Celestial Peak

Chapter 368

Chapter 368: Lucius

This was supposed to be his third chance in life, yet, he was already dead.

But strangely enough, his soul had yet to leave this body. This soul of his was still sticking to a dead being, and then, just as Wang Ling was about to come up with theories of his own, a light entered an eye.

'I have recovered one my vision?' he had no clue what the hell was happening.

But he saw it, a burning building with dozens of dead bodies littering while some more were kneeling on the floor. 

Processing the information of the memory, Wang Ling slowly understood his situation and who this man was.

Lucius Vyasa was a no named youth whose only wish was to become a [Wayfinder].

A young man whose talent was mediocre, yet hardworking and diligent, he smiled at the face of troubles, all for the sake of giving his younger brother a brighter future.

Born of a fallen Noble family, he wanted nothing more than to become stronger and open a brighter future he was destined to lead. He wanted to disobey the fate of the heavens, 

However, the only thing he received was disappointment. 

Lucius Vyasa fell short of talent and resources, he was looked down upon, and in the end, he was abandoned by the Sect he joined. But he didn't give up, he kept at it and persevered, training in the ways of the fist until his eyes flowed red with blood.

Wang Ling remembered these events like it was his own, the pain, the hardship, and the dedication this lad put into his fist was beyond what his body could handle, but he didn't break.

Lucius Vyasa actually grew stronger the more pain he suffered from, and the stronger he became, the more promising he looked. After a lot of hardship, he finally entered the Core discipleship of the Sect.

But strength begets challenge, envy, and jealousy and those who thought him to be underserving because of his birthright looked down upon Lucius Vyasa.

Time and time again, Lucius Vyasa was belittled, he was used as a punching bag by those he was supposed to call peer. He wished to retaliate, but the existence of his brother became the bane of his existence.

They jeered at him and laughed at his plight. Spitting at his sorrows, chanting ab

"Those with strength stand above all, those with status are revered, and those with talent are envied — You have none of those, so don't you dare strut as if you do."

Lucius Vyasa's eyes turned sharp, his intent soaring, yet he could do nothing. The brother he left behind was 

His fist staggered in the air, the light under his eye disappeared — or so it would seem.

The fire simply stagnated, but it was not extinguished, his desire to rise was present and his determination remained unmoved.

His Master, the Elder of ruling over the Seventh Sword Mountain encouraged him to push forth, "Hide your blade, hide your rage, and when it is time, strike your enemies down."

Lucius Vyasa's desire needed no revitalization, but those words brought forth hidden desires that had never been told.

Accepting every fist strike, he coughed liters of blood, but he didn't falter. He grew stronger with every hit; he grew resilient with every strike. 

He became a tempered blade ready to strike down his foe.

Then, the Sect Competition arrived.

Reaching what was called Qi Reinforcement Realm, he unleashed his fist against a sword, a strength not even his master knew appeared, a single strike dug out the heart of the foe before him, and the might of a Master beyond a Realm was shown.

He expected everyone to cheer for his win, his master to congratulate him with open arms, but what Lucius Vyasa got was silence.

"What's happening!? Master!? Why are you not smiling? I won!" He questioned as he looked his master in the eye.

The one he killed was named, Seran Lopus, born from a family with a relatively large force. 

Said force was nothing compared to the Sect and Lucius' Master, but, the Seventh Elder did not smile for his victory, instead, he grimaced and made an announcement.

Lucius was thrown out of his sect and the master he so wished to please abandoned him. Lucius wanted to despair but he hurried back home in fear of his brother's life. 

Quickly, his feet carried him back home, from days to no end he ran and ran just to reach his home and protect the only had he had, yet once he reached his home, everything was already on fire.

Dozens of men from the Lopus Family gathered around him and the master he so respected was there, assisting the attackers. 

The master he so respected stabbed him by the shoulder and pinned him on a tree questioning him about a matter even he could not understand, "The Overhaul Phoenix Rebirth Technique! Where is it, boy!? We have upturned every brick that this house has, and we have yet to find it, boy, tell me where it is! Else I will kill you and your brother!"

It was at this time that Lucius finally understood why his master was doing this. The Overhaul Phoenix Rebirth Technique was the Vyasa Family's known familial heirloom that let its practitioner claw their way back from the brink of death and become younger.

Lucius' master was already nearing death and he had only accepted Lucius as his disciple to get this technique. 

Not only that but the death of the said young master was carefully orchestrated and instigated by the sect to have that family's line out of their ranks, in the end, Lucius was simply used. Even his achievements and hope were nothing but fabricated lies!

Dozens, even hundreds raided his home, killed what remained of their servant, and tortured him and his brother, all for a technique that no longer existed.

The documents had long burned down together with the rest of their ancestors who lost in the fight against the Demons of the Beyond years ago.

Bleeding out, Lucius could feel his life leaving him, but the hatred and rage deep within him only grew, in front of him was the burning estate that his ancestors left of him, and meters away from him was his brother also being hit and beaten, trying to get information that no longer existed.

"Older Brother, No!" Lucius's younger brother Leo called out to his dying brother.

"Get your… filthy hands off my brother!" 

Lucius bit his tongue, he grunted in place of his screams, he roared within his mind, and with what was left of his life he made an announcement!


"Shut up and die already. Tch, useless till the end!"josei

Lucius' head got bashed in, more blood flowed like a river, his last desire echoed, his life whisked away, his soul leaving him like a wisp losing its blaze.

His life ended yet his heart still thrummed from anger, it refused to truly let him die, like a flickering it held on to its final embers.

Little by little this ember transformed to a might blaze enough to contend with Phoenix Fire, and ever so slightly life returned. 

The Overhaul Phoenix Rebirth was no technique to be practiced, but a constitution inherited by one person each generation.

What's more, it could only be activated at the moment of one's death.

This technique gives an abundant amount of vitality to its possessor and just before the soul is whisked away, his or her cultivation would soar like a Phoenix's flight.

Lucius would live; however, another soul seized his body to fulfill his heart's desire. If Lucius was to be reborn from the ashes at this very moment he would only die again or even tortured.

His brother would perish with him and he would suffer. There would be a chance for him to rise properly but in return, he would have nothing.

But one soul looking for a suitable vessel found him and as the memories of the Lucius fused with this man's soul, his battered regenerating body moved once more.

'You had a hard life, kid… don't worry, I'll fulfill your wishes… I'll save your family, I won't let him die.'

Wang Ling leaned forth, his movement received no attention from the men who had their backs turned to him. The sword pinning him on the tree loosened and soon he was released!


"Ugh! Wh-what the?" the nearest man looked down and saw a sword penetrating his chest. 

Perplexed and afraid of death, when his body fell with a thud, attention was brought to the walking bloodied body of a young man.

The sword that pinned Lucius on the tree killed one of the assailants.

"Ho-how are you still alive — hah, the Overhaul Phoenix Rebirth Technique, you did h—" The old coot Lucius once called master laughed, yet Wang Ling simply looked at him and counted his enemies and confirmed where Lucius' younger brother was.

'Eleven nearby, and the little runt I need to save is seventeen meters away… this is going to be hard…'

He commented as he took a deep breath and looking up to the cloudless night sky.

"Lucius Vyasa, I Wang Ling has heard your cries and now, you are to watch the massacre of your enemies I will present in your honor!!"

Everyone who saw the bloodied runt could not help but laugh at this announcement, but the next moment resulted in their faces twisting to a mix of confusion and fear.

A sea of killing intent washed over them as the suffocating feeling of death had a firm grip on their necks.

In third life, Wang Ling did not carry his cultivation realm but something else remained… the absolute Quintessence of Slaughter.

Wang Ling has returned to the world of the living and the first thing he would do after this awakening is simply — Kill.

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