Celestial Peak

Chapter 491

Chapter 491: Peak Experts

[These guys never change… well, they did grow with them, so what the hell.] Watching her disciples sing and dance with the rest of the Peak Experts made Chang Ping shake her head with a wry smile. She watched these children grow to become who they were now, a sense of motherhood rose to see them act like so, [Sigh, just how long have I been away? Hmm? Hohoho? Is that who I think it is? She actually came?] 

Chang Ping said her hello to the woman garbed in red dress and veil, "Refining God, you've been able to develop any good pills lately?"

"…" Yan Renhuo gave Chang Ping a quick look before turning away, "Please hide your presence from the others so we do not get dragged into their gathering, Sword God or should I still you Ancestral Master Chang Ping?"

"Please don't speak of my name so lightly, I don't want others to know it. You really don't like socializing." Chang Ping heard a lot about the Refining God long ago. Like her, the title of the Refining God had never left its person, Yan Renhuo had always and would always be the Refining God, master of the Chaos Flames.

Also, like the Sword God, the Refining God's past was shrouded in mystery with only the Ancestral Lineage of the Wang and Xiao Family knowing who she was. She was a silent master spending her time inside a room to continuously develop new pills to help the world.

'It is the mission left to me by a special man, he's not here anymore but I see it is like my job to use the gifts he gave me for the betterment of the Cosmos.' Those were her most recent words to the public… ten thousand years ago or so.

She rarely steps out of the Alchemist Tower's top floor and even when she does, it would only during the Congregations. Chang Ping does not usually attend congregation as she was more recluse than Yan Renhuo, but, seeing how disassociated Yan Renhuo was made her smile in contempt, [I at least know how to talk to others.]

But, in the end, that sense of superiority did not last long, "So overseeing a vital survival plot of the Universe is also getting to you, huh. I thought of all the Five Gods you had the most mental fortitude."

"And from what I heard the Sword God did not talk this much before? Seems like losing the Red Dawn World made you feel a little relieved. You're not even masking your voice." Yan Renhuo did not mince her words.

Chang Ping just smirked inside her mask, "Haven't you see the rules? We can't act arrogant here or be sneaky, our Master's Wife will be really mad it appears."

"Is that s—wait, what did you just—" taken aback, Yan Renhuo dropped her tea.

Chang Ping caught it and casually gave it back to Yan Renhuo, "Shocking, right? I heard it from Butler Sun, though I am his first disciple considering he guided me in the way of the sword long before he even became a Saint much less an Immortal—"

Without any prompt, Chang Ping began narrating how she was given guidance.

How Wang Ling just handed her a stone that led to the creation of her current path, "Though to be fair, he didn't think I would complete my training and died before I could meet him. But considering how I still got accepted, means that I was the first and Eldest disciple."

"…I won't be calling you Elder Martial Sister if that's what you mean."

"Hmm? Yeah, no need for you to do that, you're older than me by a few years anyway." Chang Ping then became silent before proceeding to cut her mask, revealing the lower part of her mouth so she could drink her wine, "Let's not refer to ourselves who are first or second, besides, I just recently learned the Blood Seeking Sword anyway."

Yan Renhuo was drinking her wine when she suddenly stopped altogether. Her emotion stirred for she understood what she meant, rationality comments that Chang Ping had turned on the Coalition.

"The Devil Emperor, the Deities, and Butler Sun knows of this. He cured me of the Abyssal Poison, and he taught me the Blood Seeking Sword, he's also being hunted by the Revenants… is that enough for you? Oh yeah, he's here as well."


"Ancestral Master Yan, is something the matter?" the Family Head of the Meng Family asked with a hiccup.

"Ah! N-no, I apologize, I lost my composure, the Sword God and I were simply catching up in the matter of the Red Dawn World incident. It is nearing midnight, after all."

"…please don't remind me of work, Ancestral Master Yan." Meng Li rejoined the rest of the drunkards not wanting to remember that the inevitable would start in a few more hours. Being a Family Head was a hassle especially for someone like him who likes to laze about.

Yan Renhuo regained her composure with several dry coughs, "If what you are telling me are true, then does that mean—is he that young man with the rest of the children?"

"Huh? Why are you already assuming that he got reincarnated as a man?" 

"…really—did he got reincarnated as a girl?" in disbelief, Yan Renhuo intently flashed heated gazes on Qinyang.

"You really bought that? I was obviously lying about him being a girl." 


Chang Ping leaned backward and dodged a swift strike from Yan Renhuo.

"Then, does that mean your other words as well?"josei

"Oh, those are true, believe me, so was your first guess. Also, you are not the focal point of attention with how you are acting." 

Yan Renhuo's face reddened ever so slightly from shame while Chang Ping's laughter reached everyone's ears.

"Ma-Master?" Chu Hua, the only disciple of the Refining God saw Yan Renhuo fumble about trying to hit Chang Ping, she looked down, smiling softly, "I haven't seen that expression from Master for a long time... I am glad she's finally having fun." 

She smiled, relieved.

There were different kinds of reunions. Those for rivals and those for friends, of course, it was a generalization but the ending of these two ends in either two, a bloodbath or filled with smiles. Wang Ling's reunion with Chang Ping was a little bit of both.

But right now, as he looked over at Yan Renhuo, he was silently smiling seeing how he couldn't even sense her qi, [She's above and beyond me. Chang Ping, with her current state she could also push herself to at least half her peak… how about that, I'm weaker than my disciples.] 

Thinking back to how he first met Chang Ping and how Chu Hua acted, Wang Ling could not help but hold a somber expression, [It is taking a toll on them. Protecting this Cosmos takes a lot, after all.]

Wang Ling would remain silent and allow Chang Ping and Yan Renhuo to spend their time with the rest of the Experts. He did not plan on revealing his identity, at least not now so he could not move so flippantly.

Instead, Wang Ling decided to talk to the others, "Fu'er severed Fei'er's arm!? That goddamn kid! This is why I told Third Brother he needs to discipline that kid some more! Tsk, when I get back to the Family Manor, I'll need to check up on Fei'er's meridian lines… this might have an effect on her future." Wang Bo, the First Elder of the Wang Family laughed as he spoke.

"The Fist God? No one knows about him other than that he's a Wanderer who arrives from the battlefield to the next without any precedents. He's a tempest that survives one fight after another. He also disappeared three hundred years ago after the fight in the Abyssal Tundra. It's been said he's from the Primordial Races, but nothing had been said… is he from the Primordial Race?" Yuan Fan was in awe as he spoke of these words.

While talking with everyone, Wang Ling found out something — that these people from the younger generation were also a part of the Peak Exerts.

None of them were younger than thirteen thousand years of age, all of them were treated as children but none spoke out of this throughout the reunion feast. Instead, they talked casually without caring for their position.

Born with a golden spoon, they were promised riches and glory. But, knowing their position in this Universe, these people were granted the Heart of a True Expert.

[Is this the effect of the war… or their family upbringing?]

Wang Ling did not know.

The drinking and laughing lasted for the entire day and night. No one decided to even stop the influence the alcohol in them, no one used qi, and the Han Family serenaded the others with their music. 

A jovial atmosphere filled the plateau, but when midnight struck, whatever they were doing was stopped.

Carefully, they brought down the food and cups, fixed their clothing, and as they stood up and head over to the thrones where they sat with straightened backs.

Wang Ling watched them, his thoughts filled with interest and even hints of awe, [These Peak Experts are not the same from my time… they are more than beings who hold tremendous power because on their back are responsibilities heavier than Fate itself.]

Wang Ling finally understood why these drunks were the Major Powers simply put — they were simply raised different.

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