Can’t Win Me Back

Chatper 1405

Chatper 1405

Chatper 1405

Jasper's heart sank. Looking at Alyssa, he announced, "Lyse, I'll meet with them."

He was worried about the gossip and malicious comments about Alyssa. Her reputation would further

suffer if she got into a fight with the witnesses' families at a hospital.

Jasper was totally capable of managing the fallout if he were the target. However, he refused to let

Alyssa go through the suffering.

"Jasper, I understand your concern," Clasping his hand, she soothed him, "...but they wanted to see

me. Things wouldn't have spiraled if I hadn't requested to meet with Maggie.

"It's imperative that I show up and offer my apology. You know me; I never run away from problems."

"Well, I happen to be the same." Staring affectionately at her, Jasper held her hands with fingers

interlocked. "So, I'll go with you."

Although the VIP suite, where Maggie got warded, was safe and secure, Sean had arranged for his

men to lead the victims' families to the open area in the VIP lounge, just in case they made a scene

and ruined Alyssa's reputation.

Standing side by side with Jasper in the corridor, Alyssa calmly watched as Gina and the mother of

another victim approached them. Despite her calmness, her heart was racing.

The parents of the two victims came to a stop in front of Alyssa, Jasper, and Sean. Jasper examined

them warily. Similarly, Sean did not let his guard down, as he was afraid that they might lash out

against Alyssa.

Gina's cheeks were stained in tears, and her eyes were red from the exhaustion. She hadn't spoken a

word, but her resentment against Alyssa was clearly written across her face.

Alyssa clenched her numb fingers and was about to speak, but she was interrupted by the parents of

the other victim, Colton Tanner and Lorna Cooper, who both collapsed onto the floor in front of her.

They pleaded, "Ms. Alyssa, Mr. Beckett, please... Please save our daughter! We're begging you!"

"Sir, ma'am, please get up from the floor. Please don't do this. Let's stay calm and have a talk." Alyssa

and Jasper hurried up to help the parents up from the ground.

The couple, crying their hearts out, remained stubbornly glued to the floor. Had it not been for Sean's

timely help, Alyssa might not have been able to lift the poor Lorna from the ground.

"Please save my child. I won't budge if you refuse to save her!" Tears streamed down Lorna's face.

Anyone would feel sorry to see her in such a state.

Heart aching, Alyssa teared up. "Please stop crying. You'll only ruin your health. Please get up now,

and let's have a chat."

"What's the point of crying in front of Ms. Alyssa now?" Xavier stormed over, looking disgruntled by the

parents, whose attitude had only softened after they ran into trouble. "I reached out to you on behalf of

Ms. Alyssa and Mr. Beckett, but remember how you treated me?

"Ms. Alyssa had wanted to offer you help, but you declined her kindness!"

"Xavier, that's enough!" chided Jasper, who glared at Xavier.

"Help? How dare you claim that you're helping?" Gina blurted out and pointed a finger angrily at

Alyssa. "They wouldn't have harmed my daughter if you didn't get involved. All you wanted was to get

her to testify so that you could get rid of the thorn in your side!

"Have you ever considered the lives of ordinary citizens like us? Maggie is only 17 years old this year.

It was her rotten luck to have run into that bastard. All she wanted was a peaceful life. Why didn't you

give her a chance to do so?"

Xavier panted and glowered out of fury, but he held back and showed some respect to Gina because

she was Maggie's mother. Still, he was enraged by Gina's unfair accusation.

How could Maggie be more level-headed than Gina? Had Gina not matured emotionally over all these

years? He couldn't believe that Gina was qualified to be Maggie's legal guardian.

"The Schmidts have been keeping tabs on you. Do you wish to subject your daughter to such scrutiny

for the rest of her life?" Jasper voiced out with a frown, boggled by Gina's unreasonable outburst.

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