Celestial Era: The Rise of the Full-Time Enhancer

Chapter 586 Hidden

Chapter 586 Hidden

A while ago, Twin Blade Master, one of the Paragons of the Martial Arts Alliance, had found the Formation Arts placed around the city…

"This is stronger than I expected…" The man frowned as he looked at the mighty Formation Arts activated by the City.

"I don't think it will stop you though… How many strikes do you need?" Lancelot asked while observing the Formation Art using an artifact that appraises magical objects.

There are only two of them in this area about 500 meters away from the city. Watchtowers are observing this place but the city didn't seem to notice their presence.

Instead, the observers from the city can only see the group of Martial Artists waiting above the hill far from their location.

"Three to five strikes… However, it will attract Ignacy's attention and it will be very difficult for us." The Twin Blade Master said with apprehension as he looked at the city.

Their previous plan was to simply open a path so they can secretly get closer and avoid being bombarded by Mana Arts, cannons, and even arrows.

Lancelot sighed as he understood his concern…

"Indeed… Are you still willing to join me in attacking this city?" Lancelot probed as he knows that retreating can also be an option.

"Hmph… I just didn't expect that Ignacy is still alive… If he's not here, I can simply wipe out this entire city. But with the two of us, we should be able to kill him. I'm sure that he hasn't fully recovered yet. It was confirmed by the apostle of the magic god that he was struck by a curse."

As they were making their plans, they saw what happened to the warships that were brought by the Black Magic Organization, they seem to really hate the city and wanted to destroy it even with the exchange of their lives!

"Haha… Those people are probably better than the Demonic Cult… Incredible!" The Twin Blade Master laughed in delight after noticing the move that was made by the Black Magic Organization.


It was ruthless and decisive.

They didn't mind sacrificing many lives including their warship just to complete their mission of destroying the barrier.

They are more insane than the members of the Demonic Cult that they've met before. Furthermore, Ignacy seem to have expended plenty of mana because of this!

Boom! Boom!

As soon as the barrier was lifted, the two Paragons immediately dashed toward the city wall…

Climbing up the stone wall wasn't a big issue for them. Furthermore, the soldiers weren't even able to sense their presence until it was too late!

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The soldiers waiting on the city wall heard several loud thumping sounds on the wall…

A few of them immediately checked if there is someone hammering the wall but as soon as they looked down, two waves of light suddenly appeared cutting off the heads of four Magic Knights!


"Sound the horn!"

Realizing that a huge man with two blades had suddenly appeared amid the soldiers, the three Grand Knights who were overlooking this side of the wall immediately dashed to help their soldiers.

There was no way a normal warrior would dare to infiltrate alone! This person must be a powerful warrior comparable to Grand Knights like them!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

At this point, an older man with no visible weapons arrived a few meters away from the blade user.

With a single punch, the armor and swords of the Magic Knights would be broken into pieces. Each strike contains an incredible power that targets the people's equipment and weapons!

They weren't expecting sudden melee combat above the wall!

"Those two dared to attack us?! Kill them!"

"Clear the path for the Magicians!"

As soon as the General grasped the situation, he immediately sent a signal to the Archmage that is in charge of this area…

Soon, a series of Wind Mana Art assaulted the two intruders…

They didn't use any Fire Mana Art that could heavily injure the other soldiers as well. Destructive Mana Arts might inflict their own allies so they have to use an element that is very easy to control.

It is the Wind Element and the second easiest to master after the Water Element.

"Throw him out!"

The Grand Knight shouted after seeing that the two had suddenly halted after being bombarded by Tier 3 Wind Elemental Art.

They seem to be struggling and can collapse any moment now…

However, instead of panicking by the sudden assault of many magicians, the two warriors laughed loudly…

"Ahahaha! Is that it?! Bring it on!" Suddenly, the blade user laughed and simply glanced at the group of magicians who were trying to send him away…


No one noticed how he did it but the heads of the five Magicians just separated from their bodies…

They were beheaded in an instant!

The Grand Knights and even the Archmage who had ordered the Wind Magician Squad were frightened by the invisible attack!

At this moment, one of them finally recognized the identities of their enemies!

"Paragons! These two are the Paragon of the Martial Arts Alliance!"

"No way! We can't kill these two!"

"We need the help of the Celestial Beings!"

"Sir Grahm! Please for the Celestials' help!"

Grahm is one of the Grand Knights that was working for Lola. A few months ago, he was only an Archknight that was fighting against the Sea Race.

However, thanks to his life-and-death experience at that time, he was able to grasp the essence of his cultivation technique and advanced to a Grand Knight.

At this moment, he can tell that he's no match against the Paragons. He may be overflowing with strength but the Paragons' movements were on a completely different level.

They don't only have strength but also high-level combat arts that are incomparable to what he learned.

Suddenly, his communication crystal vibrated.

This crystal is only connected to the Tower so the one contacting him is probably the strategist. However, normal orders should be done through signals they've arranged before.

It seems that the content of this message isn't included in the briefings or perhaps, it's even a secret message.

Seeing that the two other Grand Knights have made their move to block the Paragons, he didn't hesitate to listen to the message.

"The Paragon isn't a twin-blade user, he uses three blades! The third blade is capable of the vanishing technique! It's invisible! You're the only one who can see it with your Mystic Eye! Don't act suspiciously and take care of that invisible sword without him noticing it!"

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