Can’t Win Me Back

Chatper 1400

Chatper 1400

Chatper 1400

It was already past midnight when they arranged everything.

For the sake of Maggie's safety, Alyssa had intended for Maggie to live in her own house starting today

until the case against David Schmidt ended. For one, Maggie could be protected. Secondly, Alyssa

genuinely adored this unfortunate yet strong, young girl.

But Maggie insisted on going back home because of her mother's heart condition. She was worried her

mother might get a heart attack if she woke up from her sleep and did not see Maggie anywhere, not to

mention what might happen if her mother knew that Maggie had come to speak to them.

It was a good thing Maggie's mother hadn't contacted her that night. She must still be sleeping. It was

as if the heavens itself supported this strong, young girl's decision, too.

Xavier escorted Maggie to the car, treating her with utmost care throughout the process as if he had

turned a new leaf.

Jasper walked out of the villa with Alyssa in his arms. He wiped away her tears and wrapped his hand

around her neck before kissing her on the forehead.

"It's late, Lyse. You've already yawned countless times, and your eyes can barely keep themselves

open. Xavier and I will send Ms. Madison home. Be good and wait for me to come back home."

"You know exactly why I'm yawning so much." Alyssa pouted. "You exhausted me in the process of

rejuvenating yourself. I can't simply rest when I have the ability to fuel you with energy."

Confidence surged in Jasper's chest. Alyssa's exhaustion was her body's way of telling him how

satisfied with him she was.

Jasper's skills in bed had improved greatly since that time in the kitchen. He knew just the right buttons

to press.

Jasper couldn't help it even now. He kissed Alyssa on the lips before prying them open with his tongue

to deepen their kiss.

It made Alyssa's heart flutter. Her breath seemed to be taken away.

Maggie squealed excitedly in the car as she watched her favorite "ship" in the world kissing one

another fervently. The sound even made Xavier leap up in the front passenger seat.

"Oh gosh... Can I take a picture of them to keep as a memento? I love their relationship so much!"

Maggie exclaimed.

"Huh?" Xavier turned around to gaze at Maggie, his jaw wide open in shock. Countless ways of

rejecting her request were already pooling in his mind.

But Xavier still caved in in the end. He sighed and said, "Okay, but don't share it on social media or with

anyone else."

"I won't! It'll be for my own eyes!" Maggie shot Xavier a grateful look, her eyes wide. "You have such a

kind heart, sir. Thank you so much!"

"Dammit..." Xavier clasped the back of his hand, feeling his blood pressure rise by the second.

In the end, Jasper went along with Xavier to drop Maggie back home, leaving Alyssa back at the villa.

They didn't want Alyssa's upset mood to further stress Maggie out.

Though Jasper and Maggie sat in the backseat during the ride, the distance between them was still

pretty wide.

Jasper realized Maggie's mood had lightened up a lot. She kept on staring at her phone and giggling

quietly. Jasper also noticed how Xavier kept looking at Maggie through the rearview mirror.

A peculiar feeling suddenly surfaced within Jasper.

Should he not have come along for the ride?

The black vehicle came to a stop below an old dingy flat.

Before Maggie got out of the car, Jasper reminded her kindly, "I would suggest you bring this matter up

with your mother as soon as possible, Ms. Madison. I'm afraid she may find it harder to accept things

once you become a key witness for this case in court."

"Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Jasper." Maggie's eyes dimmed as she forced a smile. "Though.

convincing my mother is difficult, I know she only wants to protect me.

"But since I've come to seek you and Ms. Alyssa out, that means my mind is made up. I won't back out,

no matter what. I would rather have tried than not try at all."

Jasper's gaze was filled with admiration for the young girl. He smiled lightly. "Lyse often says that too.

I'm glad you two see eye to eye."

Jasper and Xavier escorted Maggie to her doorstep.

Right before she entered her home, Xavier stepped forward. "Ms. Madison."

Maggie turned around. "What is it, sir?"

"Where did you buy your teddy bear bag? I would like to buy my sister one, too."

"Teddy bear? Haha!" Maggie giggled. "I made this one myself. I even drew the design and everything.

It's the only one that exists in the world."

Xavier's eyes widened. "You're so talented."

"If you like it, I can make one for your sister, sir. But it will take some time," Maggie said. She then

asked gently, "Can you wait a little while?"

"Yes, of course. I can wait however long it takes," Xavier answered hurriedly.

For some reason, his expectations suddenly soared sky-high.

Xavier then exchanged contacts with Maggie. She bid them farewell before shutting the door behind


"Pft." Jasper shot Xavier an amused look. "You only buy your sister designer brand items. Why would

you set your eye on something like that?" "I-Isn't it cute?" Xavier's eyes were just about glowing. He

coughed awkwardly before saying, "Isn't a cute, handmade item just as precious as whatever Vuitton

bag? This one's a custom-made product,


"I think you're just in too deep, kid," Jasper said, eyes narrowed slightly.

Xavier had worked for Jasper for many years. After spending so much time with Xavier, Jasper

basically knew him like the back of his hand.

Xavier flushed red as he scratched his head. "What?"

"Don't say I didn't warn you. The girl is only 17 years old. She should be focusing on her studies right

now." Jasper assumed a serious expression. "Don't make her miss out on her chances. She's already

been through enough pain."

"Didn't you hear her call me sir, Mr. Jasper? How could I think that way of her? I'd be a heartless

menace if I did!" Xavier hurriedly shook his head, feeling panicked.

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