CEO's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

"Why did you leave school suddenly in class today?" Li Yuan is also worried about this. "But next time you want to go out, you must tell me that I will accompany you out. You are a typical good student. It's dangerous to go out like this. "

Li Yuan knew that he Weifei's first reaction to fainting on the street was not shock and inconceivable. He was particularly distressed.

In his heart, he is more important than his parents and sisters. He didn't know why he Weifei suddenly went out during class, but he knew that he Weifei must have some problems.

"I'll be with you, too. Don't leave all of a sudden, will you?" Li qingai doesn't know what happened. Seeing Li Yuan say that, she realizes that things may not be as simple as she thought before.

"Thank you. I just feel bored suddenly. I don't think so much." He Weifei didn't mean to hide it from them on purpose. What happened to him has exceeded his own cognition, and there is no need for them to bear it with him.

What's more, most people in China will hear the color change of mental illness, even if schizophrenia is different from mental illness. Ordinary people do not have such common sense, they are easy to confuse. It's better to let Li qingai and Li Yuan be optimistic in the valley than to see their surprised and disgusted eyes.

Even if they can stand firmly on his side, not afraid of his illness. Their parents couldn't agree.

Li Yuan and Li Qing AI look at he Weifei, who is obviously thinner than before, and feel very upset.

They can vaguely feel that he Weifei has something to hide from them, but they don't know how to ask. They are afraid to touch his sad place, and they are afraid that they can't bear his secret.

That kind of frustration and loss is the first time that two children are so old.

The two stayed in the hospital until the end of their lunch break.

He Weifei looks out of the window at the sun. His eyes are as black as paint. They are confused and helpless.

What should he do?

He Qiaoyan and Qin Yiyue come in again, and what they see is he Weifei turning his face to look out of the window.

The bright and dazzling sunlight hit the young man's thin and pale side face, like a thin, fragile light.

So beautiful and fragile.

Qin Yiyue hated to replace he but suffered, but this feeling was just in vain and useless.

**He stayed in the hospital for two days and went back to school after he was discharged.

He Qiao bought a three bedroom and one bedroom apartment near Fugao before the banquet, which had been cleaned during his two days in hospital.

He Qiaoyan not only gave him the key to the house, but also gave Li Yuan and Li qingai a share. He also called the two children when he was taking him to see the house.

The house is very tidy, clean and has the flavor of home.

He Qiaoyan said: "you can have lunch in the school canteen or here. Before you come here, you can call the working aunt to prepare lunch. I can still come here for lunch. "

"Uncle he, thank you for helping us prepare such a good place." Li qingai is also very excited, but she also understands that the more and more comprehensive he Qiaoyan does for him, it proves that he Weifei's disease is not a simple disease, and it is likely that even such a powerful person as he Qiaoyan can't cope with it.

She couldn't be happy to think of it.

He Qiaoyan had lunch with three children and drove away.

Li Yuan and Li Qing AI sat on the tatami in the living room and looked at he Weifei seriously. "But what's wrong with you? You can tell me the truth with me and the man and the woman. If you keep everything in your heart like this, we don't think we can use it at all. "

"Yes. But we are friends and companions. You can't always drag us forward. Li and I can pull you when you have something. Although we two are not as clever as you, we can pull a little bit, somehow. " Li qingai said earnestly.

He looked gratefully at the two partners and whispered, "the psychiatrist said I might be schizophrenic."

"What?" Li Yuan and Li Qing AI both look like thunder.

Li Yuan said in a trembling voice, "what is schizophrenia? Is it a form of schizophrenia? "

Before Li Yuan finished speaking, he was pinched by Li Qing AI.

Li qingai asked, "are you sure?"

"It's almost certain." He Wei said with a smile, "you don't have to worry about me. If you think this disease is frightening, you should stay away from me as far as possible, and don't be affected by the gossip of the students."

Li Yuan said without thinking: "no matter you are schizophrenic or psychotic, to me you are he Weifei, nothing has changed. The only thing that has changed is that you used to be the eldest of the three of us. My man and woman are following you. It's different now. Now we are side by side. We can do something for you. "

"Yes. Now medicine is so developed, it's very simple to treat a mental illness, but you don't have to worry. In the future, lidaotou and I will often accompany you, not to let you act alone, not to let you suddenly faint. Isn't there a mobile phone that can locate the position of a watch? I'm going to buy you a mobile phone and install a positioning system on my and lidaotou's mobile phones. We can find you anywhere. " Li qingai finally choked and tears came out like broken beads.Li Yuan opened his mouth and couldn't say anything, just hugged he Weifei.

Li qingai also picked it up.

He Weifei: "men and women are different."

"Take me for a moment as a man."


Li Yuan and Li Qing AI spent the money they earned in the official account on the day to buy the best watch mobile phone that Rongcheng could buy, spending four thousand and five hundred.

At the same price, they could buy better ones online, but they had to wait a few days for express delivery.

They couldn't wait that long. They took a taxi to the communication city.

He Weifei took off the watch he used to wear and put on the new one.

He didn't say that his father and mother had ordered a more functional and secure mobile watch for him.

Li qingai: "just set the basic functions and shortcut keys."

He Weifei asked, "do your parents know my condition?"

"No." josei

"I didn't tell them." Li qingai said, "wait until your condition is more stable. Adults talk all day with a little knowledge and experience, regardless of what they know before. "

"I think so, too." Li Yuan nodded, "like my parents, sometimes they can't communicate at all, and they have been doing business for a long time, thinking that no matter what others do, they want to figure out something. They don't see what they have in mind! At present, the sanest and most tender things I have ever seen are the only parents. They are not the same world as my parents. "

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