Celestial Peak

Chapter 334

Chapter 334: There were two!

Bathing in magma and enjoying one self's improvement without doing much is unheard of but Wang Ling was doing exactly that. His body was casually absorbing the heat of the magma and transferring it to his meridian as qi.

It was a sight that no one would have imagined. It was weird but he reckoned this magma was no ordinary magma and indeed it was far from ordinary.

The seventh-generation Dragon, the Infernal Dragon. The essence of the Infernal Dragon remained in this volcano and filled this volcano was indeed the pure essence of an Infernal Dragon.

An Infernal Dragon can only be found in the Middle Layer of Hell where the Infernal Valley lies. It was said that it acts as the protector of the Flames of Destruction. The Infernal Dragon is a Dragon that could rival a Fire Phoenix in terms of firepower.

It was a powerful beast and even after its death, the power it holds is immense. But against Wang Ling, it was useless, the four major elements, earth, water, fire, and air. All four elements are not something that could make Wang Ling flinch.

If it was a heated metal it may deal him damage or a fast weapon that calls upon the help of the wind, it may hurt him but pure flames such as this is nothing. Wang Ling's Holy Lord Bloodline is something that can make anyone envy him.

With this bloodline, he is practically invincible against elemental cultivator. Those who wield flames will act as a spark, those who have water will act as fuel, those with the wind will fan his glory, and those with earth will grant him footing,

The Holy Lord bloodline is without a doubt a something that upsets the balance of what is natural. Or is it? He doesn't really know the limitations of ancient bloodline so it was very vague as to what is permissible to what is not.josei

But one thing was clear, the glory of his bloodlines only shows one it reaches higher power. Wang Ling was nowhere near its limitations. Every step to the apex of his bloodline almost seemed to be treading the depths of the ocean. And every step it takes there is something that will rip his body apart.

His soul in the Holy Lord bloodline and his body in the True Devil bloodline. Two forms of limitless possibilities using two different kinds of force to start the changes in his body.

Moving forth, Wang Ling chose to meditate inside the volcano and soon enough signs of the essence decreasing started to show. The body of his children enlarged as they grew stronger with the help of the essence of the Infernal Dragon Wang Ling managed to increase the depth of the azure lines that spread across his body.

When he noticed this fact, he reckoned if the method of increasing the azure light of the lines is by absorbing the essence of the elements that exist in the world.

With such a thought, Wang Ling closed his eyes and then began actively absorbing the essence and redirecting it towards the azure line. The azure line began to react, electrifying shocks were sent to Wang Ling's body as lines began to form.

Fluctuations of angelic qi exploded out of Wang Ling's body and this alarmed the Gray Figure that he called out to Wang Ling, "You careless, spread your hellish qi right now and absorb the angelic qi!"

Wang Ling did what he was told and hellish qi instantly pervaded the air and the angelic qi. His actions was so fast that the angelic qi was devoured by the hellish qi before it could come out of the world he was in.

This is a space he was unfamiliar with. This is a world he was foreign with and it may just be a world of its own, but he needs to be careful of not creating troubles for himself. He sighed in relief when he learned that everything was clear.

Wang Ling was just about to return to his meditation when he heard a voice, "Y—you are not only a devil? That qi and that power, how can you possess both?" Wang Ling opened his eyes and saw the black dragon emerging from the Dragon's Statue.

When it saw Wang Ling's actions, it froze and its face that was filled with unmeasurable arrogance became warped. "The angelic qi and the hellish qi, the powers of the highest nobles, the nobles that serve the noble of the creator and some of their assistants are allowed to wield such power. You, where did you get such power!? Those qis, where did you get it?"

The black dragon questioned him with all earnest and Wang Ling stayed quiet and remained oblivious to what it was saying. The Black Dragon continued to say things he knows not about and when all is said and done, he cannot answer for the Gray Figure will know he can do something it is not aware of.

He stayed silent and merely observed the reactions of the Black Dragon, it could do no harm to him and it will not do anything to him. It is but a mere observer, however, with his silence the Black Dragon became irritated and without Wang Ling completing the trial it called upon its main soul and conversed with it.

The will of the Black Dragon connected with the soul and said the line, "A candidate has surfaced!"

It was then that the volcano trembled as it was about to explode and as a bright light came from the deepest parts of the volcano, Wang Ling's figure vanished and what remained was the Black Dragon's Will wandering around contemplating over what Wang Ling's identity was.

The Black Dragon lived until the time when the First War had just ended and the Second War against the Abyssal Demons surfaced. And as Wang Ling's presence was felt, an earth-shaking roar came about from the deepest areas of the Black Dragon's Temple.

The Black Dragon showed a solemn expression and it felt a headache, "Only two being can control such qi! Which one is he? Is he True or a False one?"

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