Celestial Peak

Chapter 349

Chapter 349: Change and Respect

"My Husband, I have missed you!" Bia Xue hugged the flabbergasted Wang Ling. She buried her face to his neck and got a whiffed of his sweet scent.

The sweetness that wafted over to Bai Xue was nostalgic. It was a mix of that particular night and something from the distant past. It was that special to her, but within her, there was a conflict that cannot surface.

"Let me out," it says, but Bai Xue didn't care as she felt secure from Wang Ling's embrace. She let out a pur as if she was a cat and closed her eyes and began enjoying his embrace, "It had been so long." She whispered, full of warmth.

Being as attentive as he is, Wang Ling was well aware something was amiss. He peered through her with his crimson eyes, but he couldn't see through enough.josei

He still cannot peer over her soul, to be exact jer soul, and her qi was obscured by something from deep within her. It was red, bloody red; it was roaring and screaming telling him to scram, this caused Wang Ling's eyes to fail him.

But, thankfully, he can still see that she has an Immortal Will stuck to her. That Immortal Will belongs to Xiao Yu, it had been with her since long before Wang Ling has gotten his. She even got hers before he got his.

His eyes were intense, it was far more reliable than all those years ago. He had already achieved the fourth circle of the Piercing Vission; one more and he will reach its peak, but even so, he cannot peer through her soul and her mind.

She had become an enigma to him. However, he cannot feel any hostility from her. She was pure, her emotions were genuine, and so it was reciprocated with a hug from him. From the corner, Yan Renhuo observed their affectionate reunion, she was jealous, yes, but she knew she has no space there. She decided to take a step back.

Wang Ling and Bai Xue's reunion was a surprise to everyone present, but no one stopped them, After a few minutes, the two of them broke away from one another.

"Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you!" asked Bai Xue.

"I have also been searching, but it seems like the two of us miss each other. Well, it doesn't matter anymore as we have met one another this time.:

Bai Xue nodded her head; she too was satisfied with their meeting and soon left. Never leaving his side, she held his hand tightly like a child in a crowded market.

Likewise, Wang Ling held her hand, but his objective was different. By hiding his intent, saying he wishes to heal her injuries, he peered into her body with his own qi.

It was tough as the qi flowing in her body was much rougher than it used to be. The roughness it carried was like a turbulent storm capable of toppling everything that is inside it.

The previous lineage she had absorbed over the past years has also oddly disappeared and formed a single flow of qi that was pure and powerful. The strength of the qi was enough to make even Wang Ling stupefied, and he was the one who controls the qi of Chaos.

The qi is somewhere between the level of Chaos Qi but still below it. The purity it holds is questionable, but he was sure that if she has enough blood of higher-ranked Deity, she will be able to make this unique qi of hers bloom.

But his mind didn't stray from his original intent even with his new findings, but in the end, he had to give up as he couldn't find anything wrong. He looked at her and when they crossed eyes, he smiled before turning away to speak with Xiao Yu about the matters of the Origin World and the Abyssal Demons.

The questions flowed out like a barrage of enemy fire. He wanted to learn everything, his scholar-like willingness to learn was incited that he failed to notice the ever-changing expression of Bai Xue.

Her eyes were twitching, and her temples were bulging a severe pain attacked her. It was a horrible experience, and she was feeling more and more uncomfortable as time passes.

With a voice as soft as possible, Bai Xue reprimanded herself, saying, "Stop your words, I am finally with him. Please, just disappear and let me live like I have always wanted."


The voice inside her head that only she could hear spouted some things and berated Wang Ling and her in the process. Bai Xue's face began to twist as her anger rose. Her new style of having an easy-going and kind-hearted facade broke down and her eyes turned cold as if she was an Empress standing atop everything and everyone else.

"Shut your mouth, you may exist within me, but this is MY body, you shall not speak of my husband in such a manner."

The voice in her head fell silent, Bai Xue thought everything was already resolved, and the voice may remain silent for a long while, but it laughed at her saying, "You should be the one to stop speaking nonsense, this is my body, you seized it from me. I do not know who you are or what makes you think this body is yours, but I will retake my body and destroy you so that you will never surface to this world ever again, you fucking piece of shit!"

She was filled with bloodlust that could suffocate everyone around her. If the Bai Xue in control has a kind and soft personality, this Bai Xue that is within her is fierce like a wild animal.

And for a split second, Wang Ling turned around and seeing Bai Xue with her eyes close he closed his eyes smiling.

[I do not know what happened, but, considering it is her, she will be fine, and that bloodlust, that familiar lust for blood is something that cannot be faked]

One day – two days – three days passed in an instant. While the ground of humanoid figure travels through the invisible path, another rift opened in the depths of the Universe.

These rifts possess a ravenous and beastly aura similar to the rifts of the First Generation Deities that emerged. But it was far weaker than the originals.

There were four rifts just like before but smaller compared to the rifts of the originals all four were much smaller despite its contents being much more abundant.

From within the rifts, a significant number of Dragons, Phoenixes, Tigers, and Black Turtles emerged.

All four races were in their humanoid form, and they marched outside of their rifts. They are the second and third generation of the Deities who were said to have retreated with the First generations.

They lived in a different rift from the First Generation. The First Generation watched over them step out of their rifts and kneel before them with an impassive gaze.

The First Generations were in their primal beast form and were massive. In front of them were the Second and the Third Generation who seemed like dust.

When the newcomers bowed their heads, all of them spoke, "We greet our Ancestors."

The First Generation Deities turned their heads over to them and smiled. The number of the Second and Third Generation has indeed increased after so much time had passed.

With the superior blood of the Deities, it was hard for newborns to survive, but after eons, there over a thousand of them present.

The oldest of them were kneeling with respect and pride that they have seen their ancestor after so many years, but the other younglings were only kneeling because they were told.

They would peek at the First Generation with interested gazes showing disrespect their Ancestors. These prideful beasts know they are strong; they know they stand above almost every other beings out there so they cannot accept that someone else was looking at them with contempt.

So, the next scene was predictable. A group of the young Deities stood up and looked at the Deities with challenging eyes.

"I cannot accept that someone can stand above us! We are the strongest beings in this Universe, how dare you look down upon us like you are some kind of God?"

"What the hell are you speaking? Do not be so rude with the Lords!"

The Elders of each race tried to stop them from speaking so disrespectfully against the Four Lords. But the Deities looked over them with the same contempt, and then Lixus laughed aloud causing a tremendous storm of qi all over the place.

He looked at the vigorous lads and lasses and made a grim smile before speaking of the truth, "Because for you guys, we are Gods who created you!"

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