CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 651

Chapter 651



However, Chu Han and her mother, sitting in the box, the look of tangled depression and regret, let Chu father still confused.

"Han Han, who are those two people just now? What's going on between you? Is it related to Lu Xiangyue? I hear that Lu Xiangyue is your former boyfriend? You and your mother are hiding from me, aren't you? Why don't I know? "

Chu mother saw that her daughter's face was not good, and immediately blocked her husband's problem.

"Well, that's all over. What else do you ask? "

"It's all over. Is Han Han still so hard to get along with others? What's going on? In particular, can you hide from Yang Kai? Does Yang Kai know? "

"Of course, we can't let Yang Kai know." Chu mother angry way, "daughter hard with Yang Kai have now, you don't mouth don't have the door, what all say."

"I see. Can I speak to Yang Kai? But there is no airtight wall, in case he knows? What did you say about Han Han? "

"Dad, that's all in the past. I broke up with Lu Xiangyue for a long time. I didn't get in touch with Yang Kai. Yang Kai didn't know about it. Don't worry. Yang Kai and I are almost engaged now. I won't be half hearted. "

Chu's father looked at his daughter's face and thought of his daughter's performance just now?

Obviously, he had some doubts about his daughter's mind.

"To tell me the truth, are you still reading about Lu Xiangyue?"


Chu Han can't say anything to refute, but can't help but cry.

"Well, Han Han, don't cry. It's no use crying now. Listen to mother's words, that Lu Xiangyue, you just want to turn back now, all can't be. Today, you can see Lu Xiangyue's mother. Now, we should think about the future. You still have Yang Kai. "

Chu's mother couldn't bear to scold her daughter at this time, but in her heart she felt that her daughter had done a bad thing again.

Lu Xiangyue's mother, Mrs. Lu's family, today she and Han Han are completely seen on the ugly side, so their Han Han Han is really impossible. Although it's a pity that they can't go to land like Xiangyue, there's still a Yang Kai who can't compare with Shanglu's, but it's OK.

Chu Han understood her mother's meaning. She was so embarrassed by Lu Xiangyue's mother. Now, she is going to die completely.

Touching her tears, Chu Han smiles at her mother and looks at her father again.

"Dad, mom, I'll never be like this again. You can rest assured. I'll go to the bathroom to clean it up. After a while, Yang Kai rescued me. You can take it as if what happened just now didn't happen. "

"Well, if you can figure it out."

Chu's mother nodded with satisfaction and watched her daughter enter the bathroom, thinking in her heart that she hoped to go on smoothly in the future.

At this time, Yang Kai outside the door, but do not know when, standing at the door, do not know how long standing, eyes obscure.


Jiao Xiaozuo's luggage back home is large and small, and there are several boxes. However, she was not worried about these gifts. All the gifts were handled by someone. Jiao Xiaozuo only took a backpack with her. She and Lu Xiangyue were reluctant to part with them at the airport.

"I went home. I remember coming to my house on the fourth day of the new year. If you don't come, I'll catch you myself! You promised me

Jiao Xiaozuo for this matter son repeatedly told several times, afraid that Lu Xiangyue would not admit after she turned away.

Lu Xiangyue patted Jiao Xiaozuo's head and said with a smile, "how many times have you said these days? Can I forget? Don't worry, even for your brother's fighting capacity, I dare not not not go. "

In recent days, Joey is really curious about Xiaozuo's military family. He has heard a lot of Joey talk about the deeds of his mother and brother. It's absolutely combat effectiveness, which really makes Joey admire him.

"Well, my brother is so good at reaching out, and he is overqualified to deal with you. I'll be enough to deal with you alone. "

Jiao Xiaozuo looks like ferocious landing toward the moon, shaking her small fist, but Lu Xiangyue holds it in his palm, lowers his head close to Jiao Xiaozuo, and makes an ambiguous voice in Jiao Xiaozuo's left ear, "you can press me down below."

Jiao Xiaozuo Leng next, looking at Lu Xiangyue so ambiguous deep eyes, just react to come over, what does Lu Xiangyue say.

Jiao Xiaozuo's face was slightly red, hammered Lu Xiangyue, but in exchange for his weak cough.

"Cough You are too hard - "

Jiao Xiaozuo is a little nervous," no, I didn't! Lu Xiangyue, are you ok

Lu Xiangyue holds Jiao Xiaozuo's hand, takes advantage of her concern, suddenly sneaks a kiss on her, and then laughs and says he is quite proud.

Jiao Xiaozuo stares, and doesn't do anything more.

"Xiao Zuo, what should I do? I can't bear to let you go."

Lu Xiangyue will Jiao Xiaozuo Lou in his arms, usually depressed, in front of Jiao Xiaozuo more and more will talk about love words.This is probably the ability to teach a beloved woman without a teacher. It is to say all the words in your heart and show your love and tenderness. Only in this way can we be most moving.

"We'll meet soon."

Jiao Xiaozuo thought about it for a few days.

Lu Xiangyue just hugged Jiao Xiaozuo tightly, his lips pressed against her cheek, and even though he was reluctant to give up, the registration time was up, and they could not get bored with it any more.

At this time, Jiao Xiaozuo's phone is also very unwise to ring.


"Xiao Zuo, are you boarding? Don't delay. Dad is waiting for you at the airport

"I'm boarding now. What are you doing at the airport so early?"

"Don't I miss you? You girl, I haven't seen my father for half a year, don't you want me? Hurry up, get on the plane, don't delay. "

Mr. Jiao will never tell Xiao Zuo. As a person who has been here, he must know that his daughter and the boy are getting bored. When he was separated from his wife, he was tired of being away.

He just wants to call at this time and interrupt them. Hum, when the boy comes to visit, he has a lot of accounts to settle with him.

"All right, all right. I'll board the plane right away and hang up! "

Jiao Xiaozuo hung up the phone, smiling to the moon, "my father urged me to board. I really should go, Lu Xiangyue, remember to miss me, you know

Lu Xiangyue nodded, even if he didn't give up, he just touched Jiao Xiaozuo's face, "go."


Jiao Xiaozuo turned back three times with his backpack on his back and walked inside.

However, the airport staff have seen a lot of such pictures of young lovers separated from each other, and there is no moving emotion. After checking with Jiao Xiaozuo, they can't help but remind Jiao Xiaozuo that she still doesn't go in and stands at the door reluctant to leave.

"Passenger, please don't stand here and hinder our work. Please go inside. "

"Oh, all right."

Jiao Xiaozuo finally shook his head toward the outside and walked in without looking back.

When Lu Xiangyue couldn't see Jiao Xiaozuo, he realized a sense of loss and missed him in an instant.

I didn't expect that he would have such a strong feeling. This is the first time.

Lu Xiangyue stood in the same place for a long time. Even if he couldn't see Jiao Xiaozuo, he didn't seem to want to leave.

The people around me are looking at such a handsome guy and looking at the boarding there. They are all thinking about being the handsome guy's girlfriend. It's really convincing.

After a while, Lu Xiangyue's mobile phone rang.

"I got on the plane, and I'll shut down soon. When I get off the plane, I'll call you. Be careful on the way back."

Looking at the text message, Lu Xiangyue gently smiles and replies, "OK."

Jiao Xiaozuo's plane trip is actually very short. After two hours, she felt that she had squinted for a while, and had arrived.

After getting off the plane, she went to pick up her luggage, looked at so many big and small bags, pushed a luggage cart, full of a car, and then went out.

Mr. Jiao, whose name is Jiao anzheng, is a very common name, but his appearance doesn't match his name. Jiao'an is very long. It is neither safe nor very healthy.

How to say, it's not that he is not good-looking, or Jiao an is very good-looking. He is a beautiful man, but between his eyebrows and eyes, he seems to be handsome with some evil spirit.

His appearance is a type that women can like at a glance. At that time, Jiao Xiaozuo's mother saw Jiao anzheng at a glance, and then carried him back to be her husband.

At this time, Jiao an is standing at the exit, anxiously looking inside, waiting for his baby daughter to come out, but he has no mind to care about the attention he always gets when he goes there.

As soon as he saw the luggage cart slowly, and his precious daughter was pushing hard, Jiao an was immediately crossing over and running to her daughter.

"Xiao Zuo, daddy's baby, you are back at last."

He hugged Jiao Xiaozuo, held Xiaozuo's cheek and kissed him.

Jiao Xiaozuo was also very happy, "Daddy, you are more handsome."

"Of course, Dad, I'll always be handsome."

Jiao an Zheng said with pride, "what did you take here?"

"It's a gift prepared by Uncle Lu and aunt Lu for you and your mother."

Jiao an Zheng seemed to dislike the flat mouth, "hum, what gift should I give you at this time? You and that boy just started to associate, this family is so attentive, is not afraid that the son can not find a daughter-in-law? Is there something secret about that boy

Jiao an Zheng spared no effort to discredit Lu Xiangyue, who had never seen before. Of course, no matter which man dared to covet his precious daughter, he would do so.

"No problem, Dad, you'll think. Take it back quickly. Mom must like it. "Jiao an Zheng disdains to hum in the heart, but still obeys the order to move the thing to own car, did not dare to throw directly.

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