CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 674

Chapter 674


"Well, ah?" Does Xu Ze think that he heard wrong? girl? Not Dr. Gu?

"Well, chief, what makes girls angry?"

"Cough - I didn't get in touch with her for the first time. Well, let her see a movie with a woman."

Xu Ze looks at the embarrassed expression of the head, and then listens to Jiao Tianyou's explanation. This - this is - does the leader have a woman?

No, boss. When did you have a woman? As his closest subordinate to Jiao Tianyou, how can he not know?

"Xuze, if you don't know, it's OK."

"No, chief, you - I know about you."

"Oh? You know? "

"Yes, hehe - isn't that the girl jealous? I said boss, since you have a girlfriend and you go out to see a movie with Dr. Gu, you will be angry if you are a girl. You have to explain it well, or the anger will continue. "

"Eat vinegar?"

Jiao Tianyou asked in disbelief.

After Xu Zena's firm answer, Jiao Tianyou is confused.


Is this little star jealous?

What kind of vinegar?

As a brother-in-law, with a sister-in-law, is there still a problem of being jealous or not?

Jiao Tianyou does not quite understand, and Xu Ze side looking at the head that obviously did not understand the appearance, can not help explaining more detailed.

"Boss, women are very careful. However, this is very normal. When you and Dr. Gu go out to the cinema and are seen by your girlfriend, she certainly wants to -- "

" no, "Jiao Tianyou interrupted Xu Ze's words," what girlfriend? She's not my girlfriend. "

"No?" Xu Ze is not surprised, "so you haven't made it clear? That's just right, boss. She's so jealous, that means she likes you Xu Ze seems to be more excited than Jiao Tianyou, "boss, we will have a sister-in-law soon after that, right? Who is that sister-in-law? Do you have any pictures? "

"Joy -- joy?"

Jiao Tianyou seemed to be scared and jumped up. "No, I don't like it. She's not --"

before finishing, Jiao Tianyou seems to be suddenly scared and thinking about something. He is standing in the same place, not knowing what he is thinking.

Xu zenam, this expression, how does it look like a ghost? What's so terrible?


Xu Ze's tentative voice.

Jiao Tianyou is suddenly rushed out, a gust of wind in a hurry, let Xu Ze completely confused.

"What's the matter?"


Yeah, what's going on?

Jiao Tianyou doesn't know what's going on here?

It's impossible. Xu Ze's boy has never been upright and his words are not reliable, so what he said is absolutely not true, and he can't take it seriously.

Little star that wench, that is oneself when younger sister treats, how possibly also that kind of mind?

Maybe it's because of jealousy, but it's not like stars. Maybe the feeling of a brother being robbed by a woman is just like he was unhappy when he saw Xiao Zuo abducted by Lu Xiangyue at the beginning of that year.

Yes, it's that kind of jealousy. Xiaoxing is angry and jealous. It's definitely not the feeling Xu Ze said.

That girl, only seventeen years old, is his younger sister, how could she like it?

Jiao Tianyou thinks that Xu Ze is wrong, and he thinks a lot. He tries to suppress the wrong year. Jiao Tianyou thinks that he should try his best to make Xiaoxing calm down.

Lu ruoxing doesn't know that her mind has been erased by Jiao Tianyou. At this time, she is not happy.

Not only for Jiao Tianyou and the doctor Gu, but also for the fact that I like Jiao Tianyou.

According to the truth, her father and brothers are so excellent. Even if she likes a man, she also specifies that she should not do well with her father and brothers, even if they are similar. She really didn't expect that she would like Jiao Tianyou that big man. josei

What does he have? No handsome, no money, although she does not need these, but a brain some straight, not gentle to themselves, Jiao Tianyou, just rely on a strong body to make her fascinated?

No, she's not a carnivore.

After thinking about it, Lu ruoxing feels puzzled. Everything starts from that hateful dream with a little color. Is it possible that she is a little color girl?

The more Lu ruoxing thinks, the more shameless he feels. How can this happen?

However, like is like, whether it is his body or his more reliable problem-solving brain, or other, Lu ruoxing is now worried that she likes him now, but now she can not reveal this love. That is to say, if she wants to have a result with Jiao Tianyou, at least she can't have anything before she goes to university. However, before he went to university, Jiao Tianyou could not be surrounded by other women, or did Dr. Gu not give up? Or is there a better woman, and Jiao Tianyou is moved?Lu ruoxing thought of this possibility and felt unhappy.

I'm entangled in this, but Jiao Tianyou doesn't know. It's unfair.

Indignantly picked up the mobile phone, Lu ruoxing still called Jiao Tianyou.

Jiao Tianyou, who is looking at how to coax the little star, receives a phone call from Lu ruoxing and quickly picks it up.

"Jiao Tianyou,"

Lu ruoxing called his name impolitely. Obviously, he still didn't calm down after listening to the voice.

"Little star, are you still angry?"

Lu ruoxing cold hum, "want to let me not angry also OK, you must promise me a condition."

"You say," it would be better if there were conditions.

"I still have a year to go before the college entrance examination. During this period of time, you must promise me that you are not allowed to be close to or be with any woman, you know?"

"OK!" Jiao Tianyou promised very happily, after all, he did not want to be with any woman now.

However, after the promise, he did not understand.

Just about to ask why, Lu ruoxing said again, "you promise to be so quick, won't be fooling me?"

"No, no, I really don't have anything with any woman. I know it myself. But what do you mean by this condition, little star? "

Lu ruoxing paused, "anyway, I'm in the critical period of study now. If you have some messy things with women, can you still have time to give me a lecture?"

"This --"

"you are not allowed to be with any woman. Can't you wait for just two years? "

" no, I can. "

"That's all right. Stop talking nonsense. My brother told you, even if there are women who are as good to you as the doctor Gu, and if you are close to you, you will stay away from them, you know? "

“…… Oh, good

"Well, that's it."

In Jiao Tianyou completely did not respond to Lu ruoxing's excuse how bad, Lu ruoxing has hung up the phone.

Hum, Lu ruoxing doesn't want to think about Jiao Tianyou's condition after the event. Anyway, he has agreed. She has a little balance in her mind. As for later, she is still young, and everything is not urgent.


Jiao Tianyou feels that the little girl is not angry, and he has agreed to her conditions. So, is it sunny after rain?

The mood gets better, but Jiao Tianyou is brisk. However, on the way back, some people begin to grasp the condition of Lu ruoxing.

No contact with women, no love, this -

suddenly, Xu Ze's words popped out of Jiao Tianyou's mind.

"She likes you

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