Celestial Peak

Chapter 345

Chapter 345: Words of present and past

The Gray Figure magnificently slew the demon.

A single managed to disintegrate the demon clinging to end Wang Ling's life.

In silence, that was how the glorious victory was faced. The oddness of the demon's way of dying, the way it died, was too unordinary.

Before his mind finally lost its ability to stay conscious, Wang Ling saw the reverie of the demon. Such a sight was burned in his eyes and mind.

That reverie was akin to a peasant seeing its king, its emperor, its god.

Wang Ling lost his consciousness shortly after. He fell into a coma, which will take a much longer time getting used to that what is normal.

Based on the calculations of the Gray Figure, he should wake up in a day or three.

"The old lady of the Xiaos should arrive in a week or so. She spoke of having her cultivation restricted to Mid-God, so she must be more powerful than she lets on.

"I was not awake when he visited them, but I am sure the strongest of them was supposed to be the Low-God. That realm is not suited for people of their cultivation level. The world would crumble in the presence of a Low-God.

"Gods are not meant to be there. Then, where did they come from?"

He questioned himself as he flew away. He had surveyed the area multiple times, but he sensed no one present.

He was currently injured, gravely so. He was in no way safe right now, he is mostly hanging by a thin thread.

In five to ten minutes, the ignition of his bloodline will show its toll. There would be little to no effect if they were in their tip-top shape, but they weren't.

Seven broken ribs, a ruptured organ to more specific the liver, a hole on one of his lungs, and his qi is in disarray after the meddling of the Gray Figure.

"My own qi is something too pure for his veins. My method may have made his veins and meridians robust, but it does not mean the flow will not be disrupted.

"He needs to reach the limits of his bloodline, or else I will not be able to grant him my own chaotic qi. It is such a shame, but I will be taking the role of raising your bloodline one more time. You have four pairs of wings and seven haloes, two steps more for each lineage. Once you reach the limits, I -"

He stopped his ramblings. The Gray Figure is always sure of its actions. It had planned everything even before it disappeared from the face of the Universe, yet right now, it is silent.

It does not know what to do beyond achieving the perfect melding of the two lineages. Having the ability to guide Wang Ling had been its most precious ability.

But with its unknown and mysterious silence, the Gray Figure's mind seemed to have gone blank, and it continued its words, "He has two more steps to take, four steps to be exact."

Its word went around the previous statement it had stumbled upon. The Gray Figure had its eyes closed and went to gather the qi that remained from the ignition and first healed the hole on the Lungs, the ignition then stopped, and the pain flooded his mind.

The pain was too much, even for the Gray Figure. God's Mark showed a severe backlash that began eating away at his body. From his hands to his chest, God's Mark was slowly corroding the vessel.

But the Gray Figure stuck to it and devoured everything it could eat from the storage ring and closed its eyes, hoping for the best.

Just like what the Gray Figure had previously stated, Wang Ling regained his consciousness in a manner of a few days.

He took control of his body, and the Gray Figure went to a deep slumber. It would take much longer for the Gray Figure to open its eyes another time.

Without the presence of the Gray Figure, Wang Ling oddly gained the ability to be 'free'; and with the disappearance of the Gray Figure, a string of memory flowed into his mind.

A vague memory gushed into her mind, he read the words and managed to make it out "[Untainted Words]!"

A very unique innate ability. Untainted Words, the ability to call upon the most primordial of words. There are four words, Im, Po, Lei. Gu

These three words signify different things, Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind.

These four words signified the four elements, and these Untainted Words are but the first string of the infinitesimal branches of knowledge that stems from words.

Knowledge of different things emerged from his mind, and it suffocated him to the point he could not breathe.

This knowledge is the strings that originated from when the time the first Holy Race had been born till the fist Holy Race took its fist and last step.

He could see it, no, it was more like he could hear the unfamiliar words of that place.josei

"You will be the second child, meet your brother."

From these words, everything was fine. And harmony continued. From the voices Wang Ling was hearing, the Devil and the Holy Race were living in harmony.

But a war broke out from another race, and from then on, they were grounded from their birthplace.

The Devil and the Holy Race were given their own world to live in harmony, and in the present day, the Holy Race and Devil is still seeking for their birthplace.

But with the disappearance of the Holy Race's words, what followed was the emergence of the Holy Lord Race, whose voice became unclear.

Wang Ling was unable to make anything out of the words as nothing was coming to him. It was devoid of sound, Wang Ling failed to make the ins and outs of what is happening, but soon enough he was unable to bear the silence, and he was pulled out of the memory.

From this point forward, Wang Ling gained the ability to speak and decipher the words of the past. A new ability, he never knew he had until now.

A couple of days later, a rift opened in the Lower Heaven and flew up north. She bore unparalleled strength no one of that realm can match, Xiao Yu went to the Black Dragon's Final Battlefield and opened the dimension in a hurry.

She met with many people who were present around that place. All of them were the people who had their descendants' Immortal Will activated.

They were unable to enter, the whole place was sealed, but as Xiao Yu stood there with overbearingness, she waved her hand and opened up a rift, an entrance that is exclusive to herself.

When she entered, she crushed a golden talisman and called upon Yan Renhuo, who arrived in three days as she was closed by.

"Good day to you, Mistress Xiao. Thank you for taking the chance to wait for me."

"It is nothing much, I am still opening the gate to the first layer of this realm. The grasp of the Abyssal Demon over there is too strong, I wish that my grandchild is safe."

She already deducted that everything should be fine because the Second Layer was unharmed. But she was still unsettled after seeing Wang Ling's body being run through by a hand of an Abyssal Demon.

Even for Xiao Yu's kind, that would be a fatal blow.

Four days passed, and she finally managed to open the path to the first layer. The space in this place is already in a state of a mess; her presence was only making it more unstable than it should.

She should have been long ejected out of there, but she didn't. When Xiao Yu stepped to the first layer, she spread her senses to the vast lands and found nothing.

She was directed north by Yan Renhuo, based on the information she had given her, that is the most likely place. And as they head up north, they found the desolateness of the first layer to be eerily oppressive.

And after three days of scouring the area, they found Wang Ling who had already reached the seventh meridian.

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