Celestial Peak

Chapter 476

Chapter 476: Origin World I

Morning, as early as sunrise the Temple opens and welcomes the people who wish to travel to another side of the Universe. Wang Ling and his group entered the temple through its gigantic ancient golden gates.

Upon entry, the first they saw was the giant platform in the middle of the hall. Wang Ling and the other walked through the hall and got up on this platform, observing it, he saw nothing special on it, other than runes were engraved on its surface.

Wang Ling closed his eyes, a new kind of sensation coursed through his veins. Warm yet cold, it was nothing short of natural, he opened his eyes against the lull calling upon his consciousness telling him to sleep/

[It's calming.] his soul hummed in delight, he could feel the subtle pull on his body and soul relaxing. It was similar to how he felt when he was nothing but a soul, it that mixture of enlightened feeling and self… he felt real.

Wang Ling failed to notice but his eyes glowed a deep azure. None felt the change other than Qinyang who saw it flashed, [So that is the Soul of the All-Father?] she was amazed to catch a glimpse of Wang Ling's very soul reacting to the Realm of Origin. 

"It is good to see your group is now complete." The old woman laughed, "So, this was the person you were, o-oh—t-this is him?—is your companion fit to travel?"

The old woman asked seeing the bloodied and battered figure of the young man. 

Chang Ping who was standing on the side smiled and nodded, "He look like this that is only because he fought some Abyssal Demons. But he'll manage… he has to. Right, Tang Yu?" Chang Ping's voice turned a notch lower.

"Yes, Master." Tang Yu, the Absolute White Sword of the Sword Tower turned to the old woman with a tear-stained face, sniffling, "I-I am fine, do not worry about it…"

"O-okay then… ahem, so where do these heroes wish to go?" the old woman asked as she did her best to ignore the obvious problem in the situation.

The temple found in the Origin Lands was popular because it could connect to the eighteen Origin Platforms of the Origin World. Though there were other Temples, it was the most accessible especially when the Origin Platform was on the other side of the Universe.

The reason for this was because the Celestial Spirit Realm had a direct link to the Origin World opened by the Ancient Hero was Wang Wudi. Due to this, the Celestial Spirit Realm became the key that could open any door leading to any path platform without restrictions.

However, this particular group shook their heads as Chang Ping clicked her tongue in irritation, "Hey, Tang Yu, do it, we're already late for making the preparations."

"Ye-yes… madam, please move away from the platform we cannot go to any of the Platforms." Tang Yu grievingly asked.

"I apologize, but I cannot do—"

Butler Sun who had been keeping to himself from the side tossed a single white jade to the old woman, "If you do not know what that is, that's the First Sword's Sword Jade plaque. We are people from the Supreme Floor of the Heaven Hell Sword Tower, please, just… don't start anything and keep this a secret from everyone else. I don't want for anyone to create another fuss."

Butler Sun took the liberty of explaining the matter to the old woman who kept silent as she came to the realization, "Then… is it possible, that you sir… is the Absolute White Sword?"

Butler Sun just shook his head and said no more leaving everything for the old woman to decipher everything else. But, she didn't need to think that hard.

Tang Yu stepped forward and brought out a golden mask that had the character of one on its forehead. She wore it securely and then brought out a white sword that glowed a brilliant golden light.

A typical opening of the Spatial Tear was simply the activation of the runes written on the platform. Setting the coordinates was as simple as sticking out a talisman into the platform which would then connect to the other side of the platform to a corresponding location.

However, this was different, vastly so. Tang Yu's fingers ran through the blade of his sword and then, runes glowed—stab!— his sword struck air, but there was resistance to it. Tang Yu summoned his qi and cut through space itself!

Using the Spatial Tear located in the temple as a medium, Tang Yu located the Origin World—using the golden sword and its runes, Tang Yu held the key—Slash! A golden almond shape spatial tear appeared in front of everyone else. 

"The Golden Path of Gods." the spectacle awed the old woman bringing her down to her knees.

Butler Sun retrieved the white jade seeing her reaction knowing it was no longer needed, 

It echoed as a golden light shot up through the ceiling enveloping the temple in its brilliance. The light was resplendent, and it was then that Tang Yu brought out seven talismans and ripped them to pieces at the same time.

The Seven ripped talismans attacked itself on the edges of the portal becoming a stabilizer of sorts holding the spatial tear together. Tang Yu heaved a sigh of relief, saying, "Please, pass through already, master, you know how I have to be the last person in."

But it was not Chang Ping who listened to his words, it was Wang Ling who ignored everyone and stepped forward. His eyes were attracted by the gate, but he was not looking at its light.

He was not in awe of this sight like the old woman. He was not amazed by the spectacle, he peered through beyond what it showed him.josei

Wang Ling touched the golden path's surface, he could feel it pulsating, the tear was crying as the tear was forcefully created. Wang Ling called upon his qi, wanting to tamper with the golden path.

Tang Yu saw this and panicked, "Hey! What are you doing—"

Wang Ling cared little for Tang Yu's words. No, he couldn't hear him because of the mysterious pull on his chest.

Wang Ling's qi touched the portal, the golden light was overridden and for a brief moment everything was silent.


Then a massive gust of wind appeared out of nowhere. The Gate began to crumble in front of everyone's eyes.

"Dammit!" Tang Yu shouted and brought even more talisman out of his spatial ring. He wanted to repair the portal, and that was when he saw it, the golden light being sucked into Wang Ling's body.

The portal, little by little assimilated with Wang Ling and then disappeared.

"Huh? What just happened?" Tang Yu asked, but everyone held such a sentiment.

Wang Ling did not answer them, simple, he looked at Wang Yu, asking him, "Do you still have more of those talismans?"

"Yes, why?"

"Give them to me." Wang Ling's words were not loud, but they were commanding. Tang Yu could not disobey despite not holding any fear. Instead, there was a sense of companionship to Wang Ling that made him obey.

Handing Wang Ling seven talismans, he asked, "What are you going to do with them?"

"This." Wang Ling held onto the seven talismans, channeled his qi into his sword, and felt a familiar sensation on his soul. 

Using the talismans as the door, Wang Ling slashed out using his sword as key.

And without needing to tear the talismans, a golden spatial tear appeared before them.

Tang Yu looked at the much stabler golden spatial tear, looked at Wang Ling, and asked him, "How!?"

Wang Ling gave Tang Yu a quick look as he broke out of his trance, "Hmm, it seems like I mastered Space just now."

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