CEO's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Qin Yiyue did not make any expression on Jiang Xue's face, "I think you have something to hide from me."

"It is inevitable. We don't work in the same system, all the information can't be presented to you. " Cheng jiangxue calmly looked back at Qin Yiyue. "What's the reason that our superiors decided to arrest at the first time instead of asking he Qiaoyan to assist in the investigation? I think they have their position. I will not evaluate and infer until the matter is settled. After all, they decided to arrest Heqiao banquet. Even if they were drunk and had a brain drain, they could not make such a decision. In my opinion, the decision made by the superior is likely to help him. "

"Help him?" Qin Yiyue didn't agree with the statement, "I think they were instructed by Wen family."

"I can't say it's wrong with your inference, but first you think about it. The Wens have a certain influence, but the situation is over. Is the superior so stupid that he would rather offend Heqiao banquet than help the Wen family? Why? It was the Wen family who had a life-long friendship with them. They had to gamble with their own official voice and the future. They also had to close their eyes to celebrate the feast? It's not likely. " Cheng jiangxue drinks some tea and continues: "even if one leader has ever received the favor of Wen family, he is willing to do so, and other leaders are not willing to do so. No one wants to know that he Qiaoyan will be offended and do so. "

Qin Yiyue pondered for a moment and asked, "Qiao Yan is so cooperative because he knows that this matter has nothing to do with him. Cooperation is the best way to explain it?"

"I don't understand your man's idea. You can ask yourself when you see him. I heard from team Zhang that they went to your villa last night. I think your man is really dark inside. "

Qin Yiyue hears Cheng jiangxue say so, the corner of his mouth draws, "isn't this forced by you? You don't whistle all night long, let the people around you know. Will he go down the steps like this to put you in a dilemma? "

"You're right to say that. All in all, it's a dog blood mystery show. I have a premonition that your man knows why wenxinmo died, but he just doesn't say, hang us. We can't do anything to him. We can only ask him to have tea in the Bureau. "

Qin Yiyue said, "I can only say that my man did a good job."

Cheng jiangxue gave her a sidelong look. "It's a beautiful job. If you have a revenge, you can get it back on the spot. It's very gratifying. Well, I'm not poor with you. It's time to visit him. By the way, ask him how long he plans to stay. "


Qin Yiyue and Cheng jiangxue go back to the branch and are taken to the detention room by a member of the criminal police.

He Qiao is sitting on a solid wood chair, turning the books on his knees without a moment.

Not too bright light hit his shoulder from the top of his head, and made his hair a little shaky.

Qin Yiyue stands at the door and looks at the feast of He Qiao under the light. People who don't know where it is still think that he Qiao feast is in their own home, which is still a kind of leisure.

When he Qiaoyan heard the news, he looked up and smiled at Qin Yiyue. He said softly, "how come?"

She said, closing the book and extending her hand in her direction.

"I'm not sure." Qin Yiyue took a small step and sat next to the feast of He Qiao.

He Qiao held her slender waist and his voice was very slow. "Let your father-in-law and mother-in-law advise you, you will not listen to all of them. Cloud grid should have analyzed the general situation with you. You are still here. "

His voice was low and magnetic, which made Qin Yiyue's worries clear.

"Tu Hao, I seem to be holding you back."

"If you don't, I don't know how much you care about me."

Qin Yiyue's face was a little hot, but he didn't deny his words.

He Qiaoyan hugged Qin Yiyue in his arms, chin on her shoulder, and said, "did the forensic doctor Cheng and the criminal police tell you how Wen Xinmo died?"

Qin Yiyue's face changed, and he Qiaoyan was embarrassed to hold him. "I paid attention to other issues, but forgot to ask the most important one. No, it should be said that I am too easy to be led away by Cheng's idea of forensic medicine. "

"It's not surprising that they are good at negotiating. You are not professional in this field, it's easy to be led by them to run, which is very normal. "

Qin Yiyue was not comforted at all by his words.

He Qiaoyan reached out and pinched her cheek. "It's late. Don't drive when you go back. Call the driver to pick you up."

"And you?"

"I'll stay here for a few days, and I'll go home when it's over."

Qin Yiyue looked at him doubtfully and asked, "do you know how Wen Xinmo died, Tu hao? Or know what she died of? "

"Why do you ask?"

"I think wenxinmo's death is probably related to my answering your phone."

"It was the first time you picked up my cell phone. You'll get used to it a few more times later." He Qiaoyan said with a smile, "honey, go back. Although I said that you are very similar to Cheng, don't really learn from her 24-hour continuous rotation without rest. It's hard to see the panda's eyes in the sky. "Cheng jiangxue, who was watching the surveillance, felt that she had been stabbed in the chest with several knives.

Qin Yiyue's mouth turned up. "I think I can't do anything. When you meet something, you will push me behind."

"Do you have to be a shield? I'm a man. It would be a shame to push you out. " He Qiaoyan chuckled: "don't make a face. The next time the police come home, I will help you fight for the right to speak first and let you brush your sense of existence."

Qin Yiyue didn't stretch his face. He he smiled.

Cheng jiangxue and Zhang Yang hold a cup of coffee and watch the monitoring screen.

Zhang Yang sighed, "he Qiaoyan belongs to the fox. He speaks perfectly."

"I have been in business for so many years, but I still don't touch any leaves. I can't do it without any level." Cheng jiangxue said.

Zhang Yang nodded, "I'll contact Wang Ju later to see how to deal with it, and then drag it down to make the impact worse." josei

"Have you analyzed the IP address of the first online press release?"

"It's a website of Xinrong group. This result is too conventional. "

Cheng jiangxue sips his coffee. "It's too reasonable, almost impeccable."


Cheng jiangxue thought for a while and said, "let's break up. Tomorrow we can't keep up with our energy."

Zhang Yang looks at the monitoring screen, where Qin Yiyue has come to the room.

Zhang Yang said, "let's go."

**Qin Yiyue didn't ask the driver to pick him up. He drove back.

She had a premonition that those who were hiding in the dark would not just stand by and do anything else.

She wanted to see what those people would do to her.

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