Can’t Win Me Back

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Newton’s suggestion had Javier’s and Sophia’s faces falling flat on the table. Betty, on the other hand, nearly spat out her drink.

‘Don’t joke about these things, Grandpa Jasper said sternly.

Winston was just as stunned as everyone else.

“You have three daughters, if I remember correctly?” Newlon asked, to which Winston nodded.

“Yes, three. I have a total of nine children. They’re enough for me for a lifetime now.”

“Ah, and are those three married yet?”

Winston replied awkwardly. “My sixth child, Miley, has already married. She’s currently overseas. My youngest, Tatiana, is still in school. I don’t want her to marry just yet. Let her enjoy her youth and whatnot.”

“What about your third girl, the one you dole on? What was her name again? Al–something?”

Winston’s gaze turned gentle at the thought of his favorite daughter. “That’s my eighth child, Alyssa.”

Jasper felt something like thunder hit him. His grip on his wineglass nearly slipped.

“Right! Alyssa! I remember seeing her years ago. She was such a sweet, happy child.” Newton grinned. “She should be around twenty–four now, right? Any marriage prospects yet?”


“What would you say if she marries my grandson, Jasper?”

Winston blinked rapidly, silently cursing out the old man for being so dense as to not be able to tell he didn’t want his beloved daughter

anywhere close to Javier’s son.

How could he dare to presume Alyssa was good enough for them?

“I’m already engaged, Grandpa,” Jasper spoke up, gritting his teeth at the thought of Alyssa Taylor. “Even if I were single, Ms. Alyssa and I

would never work out.”

Newton was about to reply when Winston cut in. “I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean, Jasper. Is Alyssa not good enough for you?

She’s my most beloved child. I wouldn’t even let a prince near her if he didn’t get my approval. Where do you get the courage to deny her

outright? It’s a bit prudish, no?”

Winston would’ve used far worse language if Newton hadn’t been here.

How could this boy dare to insult his daughter?

“I agree that Ms. Alyssa is an incredibly skilled and competent businesswoman. We’ve crossed paths before, and I have witnessed firsthand the incredible feals she has done, the strategies she has implemented.” Jasper explained, meeting Winston’s gaze.

He continued, “We just have clashing personalities. Being together would create more conflict than necessary. But I do look forward to the day we finally meet, where I hope to work together with her, business–wise.”

Not bad, Winston thought. The kid knew just what to say.

“What do you mean “linally meet? Let’s arrange a time right now for you two to meet. Who knows, you might find it easier to get along than previously thought!” Newton cried, happily clapping the table.

Jasper’s expression had turned stormy. His grandfather was really doing everything he could to stop his marriage with Liana from coming

to fruition.

Just as he was about to state his refusal, Sophia cried out, “Dad, isn’t this too outrageous a suggestion? Jasper is about to marry Liana!

“About to,” so they’re not married yet.” Newton met her eyes with a firm grin. “Marriage is akin to a contractual agreement most of the time. Before this agreement is signed and witnessed, it is still subject to variables, including termination!”

“But news of their engagement has already gone out, Dad. What would the public think of Ms. Alyssa if you were to play matchmaker now?

Then, white sprilla


How You Hewinn was are crasholly andered

Meanwhile, Winston attently watchest everyting unfall taking a slid his third and and Hen

Who in their daht mind would let them clad marry thin such a chalis laudeusly mint he him

When Newton’s coughing did not subelle, lasper and then rushed to calm him dem

“Get your hands off of met Hewion for ed out while coupling lds face local po Where’s Where’s Allee her coms herst

Alice was like a cooling salve on a born to fleyton She was always alde to Calin his spirits in a moment

“Yeah where is Alice, by the way? I haven’t seen her in ageel Helly asked the enlly secretly grinnies with gfses,

Just then, Llana walked over casttally, as il on cus

“Lia, have you seen Alice anywhere? Grampa’s looking for her, Belly asked

“I have,” Llana appeared to be having a dilemma, logging at her lingers, that I’ve not sure if I should say where

nom it looked like Mr. Taylor had too much to drink

Ta med at first, but since the bus are officially dating it’s not an issue for them to slay alone together, right?”

Alled wheWood up hom his seat Who is this woman you speak off

YAM, elan at lasper salvation

ked wares, he turned and stormed off the venue

www xnat to herselt, elvekil that her plan was working

st for good this time, and Jasper would finally see what a shameless whore she was!

ked huntedly. He couldn’t let his son get involved with some random trollop!

This Alvel

“That’s enough

New Sophia

know, M. Tavlor Sophia taked a look of shock. “They affirmed their relationship in front of everyone earlier tonight. I

weeks ago. Your second wile seemed so close to her. Id thought you had accepted her

knows her too” Winston’s expression hell drastically, his gaze taking on a sharp edge.

sounded viler by the second. Not only did she seduce his eldest son, but she even got through to his wife, it seemed!

and M, Tavlor are adults. It’s not your place to correct them nor smear their namel Newton ordered, imitated with

sting such a temible picture

“It’s not some private issue anymore, Dad” Sophia cleared her throat “Alice and Jasper have signed the divorce papers, but they haven’t gotten their divorce certificate yet. Supposedb, she’s still part of the family

“We did want to follow your instructions and wait until your 80th birthday was over before publicly announcing Jasper and Liana’s engagement. They’ve been trying to keep things low key to appease you and your wishes.

“We’ve seen just how much Lia suffered because of Alice. But we can’t hold back anymore, Dad. Alice certainly isn’t. She’s trying to make all of us look bad, and we just can’t sit back and watch

Sophia shared a knowing look with Liana, deviously cackling inside.

Meanwhile, Winston was left in utter shock

Jonah, his eldest son and one of the most virtuous young men he had ever met, was involved with Jasper Beckett’s wife.

How could this be? Wasn’t Jonah a priest?

Wasn1 adultery a xin?

Jasper was running through the hallways, trying to find Alyssa. His calm demeanor, which had been maintained for countless years, had been shattered for the first time. All because Alice and Jonah were alone in the same room together.

All that was on Jasper’s mind was to bring her back to his side. He silently muttered under his breath, “I won’t let Jonah touch you. Alice

When he reached the guestroom in question where the two were, he came to a stop, already panting heavily like a bull.

Had everything he feared happened already?

Could be stit stop them?

was it too late?

Ha ches

with every thought

Just as he was about to open the door, it opened on its own.

Alyssa was standing in the doorway, one hand supporting Jonah as the man leaned heavily on her. His clothes were a mess. When she saw Jasper her expression fared in shock

Jasper’s hand remained in the air as their gazes met. He was shaking.

What are you doing here?” Alyssa stuttered. She then scoffed, assuming an irritated look. “Looks like their plan worked. You’re

the first to see us made idiots, huh?”

“Did Did he touch you? Jasper asked, his hands wanting to hold her but unable to.

Alyssa scowled. shoving past the man. “Get out of my sight!”

All that was on her mind now was to save her brother.

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