Celestial Peak

Chapter 515

Chapter 515: Deity World

A jade sailer coursed through the vast emptiness of space. Yuan Qing and Yuan Ming both standing at the edge's forefront looked far into the void before them and motioned to the Devil holding the helm.

"Devil Emperor, slow down the sailer, we are approaching the Divide." Yuan Ming calmly explained.

In an empty void, Kareem and Butler Sun looked around finding nothing not even sensing a sliver of qi or fluctuation of life, "Are we really on the right direction, you two? I have lived in this Universe far longer than 99% person of its inhabitants and nothing is here, trust me."

"Must have sucked living as an ignorant man for so long then. Devil Emperor… pff…" Yuan Qing laughed and Kareem clicked his tongue as he almost wished to snap this young Deity's neck like a twig.

This Cosmos was created by the All-Father, and he had journeyed like his brothers and sisters from one of its to the other more times they could count, yet these two say that there are more to it than he think.

"You are a Devil Emperor so you must be informed of a lot of things… in the time when the two Parents retreated from us, did you find the First and Second Generation of our people anywhere even after searching for them?"

"If you are talking about when the Exodus of the Deities happened, then no, we couldn't find them, if we could have then we would have fought with them against the Demons." Kareem scoffed in disdain at the thought of the Deities.

"Anyway, the Deities disappeared from us, and the reason why can't find them might have had something to do with not wanting to fight against the Demons, because they were scared." Kareem snorted.

"You're wrong." A voice sounded out from behind Kareem, "I may be biased when it comes to the Primordial Races as I was raced with the Deities, but the truth is not what you think. The Deities left in self-isolation, upon my mother's request, at least the Second and First Generation of them did in order to oblige to her wish." 

Qinyang was calm as she spoke. She was not there when it happened, but from her uncle and Aunts, she learned of the truth that happened in the past.

The war of the Primordial Races was a tragic occurrence. It happened long before any Mortal Races blossomed, and after this war, the Mother and Father or their races would disappear, sealing away the Origin World they all used to call home.

When the Father and Mother of the Races disappeared from an unknown cause, the Primordial Races was left with dealing with the remnants of the Abyss the [Emperor of Death] brought to them in the coming years.

"Yo-young Miss… that's not what I—I am sorry if I had offended you or the Deities." Kareem lowered his head to apologize.

"It is fine, Uncle Kareem, what happened then is something brought upon by my parent's decision to leave. Anyway, we were talking about how the Deities disappeared, correct?" Qinyang stepped up and appeared next to Yuan Qing and Yuan Ming, "This is how."

Qinyang stepped out of the Sailer and touched the empty space in front of her, she closed her eyes and felt the coldness it bears, "Open." She whispered and like a droplet of water touching a still lake, a ripple shifted a wall of darkness that reached untold kilometers.

The rippled shook the fabric of reality itself and Qinyang held out her sword and three Purple Draconic Scales. The scales was engraved with a bluish run and as Qinyang's qi circulated in them, the three a rift for them to enter.

"Ho-how is that possible? A world in an empty space?" Kareem was surprised to see the rift leading to a world that does not exist. This Cosmos and its worlds have all been visited by him and the others, even the Invisible Celestial Spirit Realm had been opened for them… yet another secret appeared right before his eyes, "Is this… even still the Universe I know? Or, did the Mother of Beast created a new one?"

"Do not be confused, this place is still in the Universe, Mother just folded space for a minute and then locked that moment for all of eternity and then created a world inside. She cannot create the Cosmos like my father, but pocket dimensions like this is easy for her to accomplish. If you still cannot understand, it is the same principle as a Storage Ring."  josei

The Sailer moved into the Rift. Slowly, it cruised through the void that was the in-between of both the known Cosmos and the fold of reality that was before them.

Qing and Ming looked over their shoulders, with smirks on their faces, "Hehe, must be new to you huh. Oh yeah, think about how the Origin World and the Celestial Spirit Realm of the past managed to stay hidden until the All-Father opened them for us?"

"…Did the… did the mother of Beast did this? Is she… a master of Sealing techniques?"

The twins sighed, "She's a Master of everything, elements, Space and Time not Sealing… though she did say she could do it if she tried, the mother can manipulate the laws of Cosmos to bend to her will. If the All-Father is the beginning of elements and he is the Origin of everything, then the Mother is the one who controls everything. She is, and had always been the Monarch of what could be… because she, by the very moment of her birth had everything bowing to her, even when the laws of the Cosmos did not allow it to happen."

As the Sailer cruised through the rift, Kareem grew closer and closer to the world that had been hidden to him and the rest of the Universe. Eventually, light pierced his eyes and the first thing he saw was not the beauty of the world but... a fist!


He was hit right on the nose... breaking it.

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