Celestial Peak

Chapter 566

Chapter 566: Synch

The frost that never ends touched her arrowhead when she was but reaching the age of twenty. She pierced the head of the King-Classes when she barely reached the age of a hundred and became one of the final bulwarks of the living.

She inspires awe and inspiration to those who follow her and her presence alone was enough to raise morale. She's the younger sister of the All-Father, one of the few that ever got to stand at the very peak and capable of standing toe to toe with the Origin Races.

Her name was and would always be Wang Yue, the one they call Empress and she who can look down upon all was tightly latched on her older brother without shame.

"Yue, you're grown now, why not, let go of this brother of yours?" Wang Ling asked to be spared.

"No." Wang Yue said as she took over the entire right half of Wang Ling as he buried her face on his arm like an animal without so much as a hint of shame. It was not an exaggeration that Wang Yue was the closest to Wang Ling and it had been seventeen thousand years since she has last seen him and her last memory of him was his death.

"Yue, you're bothering your older brother." Wang Shu Qing said as he took a sip of tea. 

"Never!" she cried aloud like a child who wouldn't let go of her favorite toy.

Wang Shu Qing sighed, "Wang Yue is often cold and distant but when it comes to you, she acts like a child… what is your secret, boy! I want to pamper my Yue'er as well."

Wang Shu Qing roared as he slammed his cup on the table.

"Dear, mind your manners." Xiao Fei'er 

No one present could pry her away from her older brother, but Wang Ling just raised his hand in defeat, "Don't worry, I don't mind."

She felt cool to the touch, he very much enjoyed her presence and so did Bai Xue who sat atop Wang Ling's head. Wang Yue let out a puff of air from her nose as if to announce her victory. Wang Ling just ruffled his sister's hair.

The Wang Family's reunion was held on an open Pagoda built at the third highest peak of the Deity Paradise. They were having tea, enjoying themselves waiting for the moving of millions to be completed. 

The once open skies of the Deity Paradise now had a Cosmic Road built by the Ancestors of the Black Turtlers, Fae and Rith. Hundreds, if not thousands of Sailers filled the skies carrying millions of Mortals and Ascended alike.

Wang Ling could see people from the Major Powers direct the stream of the living, "Should we not be helping them?"

  "Your Older Brother and his children can take care of it." Wang Shu Qing stated with pride.

"Oh yeah, if it is that Wang Lin boy, he should be able to take care of this much." Xiang Fei'er added with a chime behind her words, "Our Grandsons and Great Grandchildren are all so capable in leading the Clan. The only problem is that Min'er fought with the White Tiger, though the feud seemed to have been buried after they risked their lives against a tide of Abyssal Demons and Revenants. Which reminds me, around ten thousand years ago when the fall of t—"

Xiao Fei'er was proud when she talked about the exploits of the Wang Family as if it was her own. She had always been caring about their family.

'She had not changed one bit.' Wang Ling kept his words to himself.

"Hey, Ling'er, are you listening?"

"Huh? Yes, I apologized I was zoning out. What was it that you were talking about, Mother?"

"You sound so stiff talking like that, Ling'er…" Xiao Fei'er carried a saddened smile, "As I thought it really is impossible to act so close to after so long had passed.. Was I boring you with my words as well my dear son? I see, now that you become so strong it must be tedious to listen to the words of this mother of yours."

"O-of course not, mother, I was just simply thinking tha—"

"Okay that's good then listen, as I was just saying Father remains as a Sword Nut sp—" Xiao Fei'er took a complete 180 as the previous bounce in her voice returned after acting so hurt and melodramatic.

[What just…] Wang Ling couldn't believe what he was seeing.

'You fell for it, you idiot.' Bai Xue snickered from atop Wang Ling's head, 'Mother-in-Law likes to play like that. Where did you think did, I gather the skills to rear Qinyang?'

Wang Ling was just about to agree with Bai Xue's words but then, he remembered some of the more "questionable" teachings his mother gave him in the past, '…you didn't teach Qinyang about the techniques to catch a man did you?' 

'Hmm? Of course, I did, I want her to find a good man when she leaves the nest after this whole debacle is all over. I don't want her getting fooled by bad men. If that happens, I don't want to torture someone for all eternity.' Bai Xue harrumphed at such scary words.

'Is that so… well you have a point. Torturing them would be too time-consuming.' Wang Ling didn't argue for he too would do such a thing and more.

'Shishishi, I'm such a genius, aren't I? I even taught her th—shiiiiiiiiiii!'


Xiao Fei'er suddenly slammed the table.

The two supreme beings unfazed by anything felt their hair stand. Even Bai Xue's ears perked up in surprise.

No matter how strong one becomes, a mother remains above you.

And no matter if you are the source of every bloodline, your Mother-in-Law still scares the living hell of Bai Xue.

"I-is something the matter, Mother?" It was Bai Xue who asked. 

"I heard it from Sun Wu already and I was waiting for any of you two to extend an offer but I cannot wait anymore." 

'Did we do something wrong?' Wang Ling asked, 'I don't think we forgot anything.'

'…I am at a loss as well.'

'Could it be that you did something in the past? Surely, I couldn't have been me, we just reunited and I had been dead for the last 17,000 years so it can't be me. You must know what it is.'

'What? I wouldn't do anything that would displease Mother. Also, she's your mother, surely you must know her better.' Bai Xue argued.josei

'I am ashamed to tell you this but, you spent a thousand years with them, you know them more than I d—'

"That's enough you two, I can tell you two are arguing." Xiao Fei'er stated seeing them fidget like children, "I can't believe everything and everyone hangs in the balance with you two—though I don't really mind—do the two of you really don't know what I am talking about?"

Bai Xue looked up and matched eyes with Wang Ling and at the same time they looked at Xiao Fei'er and shook their heads, "We have no idea."

"Tsk, my Granddaughter! Where is my lovely Granddaughter!?" Xiao Fei'er demanded.

The two supreme beings could only answer, "Oh~"

From the side, Wang Shu Qing just watched while sipping tea, [They're really in synch.]

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