Celestial Peak

Chapter 506

Chapter 506: Wrath I

The remaining true experts of the Cosmos numbers at ten thousand. From the Eternal Library Tower's records, there were approximately a total of five thousand Rank-9 outside of the top-brass of the Major Powers.

Five thousand, all including those of the hidden masters who were not a part of any sect. In this Cosmos where trillions of lives existed, it could easily be seen why they were called rare. There were still millions of Rank-8 Cultivators, but there were only five thousand and in a single day, 10% of these peak experts died at the City of Thousand Gods.

And these peak experts died, in less than five minutes.

"We can't hold them off much longer… I don't want to say it, but, we're only delaying the inevitable."

"Dammit! If only the Refining and Sword God didn't fall… we might have had a fighting chance."

"Tsk, no crying over spilled milk now, fight on and kill as much as you can for the sake of those outside this Domain! For your families to have a fighting chance!"

Butler Sun listened to the grievances of the remaining fifty-three of the over six-hundred who attended the Regal Gods Congregation. He already managed to cover the escape of Wang Ling and the others by saying they were dragged outside by a Devil Emperor Revenant outside of the Domain to be killed.

"They separated our peak experts so they can annihilate us. I managed to escape their clutches, but they got the ones atop the plateau." Such was the explanation he gave them.

Though some may think otherwise and doubt the validity of these claims, Butler Sun was prominent enough to be believable if said by another person. Also, after a few minutes of fighting the Holy Revenants, none of them questioned such a simple question.

The ritual of the Holy Revenants lasted until the death of the last Devil Revenant. By then, the unthinkable happened. The Golden Bell suddenly rang sending out wave after wave of sound attack.

The Family Head of the Han Family blocked the waves with the help of his son. The others could not go far away from Han Ji and Han Zhiling, and all could only hopelessly watch as the Holy Revenants transformed to Holy Emperors right in front of their eyes.

The moment their transformation was completed, the Abyssal Demons that rose from the bodies of the assassinated Rank-8 Experts and below roared in delight, the abyssal gates had Abyssal Demons pouring out of them, like a never-ending tied.

To make matters worse, the two dozen Holy Emperor Revenants turned the entire Domain into Hell incarnate.

Fire burst out of their hands and invoked a storm and scattered its blaze. The flame was easy to deal with, but the assassination that took place while the others were distracted soon proved to be too effective.

One by one, the remaining Rank-9 Experts fell. Either by the flames, the abyssal demons, or the Holy Revenants. Even the members of the Major Powers could not escape the grasps of death.

Starting from the Head of the Blacksmith Tower, then the son of the Yuan Family Head Yuan Fan, the Sect Master of the Immortal Spirit Sect and his disciple—many died, and they were being culled little by little.

On the other hand, their enemies were growing, they flowed out of the Gate, all of them rearing to go. None of them had stamina, and none of them had to fear death. This was the truth of the war they face; this was the enemy they face, the death army that knew no fear.

'And the Young Master wish to go against them? They are already growing to be such formidable schemers. With the First Young Master's mindset, it would only be a matter of time before they annihilate the Cosmos… if we wish for a fighting chance, then him living would be needed. It was the right choice to send him away.'

Butler Sun could not see how Wang Ling would be able to live through this fight. Even with Wang Ling, he couldn't possibly face so many of them at once. He couldn't do something like that when he's trying to cover his face and hiding from the Abyssal Demons.

No, this sacrifice was needed for the chance they had to win this war to win, and as Butler Sun thought of this, he saw a sword coming down to him. He swayed to the side, but a chunk of his torso was taken.


Even his right leg was taken.

He activated his Domain, compressed it to a single spear, and then to its tip, summoned thousands of spears and manifested them at once, "God's Domain — Slaughter Grounds — Thousand Oblivion Spear!"


A web of spear attacks formed across the skies to meet three Holy Emperors in the front. The black spear activated its effect, the World Treasure blew tempestuous wind aiding his assault on the Holy Emperor Revenants.

Holes formed on their bodies, but the next second, with the glow of their radiant Golden Haloes, they were mere flesh wounds to be licked. In this fight, Butler Sun knew he would not live to see the next light of day… the Holy Emperors broke through his spear, and with it, the insightful Revenants also appeared from all directions.

Seventeen of the two dozen held their sword out, their killing intent swallowed a single person. Their sword intent intended to ravage a single soul.

"Blood Seeking Sword: Slaughter Arts: God Slayer!"

All seventeen moved the same way from different angles. What used to be red killing intent turned black, and the screams of depraved souls echoed with the humming of their souls and blade.

The second of the Slaughter Arts was unleashed from the fetters that sealed it away. The insanity it held ate away at the Revenant, and the prize it gave would be the death of a living God Mortal!

"Live strong…"

Butler Sun accepted his fate. He could see that many others were beginning to fall, their lives were all about to be forfeited… yet… their deaths were suddenly postponed.josei

The Revenants, the Abyssal Demons, all of them stopped at the sound of an echoing roar!


A voice pierced the Domain and reached everyone's ears. Butler Sun saw it from all around, the eyes of the Revenants and the Abyssal Demons changed, and all of them began to float or walk past the Mortals they were about to slay.

The Experts who saw this all took the chance to kill the Abyssal Demons and Revenants! 

They swung their weapons seeing the opening.


A head blew up as thousands upon thousands of strikes poured down upon his existence. His soul was rendered to nothingness. Nobody tried to move after.

It was humiliating at the mercy of the demons, but none of that mattered when their life was on the line. If they live, then, there was the next time.

They were all smart… thus, none of them did anything stupid.

The Domain slowly collapsed. Following the gazes of the Demons and Revenants, all they saw was the collapsed image of the Refining God and a single young lady.

They all thought they it was the Refining God they were going for… but, Butler Sun knew better.

She knew who the Creator they were talking about, and if they were talking about Blood, then, that meant only one thing, "They really did have a child? Oh no… Qinyang… the Young Miss is in danger!"

Butler Sun tried to move but his missing leg brought him stumbling down. He had yet to recover, and in that split second opening the Holy Revenants moved.


Their smiles and laughter echoed, crossing thousands of kilometers in mere moments they wished to kill and drain Qinyang for her blood.

Qinyang was out of breath. She watched the oncoming Revenant. She wished to run or even fight back, but… she was already out of qi.

"How fitting… to die to those bearing his face… my greed for a Father brought me to this end."

Her tears fell, and the Revenants arrived in front of her.

"I'm sorry... Mother."


And at that moment, when the Revenants' hands were inches away from holding Qinyang by the neck, the entire Origin World seemed to stop!

Everything and everyone, even qi itself grounded to a halt.

A hand appeared in front of a Revenant's face.


A Revenant's head was caught in the face by a mere Mortal not even at the Heaven Hell Harmony Realm. But they didn't need to ask, the one before them, that face, that aura... all of it were all too similar.

The Revenant caught by vice-like hands fought back, but he could not even budge those fingers. He swung his sword… and hacked away—


The man ripped the Revenant's spike and skull altogether.

The man crushed the head, planted his feet on the ground, and released everything he had in his body!

"I just learned I had a daughter... that she left her world seeking out the Father she never had. I just learned of it earlier today..." Wang Ling smiled at the Revenants... his smile, crooked, his eyes, red, "... and now... all of you waste of air and qi tries to kill her... with my face... with the Sword Technique I created... with my intent?" 

The qi in his body raged, the bloodline in his body howled, his entire being screamed!

The lineage of the Phoenix, the impure substance in his body slowly, got devoured by God's Mark. Blood poured out of his pores, but... he did not care.

He looked at the Revenants... with a blank expression, "I'll kill every single one of you."

Wang Ling... was beyond angry..

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