CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Gong Ouyang used the sports car like a sports car . They reached his yacht in few minutes and when Xiaonian got down the car, her legs were still shaky .

“What? Scared of this little speed?” Gong Ouyang asked in disdain when he saw her shaky legs .

Jerk .

“Haha, just a little” she brushed it off and followed him onto his yacht .

She saw the pictures of the yacht that Mu Qian Chu bought and named after Shi Yue yesterday . People were only eager to pass it around . She did not know much about these things, but she thought that it was a beautiful yacht . But Gong Ouyang’s yacht, it was simply massive and very impressive .

They went inside and Xiaonian couldn’t help but notice that all the yacht was decorated in Gong Ouyang’s personal tastes . She lived with him for some time and she has seen his home and bedrooms, and she knew that he liked his luxury to be understated but elegant . And it reflected in the upkeep of this yacht .

Once they were seated comfortably in the gorgeous living room with windows that pen to the sea, the fact started moving and Yunshang island slowly got smaller and smaller as they moved further away from it .

“Master, Mr Ze is on the phone about N city’s company acquisitions” Feng De passed a phone to Gong Ouyang .

While Gong Ouyang was on the call, Xiaonian helped herself to some refreshments supplied by the staff . The yacht moved at a steady pace and the breeze blew in bringing with it the smell of night . Xiaonian got up and walked out to the balcony that was separated from their room by a pair of french windows offering privacy .

Standing on the edge of the balcony, Xiaonian for the first time wondered about this day .

A long time ago, she thought she would be devastated if Mu Qian Chu got married to Shi Yue, and today, at that very thing she stayed calm and collected . She was surprised that she did not even feel sad . How strange .

The moon shone on the dark sea and wind chilled her body .

“I did not bring you here so you can leave me inside” Gong Ouyang’s dissatisfied voice came from behind her .

It looked like he was done with the call .

Xiaonian turned a little to look at him standing at the doors with his hands tucked in his trouser pockets . The lighting was dim and it made him look like one of those male models posing for a men’s magazine . Attractive .

“I thought I would come out and enjoy the sea, this is my first time on a sea like this” she told him honestly as he walked up to her and leaned with his back to the guardrail .

Gong Ouyang raised an eyebrow at that .

“I was on the Baja as a waitress” she reminded him, “we were given the basement rooms and had to work very long hours . By the time the work was done, I would fall asleep as soon as I hit my mattress . Didn’t have any time for viewing” she smiled in nostalgia .

She had to work hard in those days, but every day was satisfying .


Gong Ouyang stared at her side profile in the dim lights of the yacht . The more he knew her, the more he felt that she was further away from the person in his investigation reports . Although there’s virtually no chance that they found the wrong one, he felt uncomfortable at the thought that she might find any evidence to prove her innocence .

He clenched his hands around the guardrail and his eyes took on an evil tinge . He already decided that no matter what the outcome, she was not getting away from him . Conniving or not, he had a taken a liking to her and until he felt otherwise, she can only learn to live happily by his side .

“Thank you for taking me on this yacht, I really didn’t know that the sea could be this beautiful at night” Xiaonian told him sincerely in a moment of tranquility .

Gong Ouyang watched her lick her lips as she continued to appreciate the view . He recently discovered that he had developed certain fetishes, like her lips, fingers or those dimples on her back, they seriously challenged his restraint . Like now .

She started biting her lips as she watched some sea creatures jump out of the water surface and laughed cheerfully . Her inky black hair whipped against her fair cheeks and showed him little glimpses of her neck now and then . It was all very tempting . He wanted to enjoy the picture more, but at the same time, he also wanted to plunder this beauty until his thirst was quenched .

He saw her slender fingers brush against her chest unconsciously to brush away few strands of her and he caught the hand and dragged her to his arms to kiss her lips .

Her soft lips crushed under his mouth and tasted mildly sweet as if inviting him inside for much sweeter delicacies .

“Wai…” Xiaonian’s lips were sealed before she could ask him to wait .

How did it become like this? Weren’t they just having a harmless conversation?

Initially she did not resist his kisses, but they soon changed from little nips into aggressive bites and her lips and neck were really hurting . After a particularly painful tug on her hair as he nipped under her ear Xiaonian struggled to get away from him .

Gong Ouyang suddenly lifted her up and placed her on the guard rail .

The guardrail was made of strong materials but was very thin and with the sudden motion Xiaonian was slightly disoriented . And when she felt empty space underneath her except for a thin piece of metal she immediately wrapped herself around Gong Ouyang in fright to stop herself from falling into the sea .

Gong Ouyang clutched her delicate waist in his two hands savoring soft body against his . He rubbed the tip of her ear with his lips and whispered, “if you don’t want to fall into these waters, you should obediently hold onto me and stop struggling . ”

Xiaonian’s hands trembled as she tried to properly hold onto him to make herself secure on the guard rail .

“I’m scared…” she told him and pleaded with her eyes to let her down, but Gong Ouyang simply grinned devilishly and started kissing her again . But this time, she felt his hands wander under her dress scaring her .

A slender hand tremblingly stopped Gong Ouyang’s hand from moving any further . There was nothing she could do about his other hand, she will have to take a free fall if she uses her other arm .

“Don’t do this . . ” she began softly but Gong Ouyang cut her off mid sentence . Kissing her lips, he smirked . Touching her intimately against the sea breeze felt so good . He will remember to bring her out on to the sea more often .

“Don’t make a fuss . Remember the punishments, hm?” he said wickedly against her lips . He was standing in between her legs effectively stopping her from sliding down onto the floor, she had no choice but to bend to him . Her every shiver and tremble stirred the beast in him to act more brazenly .

He let her hold off on of his hands, he could shake her off easily and if this was anyone else it would have annoyed him enough to push them off the yacht, but with her, he just enjoyed the feel of her soft fingers against his wrist .

Xiaonian did not know what to do . She did not want to do this kind of thing out in the open . The yacht was full of staff, what if someone came in and saw them?

And just as she was thinking this, a female staff member came inside .

Xianian jumped in her skin when she saw another person with them, but Gong Ouyang quickly held her still with both hands on her waist . He slowly pulled her down and backed off her while she adjusted her dress with flaming red cheeks .

Someone saw them!

Xiaonian felt like she could lift her face up in the public ever again . Why? Why did he have to do this here?


But she felt relieved too . Thank god someone came, otherwise he would have taken it until the whole act was finished .

This was much better, she told herself . At least, all her clothing was on her .

“What is it?” Gong Ouyang snapped at the staff for ruining his good time . He had to talk to the captain about teaching his staff the rules around him .

The female staff became nervous, but was remarkably composed when she talked to him, “Mr Gong, we have a call from Yunshang island for you and Miss Shi’s mobile also has been ringing for sometime . ”

Gong Ouyang frowned . He owned quite a bit of Yunshnag island but why was he being called for? So incompetent!

“What is Feng De doing?” What was the point of having an employees who can’t handle their jobs?

“Mr Gong, I was told that it is above his authority” she told him as she waited for his reply .

Gong Ouyang ran his hand through his hair in annoyance and went inside to take the call .

“Miss Shi, your phone is by the table and someone called you three times already” the staff lady informed her cordially before leaving .

Xiaonian was surprised that someone called her three times continuously . She knew no one who wanted to talk to her that desperately .

She followed after the lady staff inside to check who might have called her and when she when she picked up her phone the cell phone ringtone played again .

It was her adoptive mother, Lu Rin .

As soon as she picked up the call she did not even get a chance to say hello before Lu Rin asked her, “Xiaonian, where are you?” She sounded frantic and nervous . Xiaonian was even more startled not understanding what was going on .

She could not tell her that she was with Gong Ouyang, so she told her the something nearer to the truth .

“I did not leave the island yet, I’m by the beach now . Is everything alright?” What was going on?

“That . . ” Lu Rin hesitated, “that . . Mu Qian Chu is missing and… people are saying that you took him away?”

It sounded like Lu Rin was asking her to confirm the rumors instead of telling her what people were saying . Was she really that unreliable?

“Mu Qian Chu is missing?” Xiaonian asked .

“Yes . Yes, he’s been missing for the last two hours . Is he with you?”

Xiaonian flinched at the question .

Mu Qian Chu was missing . How was she even related to this?

“I’m not with Mu Qian Chu . In fact, I haven't even seen him after I left the wedding banquet” she said lifelessly .

“But people are saying-”

“No mom . No matter what people are saying, I really am not related to this problem . Why don’t you check the monitoring systems?”

“Ah . Ah, yes . The monitoring systems, we checked them . He drove somewhere in his car but then he entered someone’s private property that isn't monitored, so we don’t know anything now . They are calling the person who owns the property now” she said .

“Xianian ah, if you know anything about Mu Qian Chu, please tell us, your sister is really worried . . ” Lu Rin sounded as if she was coaxing Xiaonian .

For a split second Xiaonian wanted to smash her phone against a wall until it broke to pieces .


Why are they throwing this dirty water on her?

Isn’t it enough that she had lost something very important because of them, did she also have to take the blame for this??

“Mom, if I find something, I will let you know . But really, he isn’t with me” Xiaonian quickly said her piece and hung up the call . There was no point talking anymore when the other person was not even willing to believe in her .

She slid down the chair in mental exhaustion when she realized that Gong Ouyang was standing by the lobby door and watching her intently .

“What’s the matter?” Gong Ouyang asked her but there was no concern in his voice .

He slowly walked towards her in his usual lazy gait and sat down before her watching her like a hawk .

“A missing brother in law?” he inquired indifferently when she remained silent .

Xianian’s eyebrows jumped up in surprise . How did he know?

May be her thoughts were easily read on her face, Gong Ouyang replied, “he went missing in my property . They called asking permission to search the area” .

Gong Ouyang looked as if he didn’t care much either way about this topic, but his eyes betrayed the seriousness as he watched her .

Xiaonian twisted her fingers anxiously . She did not understand Gong Ouyang’s current mood, he looked like he could rip her apart if she said one wrong word .

“Why are you so worried? It’s not like it’s your groom who disappeared?” he said with displeasure .

Xiaonian felt shocked at what he said . Her big eye became even rounder and looked at him bewildered making her appear like a harmless and pitiable bunny .

“Do you want me to give them permission to search the area?” he asked her gauzing her reaction .

Xiaonian hesitated for a second but nodded slowly .

“Come here” he ordered her in a voice laced with danger .

When Xiaonian went near him, she was dragged by him and put in his lap . His hand threaded through her hair and pulled her towards him . He whispered something in her ear and bit her jaw .

“Okay” Xiaonian promised him and remained obedient as Gong Ouyang’s hands slipped into her dress .

Gong Ouyang looked at her reaction and seemed satisfied with her behavior . “FengDe, call the Mu family back and tell them that they have permission to search the premises, but only for two hours . They have to scram after that” he ordered .

“Yes master” Feng De nodded and left to make the call .

Xiaonian watched Feng De leave .

Mu Qian Chu, this way I’m paying back a little for the trouble I caused in your life . For trying so hard when it was not needed .

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