Celestial Peak

Chapter 482

Chapter 482: Tang Ai

"Please, don't call me boy… I no longer like hearing the word." Wang Ling stated his eyes showed a dangerous light, "Also, are the two of you somehow in a relationship?" he asked seeing their intimacy. 

"She's, my mother."

"—disciple. She is my disciple, she is Tang Ai, Mas—Young Master." 

Tang Ai laughed and stepped on the table to bow to Wang Ling, "Presenting myself as the Sixth Sword, the "hidden" Red Mask of the Sword Tower — Killer Blade Red Mask, Tang Ai at your service."

Tang Ai introduced herself as flamboyantly as possible. It was amusing to see her move like an entertainer. Wang Ling even clapped, but Butler Sun glared at the young lady, "Miss Mu, I would like to ask you to step down. Mind your manners, else I will abandon mine like you."

A simple threat and Tang Ai jumped down from the table. She could recognize Butler Sun quite well, "Hello Butler Sun, how are the Great Heroes Wang and Xiao?"

"Good to see you are doing as well, Miss Mu. As for the Master and Madam, it is all the same, they are spending their time in their mountains training their grandchildren and some." Butler Sun answered honestly.josei

"Is that so. That is good to know then." Tang Ai turned to the young man next to Butler Sun. She smiled as she and Wang Ling exchanged gazes, "Who might this handsome young man be? Are you the Sword God's new disciple, perhaps? My Martial Brother?"

"Pff." Someone laughed, it was Chang Ping, "He's not my disciple, he's my—hmm, we haven't decided what kind of lie we'll use. What do you want me to use? We also need one to ensure your entry to the Congregation."

Intrigued, Wang Ling began to think. He too had not been thinking this through as he was already getting by using the name of Ling Wang, "Hmm, I haven't thought of that…let's say, Doctor, for now, besides, I've been curing you so that's not really a lie anyway. As for the congregation, we'll think about it later."

"That works." Without any hint of shame, Chang Ping's attention returned to Tang Ai, "So, yeah, he's, my doctor. Will that suffice?"

Tang Ai, looked at the two, "I heard all of that, Mother. So, can you please tell me the truth now?"

"First, I am not your mother, call me master. Second, that was the truth, what are you doubting me, Tang Ai?" Chang Ping asked Tang Ai with absolute shamelessness behind her words.

Anyone could understand that Chang Ping and Wang Ling was lying through their teeth. No, more than that, it was a barefaced lie the two did not even bother hiding, but Tang Ai smiled and nodded, "Of course I believe Mother. Good to see you, Doctor… um, I didn't catch your name?"

"Ling Wudi." Wang Ling stated another barefaced lie. Tang Ai glared at Wang Ling, she did not like liars.

But Chang Ping suddenly spoke, "It is the truth, so be sure to treat him as you would treat me."

"As a parent?"

"… no, with respect."

Tang Ai bowed to Wang Ling, "It is good to meet you, Doctor Ling Wudi." Tang Ai introduced herself with courtesy.

Tang Ai, was currently one of the strongest Elven Experts in all the Cosmos. Tang Ai was a weird person at her core. 

She was Chang Ping's sixth disciple, the youngest of the sixth and possibly the one with the strongest loyalty. She would believe Chang Ping's every word like it was the gospel of the highest God. 

Even if Chang Ping lies to her, if her Master tells her that it was the truth then Tang Ai would disregard the truth and believe the lie. If Chang Ping orders Tang Ai to die for her, she would do so without hesitation. Because to Tang Ai, Chang Ping could not do any wrong.

[So this is Tang Ai. Interesting, her eyes are similar to that of a beast, she's sharp and smart. I can see why she's called the Killer Blade. I would like to teach her but her killing intent is not refine and more hidden. She does not fit the usage of Blood Seeking Sword. Though I doubt she'll even want to learn from me.]

Wang Ling already knew about Tang Ai, though he did not know how she looked like. Chang Ping already warned him about her, telling him how she's the second strongest of the Six Swords of the Sword Tower, not counting Chang Ping herself, of course.

She was a killer. Some even call her the dirtiest of the Six Swords, but she could smile so brightly because of Chang Ping. She was a bloodthirsty killer.

According to hearsays, when Chang Ping found Tang Ai, the child held a kitchen knife and had killed two Abyssal Demons, who happened to be her parents. She was covered in blood, but not her own, but the parents who protected her.

When her parents perished at the hands of the Abyssal Demons, they too transformed into Abyssal Demons, and to survive, the child was forced to kill her parents. When this happened, she was but 70 years old. The age of 70 may be the end for most humans but for Tang Ai, at the time, if one uses human time, she was nothing but a 7-year-old child.

The Sword God, however, knew the truth. Tang Ai did not only kill two abyssal Demons at the age of seven but a total of 34.

Also, it was not abyssal demons who killed her parents, but a Clan called the Tang Clan. Her parents protected her from the Tang Clan who came to ransack their house, claiming it was to resupply their forces.

Tang Ai's parents complied, but when the Tang Clan members got drunk, they looked at Tang Ai and her Mother with lecherous eyes. This spurred the beast within their hearts unleashing lust. 

Tang Ai's father tried to protect his family but failed. He was killed by dismemberment. 

Tang Ai's mother pleaded for her daughter to be spared, so she was raped by more than 30 men. 

When the mother died, they set their eyes on Tang Ai. But before they could do anything, Chang Ping arrived and slaughtered the Tang Clan members.

At that time, the Abyssal Demons infection arrived and turned every corpse into the undead. Tang Ai's parents were first to rise, and when Chang Ping was about to slaughter the demons, the child took up a kitchen knife and said she wanted to kill her own parents to put them to rest.

Chang Ping complied and only assisted the child. When the Tang Clan rose as well, Tang Ai claimed she wanted to get revenge, Chang Ping agreed as well doing the same as before.

From then on, Chang Ping saw promise in the young girl and took her in as a disciple. 

Chang Ping treated Tang Ai like her own child, and Tang Ai who was saved from a gruesome fate became a fanatic of her Master seeing her as the mother she had lost.

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