CEO's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 420

Chapter 420

He only hears the sound of the shutter, turns his white eyes and kicks the stinking Li Yuan open.

Li Yuan jumped away with a cry.

Li qingai runs over with a smile and transfers the photos on his mobile phone to them. "Tut Tut, two handsome pots, when you hold each other shamelessly in the future, I'm afraid I can't bear the trouble."

He only glanced at it. "Send it to me. I'll edit it and send it tomorrow."

Li Yuan was almost spitting blood from Lei. "Can you discuss it? It's really good. "

He Weifei, Li qingai: "No."

Li Yuan: "..."


After four people washed it white and tender, they went to the restaurant of the hotel to have a meal and ordered local snacks.

Three big children who are growing up and one who is eating small food can order ten dishes, which can sweep away the light.

I also killed two plates of desserts when I was eating, and almost turned all the leftovers into dregs.

After he finished eating, a familiar feeling of dizziness reappeared.

His face changed a little, which forced the feeling down.

This feeling has become more and more frequent in this period of time. He had known that his father and Mommy didn't tell him the truth before, but he didn't expect that the feeling would last for such a long time. It seems that he should have a good talk with his father after the trip.

At half past seven, the driver of the hotel took them to the nearby wharf, which was full of people.

Li Yuan rushed to the queue and squeezed in for five minutes to buy four tickets.

He Weifei stands nearby to take photos. There are so many people here. He can only let the little guy hold his leg or lead his clothes. Li qingai stands on the side of the little guy to avoid being carried away. josei

The little guy is also used to such treatment. He Weifei's dress hem is held obediently to watch him take various photos.

After a while, he turned the camera to him, "Yu Yu, look at the camera."

He Weiyu immediately showed a bright smile, he Weifei stopped his smile with a smile.

"God, please give me one."

He Wei said with a smile, "I have you."

"Ah, can you be a little sincere?"


Li qingai: "..."

Li Yuan ran over in a sweat, "comrades, on the boat!"

Four people followed the crowd on board, but they didn't feel crowded.

Four people chose a place with good vision and sat down. Li Yuan took a camera and began to take photos and video.

He Weifei took another SLR to take a travel photo. Li Yuan's photo taking technology hasn't had time to strengthen his training. He can only take photos by feeling. There are many shortcomings. Under normal circumstances, the official account and the photos on micro-blog are taken by him.

He Weifei photographed he Weiyu, Li qingai and Li Yuan from various angles, and Li Yuan sometimes photographed him Weifei.

Like he Weifei, a 360 degree person with no dead angle can look good in any way, and the technical scum can also make a big movie.

The people on the boat also took pictures of he Weiyu directly or secretly. When they saw he Weiyu's face, they were even more crazy.

Even if both of them wear masks that cover most of their faces, they can still see that they are very similar and have outstanding looks.

He did not expect this, so after boarding, he basically blocked his face with the SLR, and few people could take pictures of his face.

After those people gradually stopped taking pictures, he Weifei said, "my brother is still young. I hope that the pictures you took will not be released. Thank you."

They looked into the young man's eyes and nodded involuntarily.

He only smiled at them and raised his camera when they responded.

The time on the boat is two hours. It's only 40 minutes at full speed. In order to let tourists take photos, the speed is slowed down. In the middle of the trip, I went through two fountains, each of which lasted for 10 minutes, and the effect was gorgeous. This scenic spot was also introduced by the driver.

Other small scenery is also very good. It can be seen that this is a very mature night view route. Whether it's lighting, modeling, or the interval between small scenic spots, it's remarkable. I walked down in two hours and took many materials and photos.

After they got off the ship, the driver sent them to the famous big gear. Although it's in gear, there's a box. The driver had already called to book a box for them while they were watching the night scene.

After the four entered the box, Li Yuan said, "it's so nice to play. It's very comfortable and there are many places to go."

Li qingai: "before, we were all led by our parents to travel in poverty, OK. Adults' tourism concept is different from that of our young people. They can argue for a scenic spot and ticket money for half a day. But really, I will not want to go out with other people in the future after traveling with Wei Fei. "

"I think so, too."

He Weifei filled him a glass of warm water with a milk bottle specially used by he Weiyu and asked him to drink it"God of man, does your father often take you on trips?"

"In the past, he didn't go to work very often. In recent years, he has been able to go to work once in half a month."

"Wow, can you let your father take us? Is it really special? It's unreasonable to be handsome and have good grades. You have a good family background, a good father, a good mommy and a good brother. Ah ah ah, God, did you save the galaxy in your last life? You've met all kinds of good things. "

"I wanted to keep a low profile, but you found out." He only blinked.

Li Yuan laments: "elder brother, please don't discharge. I will have no market. Let's leave a way for the learning scum and the poor."

Several people were chatting and eating seafood, and he Weiyu also said from time to time. Except for those seafood which were difficult to be disassembled, he Weifei, Li Yuan and Li qingai helped them, all of them were handled by himself.

Don't mention how likable the soft and independent little guy is. Besides, his table manners are very good, and it can be seen that his tutor is very good.

After eating, the driver came back to pick them up.

After returning to the hotel, several people washed and washed, and began to deal with the articles and materials sent tomorrow.

He Weiyu took a bath, brushed his teeth and climbed to bed as he did in the evening.

He Weifei: "when our official account and micro-blog are raised to the week before the start of the term, we can go to our own products. In addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery, we should also take more steps to open up ideas and plan our next business. "

"Making money while playing? I have no problem. " Li Yuan said excitedly.

"I don't mind." Li qingai was also very excited. "We not only have our own business, but also can play and work at the same time. I really don't have any opinions. If we work harder, our tuition and living expenses will come out. Big head Li, do you know why you insist on the same school as us? If you go to another school, how can we discuss matters? "

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