Celestial Peak

Chapter 375

Chapter 375: Brilliant Idea

'Almost there! I can reach it! I can finally see the answer! Ack!'

Wang Ling threw up liters of blood after failing to once again rein in the qi in his body. Blood splattered all over the place, pain cursed him, but frustration got to him first.josei

'Even after using my Sword Intent to strengthen my meridians resulted in failure!' 

It had been five months since he reincarnated, and he had been trying to find ways to cultivate yet he was still empty-handed, unable to find the answer to the question of how. 

His strongest controllable force at the moment was his Sword Intent, the sword intent was even in fact stronger than his two qi to some degree. However, even after refining his meridians for months, Wang Ling still ended up with his meridians on the brink of destruction.

"This is going nowhere."

The inability to use the strength he had was too frustrating to keep his head cool. 

He decided to step out of the dilapidated house to take in some fresh air. Just in time for Leo to return from hunting another beast.

"Master, how as it?"

"Same old, what about you? Have you broke through the Late-Stage of Qi Reinforcement Realm?" 

Leo threw the Red Boar on the side, "I have, and it is all thanks to Master teaching me the Sky Revolving Method. My body is nearing its strongest point and my pores are all about to open, I can reach the [Qi Cloaking Realm]."

Cultivation may have changed but its fundamentals have yet to be thrown. 

At the moment the stages of cultivation Wang Ling were aware of would be what was known as [Qi Realization Stage] where cultivators must grow accustomed to using Qi.

Qi Reinforcement Realm to strengthen the body and how to properly distribute qi to the body from the inside.

Qi Cloaking Realm to learn how to cloak the body with Qi by letting it seep out of his body through the 720 pores. 

Qi Manifestation Realm to learn how to extend qi out of the body and affect the world and object around them. This would be the stage where many would learn how to use a flying sword or control an element, or even tame a beast.

Wang Ling was still at the peak of Qi Reinforcement Realm about to open his pores and enter Qi Cloaking Realm, but because of his qi being unable to circulate without killing him, Wang Ling was stagnating at Qi Reinforcement Realm.

"So, you are about to enter Qi Cloaking Realm, that is good." Wang Ling said while observing the carcass of the red boar observing how well Leo hunted the beast. 

"You killed with a single strike, that is impressive. Though you failed to cut off its tail, you still managed to cut deep enough on its neck, you are improving swiftly, but… you are now only wasting life."

Wang Ling motioned to the pile of beasts lying over to his right. The pile had several dead beasts Leo had hunted in the past three days. 

At the moment he had become the top predator of these mountains, and because of this, his proficiency in hunting increased.

Leo made an awkward laugh, trying to dodge his words.


"Come on, master, this is training."

"No, this is not training, this is you reveling in the power you have gained and turning taking killing as a sport. I may reap a lot of lives but even I have a reason, rarely do I kill just because I wish to test a blade or see what I can do. I kill because I can claim a soul, I kill to feed, I kill to protect myself and others, I kill to claim a core, I kill because I wish to get my revenge these reasons may seem flimsy but at least they have a purpose — what I am getting at is... if you plan to take a life use it to better yourself, I do not condone killing, but make it so that the life you take has a purpose, has a reason."

Wang Ling was very much aware of the past where he sacrificed a whole Era just to open the World's boundaries. 

Because of that act, Wang Ling killed millions if not billions. Others may see his act as selfish, but to this day he sees it as a way to opening the path for the next generation.

Like before, Wang Ling would not eke away at the responsibility of burdening the hate of an entire world. 

He had his own reason for doing such an act.

"Yes, Master… I apologize."

"It is good to know, then come, help me finish the Deer you hunter yesterday before it rots. I need to replenish myself."

Wang Ling ordered Leo to take the boar to the pile and failed to notice the dark wisp attached on its tail that was slowly eating at its flesh. 

The boar was thrown into the pile of unprocessed carcasses.

Wang Ling started the fire while Leo processed the meat they would be eating for the night. 

An hour later the two finished their prepping and began cooking their dinner.

Wang Ling sat by the fire roasting the deer where he was asked by Leo about something, "Master, can you tell me how I can reach the Qi Cloaking Realm?"

"You already seek the answer for that when you aren't even at the Later Stage of Qi Reinforcement Realm?"

"Well, like you said last week enlightenment can come at any moment and I fear that if I receive an enlightenment that can lead me to the Qi Cloaking Realm, if I lack the knowledge to break the barrier of this cultivation realm, I might experience a backlash and you know… die."

"Fair enough." Wang Ling said while turning the deer.

"To put it simply, Qi Cloaking Realm can be reached by circulating your qi all over your body and destroying the clogs placed on your pores. In the past, we use our mouth to take in qi, but to reach Qi Clacking Realm it is through the pores which are more efficient. To open the pores, you must destroy the blockage thereby securing a new entry for qi to flow through your body."

"So, is Master saying I have to destroy the walls of the body to create a new path?"

"Yes, you can say it like… that… wait, destroy the walls to create a path — that's it!" Wang Ling burst into a peal of wild laughter as soon as he heard Leo's interpretation.

[Destroy the walls to create a new path! How did I not think of that? The Qi Cloaking Realm method, this is the way! Finally! I can see light!] 

"Master, is something the matter?"

Wang Ling turned to the concerned Leo and showed him a wide smile, "No, but I am going to enter seclusion now."

"Wait, right now?"

"Yes, and I don't know how long it would take but do not bother me at any circumstance. If I am disturbed then I do not know what will happen to me, I might even die." Wang Ling rushed to the old dilapidated house and just as he was about to enter, he turned back to Leo, "Oh yeah, make sure to eat everything you hunted and will hunt from now on." 


Wang Ling did not wait for Leo to say anything and just slammed the door shut. Leo was left there, staring at the 900-kilogram pile of meat… he felt like cursing himself.

While inside the room, Wang Ling was smiling at the brilliant idea he just had.

As soon as he took a seat, he activated the Holy Race bloodline, summoned the three Haloes and the Overlord Lines. The Overlord Lines, however, did not appear outside his body, instead, he relocated it inside his body.

After a few hours, Wang Ling could feel his body being torn apart by the massive qi flowing through his meridians, "There, all set… I just hope this works."

The moment those words left his mouth, Wang Ling proceeded to voluntarily destroy his meridian system — crippling himself.

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