Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1198 Mental Strength

Chapter 1198 Mental Strength


Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 04:15

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Outskirts

Lois who was about to put an end to her second round of sneak attacks on the boy suddenly felt a presence in her spiritual channel's end that ended in the physical plane, this presence was no stranger to Lois, she instantly knew who had invaded her spiritual channel, it was her target of assassination. Lois's mental strength immediately made its way from the mid-section of her spiritual channel to its end in the physical plane to expel the boy's mental strength from her spiritual channel while wondering how the boy was able to enter her spiritual channel from the physical plane.

Lois was able to see other people's spiritual channel's within her range thanks to her physique but even she would have difficulties invading others' spiritual channels using her mental strength through the physical plane. That was because usually, the physical plane end of the spiritual channel of a card apprentice was protected by their ego gem and their flesh and blood. Even if Lois had her body compressed and moved into the midsection of her spiritual channel and left its end in the physical plane unguarded, it should be impossible for anyone to see the end of the spiritual channel in the physical plane using naked eye, be it a card demigod. But the boy was somehow not only able to spot her spiritual channel but also invade it using his mental strength.

During her contemplation, Lois remembered the boy's origin card mentioned in his files, Aura Sight. Was the boy able to spot her spiritual channel in the physical plane because of his origin card? Lois wondered if it was possible but that was unheard of, however, considering that the boy's realm was boosted it was possible the boy's origin card must be showing its true potential.

"Lois, you did not have to come all this way to receive me, I was headed your way," I said feeling Lois's mental strength approach me from deep within her spiritual channel.

"Get the fuck out," the mental strength with Lois's energy signature took the shape of Lois's physical body forming a specter of Lois, and then yelled.

Learning from Lois's use of her mental strength, I morphed my mental strength to take the shape of my physical body, forming a mental strength specter of myself. Buy my specter was not as well defined as Lois's specter. Fortunately, I had an AI to make up for some of the areas where I lacked. And my specter looked like an exact replica of my physical body shape. Then I used my specter body to float toward Lois's mental strength specter saying, "Lois, that is not how you should greet your guest, did your parents not teach you any better?"

"I am going to make you regret being born," Lois's specter yelled.

Being kidnapped from her mother by the empire and then being raised as a tool by the organization behind the current government, Lois was very sensitive about her parents. So hearing the boy say her parents did not teach her any manners, Lois was pissed off and vowed to only rest after killing the boy.

So she encased her specter into a huge cone, which began spinning. Lois had formed a makeshift drill machine out of her mental strength and launched it at me guided by her specter.

Seeing the incoming huge spinning drill made of mental strength, following Lois's example and a little help from my AI I encased myself into a diamond formed from my mental strength.

If it were the regular world a regular drill would never be able to dig into a diamond but it wasn't, neither were the drill and the diamond regular, they were made out of mental strength. When the two mental strengths clashed it all came down to the difference between their power. Lois being a semi-demigod and me being a temporary demigod, the difference in our mental strength was not much, so the result of the clash was not obvious. Apart from the difference in the power of the two clashing mental strengths the technique of how two mental strengths were used and applied mattered the most, mostly when the difference between the two mental strengths clashing was too little to be a deciding factor.

The difference in the power behind Lois and my mental strengths being very little despite the obvious difference in our realms was because of various reasons and two of them were Lois's legendary physique and that my powers were borrowed. Still, my mental strength was four times stronger than any regular mental strength thanks to my mutated soul, therefore under Lois's tyrannical mental strength my mental strength was able to hold its ground with its temporary boost. Adding to that morphing my mental strength into a diamond down to the covalent structure of its atoms, helped.

When Lois's mental strength drill clashed with my diamond-shaped mental strength, we came to stand still until Lois's drill broke down and her mental strength scattered.

From this ordeal, I came to learn a new application of mental strength, though it was not polished, all I needed was more practice however with the assistance of my AI I think I have an incredible advantage in fights using mental strength.

During the clash of my mental strength with Lois's mental strength, I learned despite gaining the Devil's power and the four times boost of the mutated soul my mental strength fell short against the strength of Lois's mental strength. But thankfully the little shortcoming was made up by our technique of using and applying our mental strength.

The diamond I had formed using my mental strength resembled a diamond down to its atomic structure but Lois's drill was just her mental strength coming together to take the form of a cone that could spin, though Lois's mental strength was concentrated at the tip of the drill, it still was just an origami of a drill made using mental strength but not an actual drill made using mental strength.

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