CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 647

Chapter 647



that's what he agreed. josei

And Jiao small left a Leng, then surprised to open his eyes, "you agree?"

Lu Xiangyue bent his fingers and flicked his small left forehead. "If you are so eager, if I don't agree, will you suspect that I don't like you?"

"There's no doubt that you don't like me, it's that you may be physically --"


Lu Xiangyue blocked Jiao Xiaozuo's mouth directly and made a low voice after kissing for a while.

"You'll know if I'm in good health!"


It's a holiday. All my friends are flying

Some time ago, Jiao Xiaozuo was too hard to review. At this time, she did not worry about whether she would get the first grade in her major. Anyway, Lu Xiangyue would go home with her. Completely relaxed, also not anxious to go home Jiao Xiaozuo, of course, to eat, drink and have fun.

In fact, it doesn't need Joey to do things like buying new year's goods. She is very keen on shopping. Otherwise, there will be no new year's atmosphere. Although, it is still half a month away from the Chinese New Year.

With his future daughter-in-law at the moment, Joey is even more keen on taking Jiao Xiaozuo to go shopping. Of course, Lu ruoxing, a small follower, cannot be left behind.

"Xiao Zuo, I think you will look good in this suit. Go and change it to your aunt."

Joey seldom comes out to buy clothes. Her clothes are all selected by Lu Jingyun and sent directly to her home. Usually, even if there is a desire to buy, basically think about the home, she also stopped thinking. Later, when she had a child, she thought of buying it for her child. It was really excellent. However, as the children grew up, they all had their own preferences, and her mind was shelved.

At this moment, Jiao Xiaozuo finally came to accompany him. How could Joey not indulge?

Lu ruoxing is looking at his mother's one set of set to Jiao Xiaozuo's body, and he sympathizes with Xiaozuo's elder sister.

My mother's taste can't be said to be bad, but it's not eye-catching. If aunt Ruan comes, she will definitely make Xiaozuo a better beauty.

also secretly sent messages to one sister, Tucao, and took the look of Jiao Xiao Zuo and make complaints about the new clothes.

Soon, Ruan responded to a series of clothing pictures.

"These are more suitable for her."

Ruan-11's precise fashion vision is always admired by Lu ruoxing.

Lu ruoxing praised Ruan 11 for his pleasant and sharp eyes and quickly handed it to his mother.

"Mother, you'd better forget it. If you want to buy it, just refer to these. This is from sister one. She looked at the pictures of little left sister and gave them direct reference

Joey took the mobile phone, looked at a few clothes, had to admire the girl Ruan 11.

She called in a shopping guide and showed her a picture of her mobile phone.

"You choose her some according to this type of dress."

"Yes, Mrs. Lu."

Although Joey doesn't often shop in their store, they can't help but know who the lady is from.

Very snapshot of Joey's account to choose a few, Jiao Xiaozuo has been changed to get dizzy.

She has always been the simplest way to buy clothes. She felt tired by constantly choosing and changing.

However, seeing that Joey was so interested, Jiao Xiaozuo still tolerated. How could this difficulty be difficult for her?

So Jiao Xiaozuo changed a few clothes again. This time, it was more brilliant than before.

Joy was surprised to see, according to this dress, if small left painting a suitable makeup, this girl is absolutely amazing.

Lu ruoxing also seems to have thought of it. He looks at Joey. The mother and daughter are tacit, and they directly pull Jiao Xiaozuo to do the modeling.

"Auntie, I'm not used to it. Is this really good?"

After a few hours of modeling, Jiao Xiaozuo was finally created. She is more charming and handsome, because of her upright and upright temperament, which makes her look gorgeous and aggressive at the moment.

Lu ruoxing is star eyed about this. She is the most aggressive woman, such as aunt Ruan and sister Yiyi. Now, little left sister is even more domineering, but her beauty can't be ignored.

Tut Tut, the second brother really found the treasure.

Joey kept smiling and emphasizing, "little left, it's perfect. It's perfect. It's great of you. Come on, star. Take some pictures for us. I want to keep them

"I'll take them, too."

As a result, Jiao Xiaozuo became a model in an instant. Both mother and daughter competed to take selfies with Jiao Xiaozuo.

"I want to send photos to my second brother. It's so beautiful."

"No way."

Lu ruoxing's move was quickly stopped by Joey.

"Why?"Joey smiles vaguely and winks at her daughter, but Lu ruoxing is helpless. What is the mother going to do?

Joey laughs like an old fox. He pulls Jiao Xiaozuo and asks, "Xiaozuo, Xiangyue, if she sees you so beautiful, she will be shocked to death."

"Is it?" She also has some expectations.

"However, we can't show him the photos. The effect will be better if the real people see them. Well, Auntie has reserved a room for you. Go there and wait. Then I'll call Xiang Yue to find you. How about giving him a surprise? "

"Auntie, I was going to book a hotel suite."

Jiao Xiaozuo can't hide the truth.

Joey's heart was immediately happy, tut Tut, young man, how energetic!

"Auntie will fix it for you and let the driver take you there."

"Well, thank you, auntie."

Joey sent Jiao Xiaozuo to the car, then quickly called to reserve a room or a honeymoon suite, and then hung up.

"Star, when you call your brother, you say Xiao Zuo is waiting for him in the room. Let him go at once

Lu ruoxing took a puff from the corner of his mouth. His mother felt like a pimp.

"Mom, it's in the daytime now. What are you worried about?"

"It's a long time. Of course, give them more time to get close! Children don't understand, so call quickly. "

Can I understand? Isn't that what happened? In fact, I already understand.

Lu ruoxing's heart Feifei, but did not dare to say.

She is still a student now, and should not be the age at which she knows about it. Of course, in the eyes of my parents, I should not know. In fact, mom and dad are also backward, now even middle school students have done, although she did not really do, but still can not know this kind of thing? Is it good that the school has a course?


After Lu Xiangyue hung up the phone, he was a little black.

Jiao Xiaozuo, the girl who has set up a room, is known to all? That's good. The whole family knows what he's going to do today.

However, he still got up and left the company, because Lu ruoxing said that she would be surprised if he saw Jiao Xiaozuo.

What a surprise?

Lu Xiangyue is itching in his heart and wishes to rush to Jiao Xiaozuo immediately.

Of course, his speed is also very fast, after pouring the hotel, asked, is it honeymoon suite?

You know, it must be Mom's masterpiece.

It seems that Lu Xiangyue's behavior of getting rid of the place is clear to all the family members today.

Go upstairs, approach, knock on the door --

"Lu Xiangyue? Here you are -- "

Jiao Xiaozuo and others are a bit bored. After visiting the suite, the space is very large and everything is complete. Then you turn on the TV and watch it for a while. Finally, you wander around the room, one by one and another.

Finally, when Lu Xiangyue arrived, Jiao Xiaozuo immediately rushed to him, forgetting what he looked like and went to open the door immediately.

And Lu Xiangyue, after seeing Jiao Xiaozuo's dressing up, really flashed in his eyes.

Especially her eyes, after make-up, glowing at him, let him almost can't hold himself up.

"Lu Xiangyue"

Lu Xiangyue walked in calmly, closed the door, and then took Jiao Xiaozuo's hand, which seemed very calm and led her into the inner room.

"How could you dress like that?"

The voice sounds very ordinary, and Jiao Xiaozuo doesn't care.

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