Celestial Peak

Chapter 327

Chapter 327: Doubt

The world is in shambles and the universe is too. Conflict spreads to all worlds and conflict gives rise to chaos. Humans versus other races and then themselves. Conflict arises and what follows is carnage reaping the life of anyone caught up in the struggle for both survival and supremacy.

Lower Heaven that stood for hundreds of years without faltering against anyone is being pushed back by the Abyssal Demons ever so slowly.

The populace is feeling the pressure that is except for the people of the Black Dragon's Final Battlefield. The Immortals continue their seek of power and lived away from the conflict outside. But that doesn't mean they have no conflict of their own.

The geniuses are starting to fight with one another. With the increase of the people inside the more chaotic the world became. And the Ravaging Beast Guild who currently has the most members are seeking to take control of the entire first level.

It was unknown what acted as the spark for the war inside this supposed safe haven, thankfully no one has yet to have their lives taken.

However, this is only happening in the three major cities of the world: East, West, and South. Up North where no one dared to establish a city of their own in fear of Immortal Beasts is in a perpetual state of calm.

And at one secluded area where no one would think to come, a man was in seclusion seeking for greater heights. Absorbing the qi of Blood Hell Pearl he was steadily increasing his God's Mark that spread all over his body.

He was three fourths there before he can reach the color of obsidian. It had been two years since he continued this seclusion but only now is he about to end his pursuit of the obsidian colored God's Mark.

However, [He is still improving too fast. I thought he will at least need ten years to reach this point but in three months' time, everything should be over. It is still 45 years than before Chaos subsides.]

The Gray Figure has continued its observation on the improvement of Wang Ling and he had been feeling rather restless. His improvement is too fast, the 45 years he anticipated will come earlier than what he would expect.

[This is not good, I need him to burn out his humanity, and I cannot have him become Chaos with his human essence still being not devoured.] The stronger Wang Ling becomes the more he draws the power of that place, he had taken while to break out of that place and take over his conscience, he cannot fail once again.

The Gray Figure was determined to do everything for its plan to be completed, [I am the True Chaos, my path will lead this world to balance and salvation.] his eyes filled with conviction and determination wished for the world he envisions.

While the Gray Figure gains the time to comprehend its next step Wang Ling was slowly drowning in his own bloodline. Submerged in a dark world filled with qi. He knows that he is alive, but the darkness was too thick for his vision to pierce through and see himself.

The deeper he goes the more he becomes unsure if he was even present. It was then, that a voice echoed in his ears, "Long before there was light, I was already there ~"

A fleeting voice that belongs to neither a male or female. In the darkness where no light or sound exists, a voice echoed in his ears. It was startling, yes, but it was oddly soothing. It was similar to a voice, but he can't recall whose.

The voice was only heard once and despite the feeling of being drawn to seek after that voice, he never got the chance to hear it again in the last two months. But, as he reaches the last month of his God's Mark turning into obsidian he heard it one last time.

"Lost lamb, you are treading the path of ruination~" And although faint, he heard it, "Hel~"

After those words were uttered, his mind was drawn out of the darkness and was pulled back out. It was then that he felt someone grab him by the hand and tried dragging him back down — no that is incorrect, it was trying to ascend with him.

But it couldn't do so and the hand grabbing Wang Ling lost contact with the ethereal hand. In the real world, Wang Ling opened his eyes, he was no longer blanketed by darkness and he could feel the power surging from God's Mark.

Other than its color turning obsidian black it had also greatly decreased in size. Other than the Black Wing Tattoo on his back only from the waist down had the black tattoo. The tattoo on its own was a capable weapon straitening his body to the limits.

According to the words of his lineage, a True God can wield this God's Mark into a true indestructible weapon capable of matching the Holy Race's [Overlord's Lines] which grants full control of the elements.

Wang Ling does not know of these terms but he reckoned he will uncover them in time. Something is beckoning him to learn these things just like before, he knows he has the Gray Figure with him, but right now he is in doubt.

However, with a sight, Wang Ling put it aside for now. He has no intention of dwelling on something he cannot grasp. The Gray Figure's existence must be taken into account but he must at least stop showing doubt in order for the Gray Figure to continue helping him.

Whatever the ambitions of the Gray Figure is, he will judge them if they are the right or wrong one he gains enough strength to command everything under his foot

"So you are awake, it took your two years and three months to complete the transformation of God's Mark. It will reinforce your body letting you push your lineages to the absolute limit. It matters not if you wish to have your Holy Lord Bloodline or the True Devil's Bloodline. But in my opinion, you should increase your True Devil Bloodline in order to have it become stronger. Reach True Devil God in one jump and it will bring you closer to Godhood. It will match the power of your God's Mark."

Wang Ling was just about to say yes to its advice but the words he heard in the darkness echoed in his mind. The path towards ruination, just what does it mean? And why is it revolving in my mind like so?

He closed his eyes and then said with a frown, "I cannot do that for now, I wish to increase my Holy Lord Line to the eighth halo before I reach True Devil God. I have yet to even uncover my two innate techniques so I will do it now."

With that said he once again closed his eyes to meditate. The Gray Figure merely sighed at his words and he stayed silent the next moment after.

Having closed his eyes Wang Ling delved deep into his mind but didn't enter his mindscape.

He did not even enter his own mind and merely meditated with his external body.

The Gray Figure found this as odd and asked what is the problem, to which he answered in a carefree, "I wish to feel God's Mark in a more intimate manner."

Wang Ling closed his mouth and concentrated even more. He did not ring his bell and stuck to his own decision of training with his mind focusing on his external body.

And it took Wang Ling six months to be satisfied. In these six months he grew exponentially stronger and the two innate techniques: [Noble's Glory] and [Lord's Vitality]. The two innate abilities was integrated in Wang Ling's body, mind, and even soul.

The Noble's Glory grants him and his allies increased light that grants them regenerative ability. The second would be the Lord's Vitality, it will not increase his qi but it will help greatly in regenerating in battles.

I can only heal deep wounds right now, but in theory, it may even regenerate destroyed organs and severed limbs once he reaches the ninth halo. But as he was about to move on, Wang Ling remembered something that is misplaced in his mind.

If he remembered, there were three innate abilities when he ascended to become a six haloed Holy Lord, but how come right now the only thing that registers in his mind were two. He tried thinking long and hard, but to his dismay, memories he wished to flow did not appear.

"What is the problem, my successor?"josei

Wang Ling was surprised but shook his head and did not answer, "It is but a lapse in my memory, don't worry about it."

In the end, Wang Ling perished the thought. But still kept this experience with him.

After that grueling six months, he proceeded to have the bell of Heaven bore down upon him. In three years' time, he managed to surpass the sixth halo and reach the seventh, but it granted him nothing.

He stopped at that and left his seclusion. He feared pushing it any further will cause his soul to shatter and his body to crumble.

And after five years of seclusion he came out against the instructions of the Gray Figure, and with that 42 years remained before the Chaos is lifted.

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