CEO's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Luo Mingmei patted her on the back for a while. "Baby, are you flustered?"

"I'm afraid it's because I was framed." Qin Yiyue said softly.

"It's because what will be known soon. Don't think about it."

Qin Yiyue nodded and forced up his spirits. "Mom and Dad, go upstairs and have a rest."

"Call us if you need anything."


After Qin Yiyue sent Qin Qiuyang and Luo Mingmei back to the room, they also returned to the room.

She finished washing as early as possible, and then she waited for Cheng jiangxue to finish.

She only has a general understanding of the autopsy process, and she is not sure how much effort and time it will take for the specific operation.

Therefore, it can only be calculated according to the time just mentioned by Zhang Yang.

She knew that Zhang Yang only told her that Cheng jiangxue dealt with Wen Xinmo's body after seeing Cheng jiangxue's face. josei

If it wasn't for Cheng jiangxue's relationship, she would be afraid to ask for information tomorrow.

After two hours, Qin Yiyue immediately called Cheng jiangxue.

It took a long time for the phone to be answered, but it was not Cheng jiangxue's voice.

"Hello, Dr. Qin. I'm Xiaoyu, the assistant of Cheng forensics. Cheng forensics is having a meeting with Zhang team. When she comes back, I'll ask her to call back. "


"Nothing." Xiaoyu said that he heard footsteps in the corridor, and hurriedly said, "forensic doctor Cheng is back. Please wait a moment."

Cheng jiangxue comes in with a notebook, sees Xiaoyu holding her mobile phone, and asks, "doctor Qin's phone?"

"Well." Xiaoyu hands Cheng jiangxue his mobile phone, and then makes a cup of coffee and a bowl of noodles for him.

Cheng jiangxue tired into the office chair, said: "Dr Qin, you are pinch point to call me?"

"Doctor Cheng, wake up and don't hurt me." Qin Yiyue is helpless.

"All right, all right. I'll give you a general idea of the current situation. You have a bottom in mind. "


"You should be surprised. The case happened four hours ago. According to the normal procedure, it will not be so soon for the Interpol and the forensics to intervene. It will be handled by the following police. After they decide the nature of the case, it will be submitted to us. Today's case is quite strange. It was directly taken over by our criminal police and forensics, and the suspect's lock-in is also very strange. After the lock-in, the arrest will be carried out immediately. "

Although Qin Yiyue has never been in the public security system, she usually has no less contact with relevant people in the hospital and knows more or less.

That's why she insists on disturbing Cheng jiangxue at more than two in the morning.

"What's going on? I have no idea. "

"It's someone who looks at you and your wife and goes to you. Some time ago, it was for you. Now it's your man. We printed footprints, fingerprints, blood drops and DNA at the scene of the crime, all of which belonged to he Qiaoyan. "

"If you say the dead were four hours ago, it's impossible. Joe banyan has been with me since 6 p.m. and never left my sight. Where does he have time to do these things? "

Cheng jiangxue took the earplug out of the bag with one hand and said, "wait a moment, I'll find a pair of earplugs."

Qin Yiyue doesn't speak any more. Listen to Cheng jiangxue's voice.

After a long time, Cheng jiangxue said, "OK, go on. You tell me one by one what happened with he Qiaoyan after six o'clock. No matter how detailed it is, I'll make a record and compare it with you later. "

"OK. I met with Qiao Yan in the parking lot of the hospital when I was off duty. The monitoring of the parking lot and the call record in his mobile phone can prove that Qiao Yan was on the phone at that time, and he ended the call when I came down. Then we went back to my house to pick up my parents and invited my grandparents and my grandparents to barbecue in the villa together. "

Cheng jiangxue quickly recorded and asked, "is there anything strange happening after that?"

"Joe and I had a special call when we were preparing for the barbecue. Qiao Yan asked me to answer for him when he was busy. After I answered, the caller didn't speak. When I handed it over to Qiao Yan, I heard a woman's breath. "

"Are you sure it's a woman's?"


"And then?" Cheng jiangxue is especially bold in the words "women's breath".

"Later, Qiao Yan took the phone to the living room and answered it. After answering the phone, he did nothing unusual."

Cheng jiangxue roughly scanned the recorded information, "can you recall the time of the phone call?"

"About 7:30 p.m. Joe's cell phone should be with you, which can be verified. "

"Team Zhang did check the mobile phone of he Qiaoyan, which is no longer available."

"What? Why is this happening? " Qin Yiyue was surprised.

"Frankly, I don't know why. He Qiaoyan's IQ won't do such an obvious thankless thing. Even if his mobile phone can't be used, we can know his call situation through other channels. He's doing it all over again. ""Few people can touch his personal cell phone. Who has done something on it?"

Cheng jiangxue shook her head and found that Qin Yiyue could not see her shaking her head. He said: "people from team Zhang think it may be done by malware. I'm not sure about the electronics. I'll tell you what I'm sure about. Wen Xinmo's death time is within 24 hours. I'm not sure whether the death time is covered maliciously or for other reasons. Her body didn't give me enough time to die. Before determining the time of her death, he Qiaoyan has to conduct strict investigation on all the whereabouts within 24 hours and the occasions he goes in and out. "

Qin Yiyue was shocked for a long time when he heard the words. "How can you not determine the time of death? Isn't the condition of the body obvious? How long does it take to die? There will be corresponding changes in the body of the deceased. You don't know for sure that you're in contact with dead people all the year round. "

"Wen Xinmo's condition is a little special. I'm not sure yet. Her body reaction needs to be discussed with other forensic doctors in the Bureau tomorrow before we can come to a conclusion."

Qin Yiyue thought for a moment and said, "just now, what's the matter with you saying that you didn't receive the police from the following police, but jumped to your criminal police and forensic? Is it possible to infer that the time of the crime is when you receive the police? "

"That's not exactly true. Our Interpol hotline is also announced to all the people, but under normal circumstances, everyone will habitually dial 110, which is the same as your hospital's independent emergency hotline, but in case of emergency patients and their families habitually dial 120. "

"Did you check it before you confirmed the police?"

"The operator will check. Generally, we will start within five minutes after receiving the police, and let the nearest person decide whether it is true or not within these five minutes. "

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