CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

She heard him berating his employees and expressed her sympathy to them in her heart . As far as she observed him, he liked keeping a tight rein on all his affairs, even a single mistake was not allowed .

Everyday, she heard him manage his myriad affairs and wondered if there was any field that he wasn’t involved in . Even the shadier side of business, but for those she shut herself in her room and pretended she didn’t know anything . What else could she do to preserve her life in the future?

The twirling pen suddenly stopped in her hand .


Isn’t this a really good material?

She quickly pulled out some drawing sheets and penned down a bare framework of characters on the paper .

‘The paranoid president’

Xiaonian worked on the story and edited some features and details her drawings and before long, she had a more or less complete plot for a manga ready before her .

She immediately mailed her editor in QQ with her ideas . Writing out the last sentence apologizing for her weeks long disappearance, she hit send .

In less than a minute, her editor’s message jumped up: Sounds good! I’m sure we can push this without any problems . Do you have the briefing material ready?

Motivated by the positive feedback, Xiaonian stated detailing the characters .

A handsome man-

Approximately 6 feet 1 inch?

Cold and sharp eyes that can take a hint of evilness at times . And the biggest feature- he is a paranoid person who can’t trust anyone and has a veeery big appetite .

She smirked to herself .

She did not understand the full spectrum of his disorder, just the little tidbits that she was told by Feng De that one time and her own observations, but she did not really have to make this work about all his tendencies, thinking that she scribbled some prominent behaviors she observed .

She softened the outline, re-did his eyes and added some details to his suit . All the dissatisfaction she harbored towards that man, she threw it at the paper .

He loved to abuse her didn’t he? Then, she can abuse him in her comics!

Thinking about it gave her more strength, as if she chugged down 10 cups of coffee .

That night, she did not stop drawing until her hand felt almost numb .

When she looked at the watch, it was almost time for her to cook for him, the king with an endless bottom for a stomach .

Xiaonian transferred the drawings to the computer and then crawled out of the study .


Please consider reading this on the translator's website: amatertranslations . blogspot . com


As she passed through the living room, Gong Ouyang’s displeased voice came through, “Why should I attend some rich second generation’s wedding dinner? Just send some useless secretary, we have plenty of them these days, if they can’t do their jobs well, they can atlas compensate by doing doing these stupid chores . ”

“But master, the other side is about to inherit . . ” Feng De tried to tell .

“Feng De” Gong Ouyang cut him off and gave him a look impatiently .

Feng De bowed his head already making plans to reject the invitation .

Xiaonian heard about the wedding invitation and couldn’t help but remember that Mu Qian Chu and Shi Yue’s wedding was set two days later . The unsigned invitation was still lying in her bag .

Her change in address was kept a secret by her request and her mail was still being dropped at her old apartment and picked up weekly by one of Gong Ouyang’s house staff .

She had it with her for the past two weeks, but could not bring herself to make a decision and then she forgot all about it because of all the trouble stirred up by Gong Ouyang .

Go or not to go?

Xiaonian frowned and entered the kitchen . She could think about it later, right now she had to feed the ever starving devil lord . She began to choose food for dinner .

When she was half way through preparing the main course, her phone in her pocket vibrated suddenly . It was her step father .

She hesitated for two seconds before she picked up the call .


She forgot how long it has been since she heard from her parents . Back when she left for her hometown, their conversations were already dwindling .

“Yes,” he replied with a voice devoid of any emotion .

Xiaonian was adopted by the Shi couple a long time back when they learnt that conceiving would be difficult for the Shi mother, but a year after they brought Xiaonian home, she found out she was pregnant with Shi Yue .

And as time passed, Xiaonian became a burden that had no use . But in the eyes of society, the Shi family had some standing and had to maintain appearances, but even that went down with Mu Qian Chu’s situation .

Years of indifference from the Shi family taught Xiaonian her place in that house . And that is why, when she finished her college, she moved out immediately . They had taken care of her for almost a decade and she did not want to make it more difficult for them . Even if Shi parents and Shi Yue treated her with cold indifference, or an embarrassment or ridicule, she acknowledged that they gave her a roof to stay under and food to eat, and for that she will always be grateful .

“How are you and mother doing?” she asked .

“Good . Are you still drawing those comics?” he asker with disdain . It was no secret that he looked down on her profession .

“Yes, I’m still drawing them” Xiaonian said pushing around the carrot pieces on the cutting board with her forefinger .

Silence occupied the call for the next few seconds when neither had anything to say to each other . After a while, her adoptive father brought up the topic for which he originally called her .

“You know that Ah Yue is getting married in few days . ”

“yeah . Yeah, I know” Xiaonian already expected what this call was about . The Shi family was not too happy about her presence in their lives and this was probably a call to tell her that she isn’t allowed to attend the wedding .

Just as her adoptive father started talking, Gong Ouyang came in from the outside and saw her on the call . He silently walked to the dining table, picked up his chopsticks and started eating whatever was served on the table .

He must have been starved to death in his previous life, that was why he was so attached to his food . That thought made her smile and the dark mood that started engulfing her with the call dissipated slowly .

She turned the burner to burn at low and left the kitchen, out into the balcony to continue her call . Whatever the relationship was between her and Gong Ouyang, she was sure, that it wasn’t one where they can intrude in each other’s personal lives .

Her adoptive father continued talking, “you must have seen the news and know by now how big of a deal this marriage is in our city . The media is paying close attention and we can’t have any negative reports about it . The is, after all, Ah Yue’s once in a life time wedding she always dreamed about . ”

Negative reports?

So, he was indeed worried about her presence in the wedding .

“Mm . I understand, I won’t attend the wedding . ” Wasn’t it easier to tell this to him before he told her more about the importance of this wedding of Shi Yue and Mu Qian Chu?

She turned around leaning her back against the wooden rail . The doors that opened into the balcony were made of glass and she can see Gong Ouyang at the table policing off dish after dish . Every now and then, he peeked at the pot simmering on the stove .

“No . I want you to attend the ceremony” he said immediately contradicting her statement .

Xiaonian was surprised . Very much .

They wanted her to attend the wedding . .

“A lot of families remember you from when you were young . And if you don’t attend, there will be talks . So, you are going to attend as the family . But I don’t want your behavior on display . You understand?” he said before she could think anymore about his willingness .

Xiaonian lifted a shaky hand to pull her hair behind her ear . Reality is often harsh .

“I understand . I’ll go” she said quietly . She wondered if her tone sounded any different .

This was the last time, she told herself .

“That’s good” and her adoptive ended the call without another word .

She stood outside the balcony staring into the distance, her mind was strangely calm . This wasn’t all that unexpected . It wasn’t, she told herself .

The kitchen timer rang startling her and she immediately ran into the kitchen to get the stew off the stove . She put on her thick mittens and carried the dish to the table .

Gong Ouyang already finished all the dishes to the last crumbs and his gaze steadily followed the dish in her hands intently without blinking .


Is he a pig? She really wanted to ask him .

“Your eyes seem to be saying that I’m a pig” Gong Ouyang looked sharply at her .

She was surprised, her eyes becoming big, but she immediately replied, “No . ”

“You better not” Gong Ouyang moved his gaze away from her and began attacking the food .

Suddenly, he stopped eating .

“Shi Xiaonian, tell me the truth . What kind of drugs did you put in your dishes?” His eyes looked at her suspiciously, watching every detail on her face to catch her lying .

Xiaonian was taken aback at his ridiculous question . How would she get her hands on drugs? She wasn’t even allowed out of the house without personnel and it has been weeks since she took a step out of this house!

“How can that be? It’s just ordinary home cooking” she told him .

“Then why am I so addicted?” Gong Ouyang’s eyes became sharper . The chop sticks remained still and his suspicions grew .

He was never a glutton for food . Before her, all his meals were made by acclaimed chefs . But he never felt like this, like he had to savor every last crumb of it .


Xiaonian was stupefied .

He said he was addicted to her food .

But she’s eating it too, and she didn’t feel any different .

“Mr . Gong, I eat exactly what you eat . All the time” she said .

Gong Ouyang stared at her for few more seconds . So she did . He tapped his chopsticks against the bowl and decided to make Feng De pay more attention to what was being bought . If she was drugging him, he’ll catch her red handed . Hmph!

After that, he finally moved his chop sticks and resumed eating . Watching him continue, Xiaonian brought a bowl and pair of chopsticks from the cupboard and started eating . Gong Ouyang watched her now and then when she served herself food from the same bowls that he did and continued her meal .

She couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous under his constant scrutiny . She did not do anything wrong, she did not mix any drugs or anything weird in the food . It was as normal as it can be, but Gong Ouyang’s suspicions made her anxious . She really hoped he would ask the staff and soon find that the food was normal .

“Mr . Gong . Um . . that, do you have any information on Tang Yi yet?” she asked to alleviate her anxiety . Any step towards Tang Yi’s contact information, is a step away from Gong Ouyang .

“Not yet” Gong Ouyang put a mushroom in his mouth .

“Oh” Xiaonian nodded, her disappointment apparent on her fair face .

Her appetite suddenly went away and she felt her heart becoming heavy . She twisted her fingers together, trying to distract herself from the disappointing new .

Oh . . she had to tell him about the wedding she had to attend . .

“Um . . Mr . Gong, I . . I have something to ask you,” she bent her head down avoiding his eyes, “I have to attend a family wedding, so I have to stay away…”

“No!” Gong Ouyang snapped without even letting her complete the sentence .

Xiaonian jumped slightly in her seat .

In the past few weeks, she more or less understood him . When he was in a good mood, it was okay to push his boundaries a little, or to have little harmless arguments with him . But, when he is in a bad mood, she learnt to stay compliant . Anything else, provoked him to violence .

Gong Ouyang saw her expression change . Her beautiful eyes were concealed behind her thick eyelashes that trembled . Her body became tense and she stared straight down refusing to make any eye contact with him .

It irritated him . He wanted to be able to see her gorgeous eyes directed at him .

Stifling his mood, he asked, “where?”

Xiaonian immediately looked up . Her eyes held slight disbelief in them and her mouth parted slightly in surprise .

She was still in the midst of her meal, and may be because of the oil, her lips looks shiny, as if inviting him to taste them . Perhaps they would be more delicious than her cooking?

Xiaonian immediately told him the address before he decided to change his decision .

“I’ll make a lot of delicious dishes for you to eat before I go” she promised him . She would make all his favorite dishes .

Gong Ouyang put down his chop sticks and looked at her, his eyes darkened and his lips hooked in a devilish smile . Her lips really were very tempting .

“I don’t want them . ”

“Ah?” Xiaonian was surprised .

“I want to eat you . ”

“Ah?” she could only repeat again .

“Let me eat you, and I’ll let you go to this whatever wedding . What do you say?” His eyes looked evil enough to swallow people .

Xiaonian stared at him uncomfortably . Why ask that? They are in a relationship were all he has to do is hook his finger and she was obliged to follow .

“…okay?” she agreed . She was still confused, but at least like this, she can attend the wedding .

It has been weeks since she started this kind of relationship with Gong Ouyang, and even though morally she was against this arrangement between them, she was left with no choice in the matter and she gradually adjusted to this life . After frequently being pushed down by Gong Ouyang, she could hardly act like an outraged maiden at this point .

Gong Ouyang looked at her confusion and then easy acquiescence to his demand . His smile spread further . He leaned back into the chair and looked at her, “But, you must take the initiative . With sincerity of course . If you don’t measure up, you can forget about the wedding . ”

Xiaonian stiffened .

While she did not put up any resistance when he did whatever he wanted with her, she had never actually taken the initiative to get closer to him in bed .

Infant, she doesn’t even know how that can be done!

She twisted the bottom of her shirt with her thumb, rooted to the floor .

She was not quite sure what she should do .

“I’m going to count to three” Gong Ouyang said evilly . He clearly was having fun watching her squirm under his gaze .

“And don’t forget, it has to be to my satisfaction, other wise the deal is off . ”

“Now, let’s start . One . . ”

“Two . . ”

Before he counted three, Xiaonian broke into a run towards him and hugged him tightly . Only, she did not calculate her momentum and in a second, both her and Gong Ouyang crashed on the floor splendidly in the chair .

Gong Ouyang experienced countless lights in his eyes before he got back his bearing .

“… . . ”

Was this supposed to be seduction?

This woman… . wasn’t her skill pathetic?

Xiaonian did not know what he was thinking . She was slightly upset at the fall, but she kept thinking on taking the initiative .


Please consider reading this on the translator's website: amatertranslations . blogspot . com


Hugging is a good beginning, but there should be more to it right?

She clung tightly to him with her and Gong Ouyang who wanted to say something scathing to her became silent when he felt her soft body pressing against him in all the right places .

Forget it . This felt good .

He watched her as she raised her head, looked very briefly at him and moved her gaze to his lips . Then she got closer to him .

Her inexperience showed through when she stuck out her lips and kissed his lips .

Gong Ouyang’s heart suddenly stopped . He felt like he encountered a drought and was longing for water .

He remained motionless and Xiaonian moved her lips against his with inexperience .

Although they have been together a lot, every time they were in bed, it was a siege and Gong Ouyang plundered her mouth and body without restraint . She never experienced a gentle kiss from him and he never thought to let her experience one .

Xiaonian felt Gong Ouyang lying beneath her motionlessly . She pressed her lips harder against his, but he still didn’t respond . Disappointed, she wanted to pull back and do something else, but as soon as she moved her body away from his, Gong Ouyang’s hands wrapped around her body pulling her into his . One hand trailed up her head and pushed it down as he caught her lips and nipped sharply . As soon as she opened her mouth in pain, his tongue plunged in, sweeping her up in a fiery kiss .

Xiaonian moaned in pain as he tightened his hand around her delicate waist, and the sound spurred him to be rougher with her . He no longer cared about the deal, his mouth demanded that she hand over the sweetness of her mouth and when she tried to resist the intensity, his kiss became crazy, biting her lips until they broke .

Xiaonian started counting numbers to slowly calm herself and willed her body to become compliant to the man’s demands . Letting him do what he wants was the best way to calm him down .

Within minutes, she was flipped and Gong Ouyang bowed over her . There was clear dissatisfaction in his eyes . He bent low and nipped sharply under her early and lifted her speedily by her waist and carried her to the bedroom .

And the night was very long .

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