Celestial Peak

Chapter 489

Chapter 489: Congregation II

On the plateau, there was the Twenty-Six Thrones and Circular Meeting Table on its middle. But using a white cloth, the strongest Experts of the Universe drank on the ground with food and drinks brought by each family as though they were in a family reunion.

Covering their faces, Butler Sun and Chang Ping could not bear looking at Wang Ling's eyes. 

"…Butler Sun… care to explain... please?" Wang Ling did not understand why these Drunks were here. Cluelessness and the inability to think about any rational reasoning to make his thoughts plausible did not come about.

Wang Ling just stood there, stupefied waiting for Butler Sun's explanation, "Butler Sun?"

"A-ahem, well… you see, about thirteen thousand years ago when the first Congregation of the Major Powers was held, it somehow turned into a drinking party that lasted for three days. And it had been like this for the past millennia. It became tradition to loosen the atmosphere by drinking alcohol in the first day of the Congregation."

"if that is true then how come the others seem to treat this occasion as an illustrious event? Why are the common Experts treating this like it's some kind of formal event when… the people who attend it are like… this?"

"Well, because the Major Powers does not want to change the tradition. Also, only the Family Heads and one accompaniment could go here at a time. Also, most of the time, only the successors are brought here by their Families. When Lord Wang Hong became the Family Head, he also kept it a secret, the same with his son, the current Family Head…"

"So, no one talked about it outside their circle?"

"No because that would cause an outrage having them lose the trust of the people. But then, why didn't they just stop it altogether? You might ask. To answer that, it's because even these people have to blow off steam after continuously fighting Demons for millennia." 

Dang Gu raised his cups at them, shouting, "Ah! Great Elder Sun! You are here as well!? That's good, that's good! Come one, let us drink! Come on, come on! Mu Wei brought five hundred barrels of Immortal Seven Wonders Wine from the Insane Spear! Hmm? Who are those behind you? Those wings, a Devil? Oh, it's Elder Kareem! Gahaha! Why didn't you say you were coming?"

"Elder Kareem? Oh, shit, he's right! Everyone, it's Elder Kareem!" an elven woman from the Mu Family heard Dang Gu and called out to everyone seeing the Devil Emperor came. She was Mu Bei, the Family Head of the Elven Mu Family.

The others who heard them snapped out of their drunken stupor. It was easy to distinguish the older ones from the younger generation. The drunks bowed sloppily while the young ones brought to the Congregation were courteous more so than their parents… it was a surreal sight to behold.

In this Era could one become a Hermit? Someone who stays in a mountain in silence? Theoretically, yes, but that's only if one suffers immense damages to the body and spirit like the Ancestors and becomes unable to fight.

The strong may be able to live in leisure, but the strongest people could not. Their every action would lead to the death or survival of thousands if not millions or billions, they were the strongest thus they have the greatest responsibility.

To be a Major Power does not mean to be strong in terms of attack power, no, it meant to be strong as a unit that could lead the entirety of the Cosmos. In their midst no one could be evil, their numbers must be limited so the idea of internal conflict would not arise, and every ten years the Family Heads would be going to the battlefield cleaning up Abyssal Demons.

This was the life of the Major Powers, and only during these times when a Congregation happens could they truly be taken away from the battlefield. Only when they drink together as companions were they outside of the field dyed with blood.

Kareem looked at them and covered his face with shame. But it was not just him as the three girls also did the same. Wang Ling looked at them, awaiting their explanation, 'So, the four of you knew of this?'

Yuan Ming peeked at him and just said, 'To be fair I did not know. I'm just ashamed that the Deities had a hand in starting this tradition… the Young Miss knew about it though.'


'That's enough. We're here now anyway, and seeing how they are already familiar with everyone means that everyone knew of it other than me… sigh, let's just drink, and Kareem, you could have said something so I didn't have to go about thinking of masking your identity. Then again, you were a Devil Emperor in the first place so that was useless.'

'I apologize, Father.' Kareem apologized while keeping a straight face. 

This conversation was heard only by them and without any need to say much their group began melding with the rest. 

"Excuse me?" a cold yet soft voice sounded out, "That is the side of the adults, the successors cannot join with the Experts, please, come follow me to the side of our peers." It was a young woman who called out to Wang Ling, she was beautiful and even after counting the adults, she looked the most mature of them all.

Wang Ling was planning to join the adult's side with the rest. Even the Deities who looked younger than him was planning on joining the sides of the adults like Kareem and Butler Sun, but instead, he got intrigued and instead went to the younger generation on the side.

"Hmm? Sir Ling, where are you going?"

"Oh, I am going with her with the rest of the "companions" of the Congregation members."josei

"…oh, so that is where we should be sitting. Ah, Elder Yuan Ming and Elder Yuan Qing, please excuse me as I would be joining the side of our peers." Qinyang pounced on the chance to be treated as peers to others.

The twins looked at her joining Wang Ling's side and just shrugged their shoulders, content about their current position, 'She's doing her best to spend time with him. She's more proactive now than before.'

'That's good then.' 

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