssa.

Their first encounter happened six years back. Rose was talented in fashion design and blessed with endless Inspiration. However, she became a target because of her early fame.

Rose was forced to search for new opportunities by joining a competition show to design outlits lor celebrities. Regrettably, a well–known celebrity on the show humiliated her. Additionally, the “esteemed” Judges censured her actions.

Following the incident, a popular and talented designer, Sharon, openly supported Rose online. Not only that, she attacked the members of the show who had ulterior motives and exposed their true laces.

Thanks to Sharon, some fashion designers who fell victim took the chance to reveal the dark sides of the industry. As a result, Rose caught the eye of the public, which in turn allowed her to showcase her talent.

“The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. But you shall rise above it. Ms. Emerson, do not underestimate your mind–blowing talent. Go forth with courage. All the best to you!”

Just like her name, Sharon was a fertile plain that nurtured Rose and offered her a second chance.

Things unfolded smoothly after that.

The designers who derided and slandered Rose had to apologize under public pressure, However, they failed to turn public opinion around. In the end, their reputation was severely damaged.

Meanwhile, people dug up dirt about the celebrity who had humiliated Rose on the show. The said celebrity vanished from the entertainment scene following a brief one–year career,

“Madam, you are a talented designer. Why would you hide your Identity?” Rose poured Alyssa some tea and questioned with much curiosity.

“You’ve been bugging me with the same question.” Alyssa rubbed her temples and answered, “I love working backstage more than standing in the limelight. I do not wish to forgo my peaceful life.”

“Oh, that’s a pity. You’d make Ms. Gardner’s jaw fall if you told her you’re Sharon, She wouldn’t have been rude to you.” Gritting her teeth in disdain, Rose spat. “That bitch thought she had the right to mock you because she’s Jasper Beckett’s fiancée, What a snob!”

“She’s nothing compared to me.” Alyssa sipped her tea. “She does not have the honor to be introduced to Sharon.”

“By the way, how did you get to know her? Were there any grudges between the two of you? Do you want me to get back at her?”

Slightly baffled, Alyssa smiled. “It’s fine. She’s the future Mrs. Beckett, you know.”

“I don’t care if she’s the first lady of the country! I’m your mastiff–I’ll bite whoever hurts my master!” Rose adorably bared her teeth.

On that topic, Alyssa felt a little sorry for Rose. While she might be a close friend of Rose, she hadn’t disclosed her identity as Winston Taylor’s daughter, the business magnate In Belbanks. Therefore, Rose had no idea that “Sharon” was, in fact, the ex–wife of the president of the Beckett Group.

Sometimes, Alyssa tell that she was living multiple lives and playing different characters. She had many identities that did not overlap,


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