CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 701

Chapter 701


"Well, stop talking and go to bed."

Patting her head, Jiao Tianyou hugs the little girl and sleeps in the past.


The next day, Jiang Hao drove them to the local food street, but he didn't accompany them, so he went back soon.

Jiao Tianyou takes Lu ruoxing to turn the food street. Although the weather is very hot, but does not affect people's appetite, in their hot food, eating sweating all over seems to be more enjoyable.

I went to some famous places in the city and returned to the hotel late in the evening.

Remember last night and a few nights ago, I went to Zhu Qi's room without saying a word, leaving Jiao Tianyou to go to the room alone.

Jiao Tianyou chuckles and shakes his head. It's OK. He is afraid that he can't stand it again and again.

Zhu Qi didn't make any fun of Lu ruoxing when she came back to live with her. Otherwise, Lu ruoxing would really like to find a hole to get into.

In the next few days, they went around the beautiful scenery, mountains and rivers, and tasted delicious food, but they were very happy and wanton.

Several people get along well with each other without any contradiction. Now they have to get along with each other in a small group. They are not as strange and unfamiliar as before. At least Jiao Tianyou can say a few more words to Zhu Tao, and konana gradually makes people feel that it is not too difficult to accept.

In such a journey, a little friendship is also established. Maybe they won't talk and laugh like they are now, or they won't contact each other at all after returning to Beijing. But at least now, it's easy to get along with each other every day.

At the end of the station's travel, six people this time is sitting on the train to hide, in order to slowly adapt to the altitude, the train is the best way of transportation.

As the train slowly climbed the high altitude, the oxygen bottle with him gradually came into use. josei

Lu ruoxing used to be so confident. Now he was a little uncertain. He took a breath into the oxygen bottle, then lay down in Jiao Tianyou's arms and complained, "what if I can't stand it?"

"Leave now."

"That's a disappointment. It's not easy

Jiao Tianyou looks at Lu ruoxing's face. The little girl is OK. "Headache?"

"It doesn't seem serious."

"Well, there should be no big problem."

Lu ruoxing is just a little worried. In fact, he calms down and comforts Jiao Tianyou as if it is not too difficult.

However, several people on the opposite side seemed to have a hard time.

When the train really arrived at the destination, several people got off the train, and some of them reacted too much and suffered immensely. The feeling of six of them holding oxygen bottles for replenishment seemed to be normal.

"If you don't adapt at the beginning, just adapt to it."

Jiao Tianyou comforts Lu ruoxing and several people go to the hotel by car.

On the way, looking out of the window that blue without a trace of impurities in the sky, close as if the hands can touch the clarity, as if this point of maladjustment and suffering, are so insignificant.

Beautiful scenery will give people a special comfortable feeling.

The road is very wide, but there is not much traffic, all the way to the hotel.

There are decorations full of national flavor everywhere. Lu ruoxing looks at the girls and young men in his national costume, and his eyes are always on them.

"What are you looking at? If you like, buy one. " Jiao Tianyou thinks Lu ruoxing is looking at the Tibetan robes on other girls.

"No," Lu ruoxing giggled, "I was thinking, what do you feel when you put it on? Well, add a red face, ha ha -- "

in this way, Lu ruoxing couldn't help laughing. The characteristic of plateau red is of some significance.

If this exists in Jiao Tianyou's face, she really feels like a special joy.

When Jiao Tianyou saw the little girl laughing, he could not help pinching her face. "Little star, I'll make you a red face. It must be much better than them."

"Well - disgusting."

Lu ruoxing photographed his big hand, glared at him, ignored his teasing, and quickly followed Zhu Qi to the room.

In the room, Zhu Qi and Lu ruoxing are standing in front of the window, looking at the magnificent snow capped mountain top in front. Although it is very far away, it has a kind of feeling that immortals live on it.

Come here, always give people a kind of sacred feeling, even if the foot of the land, as if with inviolable holiness.

Lu ruoxing recalled that he had seen the kneeling of those five bodies thrown to the ground in TV, which made people feel very religious.

This is the power of faith.

"We're here. It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Zhu Qi asked with a smile, and Lu ruoxing nodded, "yes, it's beautiful. I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful place in the world. "

"Yes."Finally, they looked at each other and chuckled, "ha ha Well, don't sigh. We are all here. Naturally, we all feel the beauty here

"Unfortunately, we can't climb the snow mountain."

Lu ruoxing thinks that he certainly does not have that physical quality to climb.

"I think your boyfriend, you can."

Lu ruoxing nodded with approval and some proud smile.

"He's very good, well, very good." Lu ruoxing can't say too much, but he is very proud to know his power.

Zhu Qi shook her head and laughed, "look at your adoration, just like you are so powerful. Of course, that's your man too. You should be proud. "

Lu ruoxing convergence of their pride, embarrassed smile, afraid of on Zhu Qi that tease eyes, quickly find an excuse to slip.

"I'm going to see my brother soldier."

Then he ran out of the room to see Jiao Tianyou.

Jiao Tianyou opens the door. The little girl's cheeks are red. I don't know whether she is shy or something else. But looking at herself with such bright eyes, she seems to kiss her in the past.

"Brother Tianyou, have you climbed the snow mountain?"

Lu ruoxing is also standing in front of his window, facing the high snow mountain. Leaning against the window, he asks Jiao Tianyou curiously.

He came over, holding the little girl, also looked at the past, "has been."

"I said you are very good!" Lu ruoxing's eyes are brighter. Jiao Tianyou smiles and kisses her eyes. "It's very powerful, of course."

Lu ruoxing Dudu mouth, "narcissism oh."

However, Jiao Tianyou pecked her again and began to doodle, "I'm not narcissistic, I'm confident! You can rest assured that you can rely on God bless brother, I can do anything for you. "

Lu ruoxing suddenly turned her eyes and asked cunningly, "what about having a baby?"


Jiao Tianyou patted her forehead, "naughty."

Lu ruoxing spits out his tongue and smiles.

"But I can help you to have a baby." Jiao Tianyou suddenly's eyes are dim and burning. He presses his big hand on Lu ruoxing's waist and forces her to pull her into her arms. Her body is in close contact, which makes Lu ruoxing's whole person red.

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