CEO's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 443

Chapter 443

Five minutes later.

Ji xuege is lying on the ground, even the wailing thing is saved.

He looked at the he Weifei standing there without any influence. "He Weifei, how did you grow up? Is there anything you won't do? "

"Yes." He only replied.

"What is it?"

"No children."

"Lie down, shut up. Who did you learn to talk so badly? Young man, I tell you, it's easy to be beaten when you go out in this way of speaking. "

He Weifei nods and reaches out to jixuege to pull him up.

Ji xuege holds his hand, and suddenly his eyes flash with sly light. He pulls hard.

He only saw the light in his eyes and tried in the opposite direction.

Ji xuege's legs are not idle either. He sweeps the hall legs.

He can't avoid it. He simply falls down with jixuege's strength.


"Ah, ah, ah..."

Ji xuege rolled his white eyes speechless and didn't want to say anything. He just felt tired.

To he Weifei as a mat even if, but also by a group of noisy girls to see, call than his voice is also big.

It's all about it.

He doesn't want face?!

"Good basic feeling is all around, unexpectedly in public, good shame shoot."

Ji xuege pinched his arm and said, "hurry up, you are going to crush him."

He only whispered back, "I sprained my ankle."

"Congratulations! Only! No! "

**"Where do you live?"

"You want to carry me home?"


"Take a taxi?"

Ji xuege: "he Weifei, can you believe me to throw you on the street directly? Your grandmother's leg, I took you five blocks, you said you want to take a taxi. Why don't you wait for me to carry you home? "

"How do you know if you're carrying me home instead of going to the hospital?"

Ji xuege: "..."

Why does he want to know he Weifei?!

He Weifei said, "there is a clinic in front of you turning left. You should be ok if you go to buy some medicine spray."

"How do you know there's a clinic ahead?"


Ji xuege finally went to the clinic after only two breaths.

He Weifei's ankle is really red and swollen. Ji xuege feels guilty.

On second thought, he walked so far away with he on his back, and that little guilt was crushed into cinders in an instant.

He Weifei looks at Ji xuege and says, "I'm ok. Don't worry."

"Who is worried about you? Don't be amorous."

"You don't worry about me. You ran five blocks on your back?"

"He Weifei, do you know what it means to see through and not to say through?"

"I know. Tell my friends as honestly as possible, so that you don't spend time trying to guess my mind."

Ji xuege's expression on his face is different. "Friend?"

"What are we not friends? classmate? Are there any students who are not in the same school and have not studied together for one day? "

Ji xuege: "if you want to be friends with me like this, I have nothing to say. Friends are friends." Dr.

gave him a spray of pain, but he didn't move his ankle. He didn't hurt so much. "I'm fine. Let's go back."

"You still don't run around like this. Go to my house first, and then go home in the evening."


Ji xuege glanced at him. "I'm not afraid I'll cover a sack for you on the way to beat you?"

"You don't want to beat me. Young man, don't open your teeth and claws. "

Ji xuege turned his back. "You're waiting inside. I'll call a taxi and call you when I get there."

"Isn't there a taxi software? Just wait here for the bus to arrive? "

Ji xuege is too lazy to turn over her eyes. "Do you know that I don't have a mobile phone?"

"I don't know."

Ji xuege: "..."


Ji xuege pushes open the old courtyard door, "come in."

He Weifei stepped over the threshold and found that it was not as messy as he thought, and there was a lot of space. He also planted many flowers and plants.

Ji xuege led he Weifei into the room. "There is no one at home now. What do you want to eat? I'll send it to the store next to you."

"I'm not picky, but I can't eat spicy and sweet dishes."

"OK, I'll go out and buy it for you." Then he went out directly.

He Weifei looks at the furnishings in the house and confirms that Ji xuege's family background is very common.

He remembered that what Ji xuege learned was photography, which cost money and consumables.

Compared with professional equipment, it costs 12000 yuan, plus tuition and living expenses, and it costs at least 50000 yuan a year.This money is spent more among teenagers and less in art students.

He Weifei doesn't think that students who can learn this, especially Ji xuege, who often don't go to school, can learn almost nothing.

The people who are gifted, don't study, can make amazing pictures, cry ghosts and gods, and let everyone pursue them only exist in novels, TV and film works. The people who can really survive and make a great achievement depend on a lot of practice and efforts.

Talent is important, but a lot of practice and improvement is more important.

Ji xuege soon came back with two plastic lunch boxes. He was still sitting.

Ji xuege: "do you have any interest in my family?"

"I can't wait until you come back."

Jixuege shrugs and puts the lunch box on the table. "Eat it, and then I will make up for you. I'll go home alive at night."

"How much is it?" He Weifei took the upper lunch box and opened it to find that there were no hot peppers or sweet and sour ribs.

"Why do you come to my house? It must be my treat. If you give me money, believe it or not, I'll cut you off. "

"You can't bear to cut it. Stop shouting."


He only raised the dish on the chopsticks. "Thank you."

"You are welcome. This takeout is delicious. I often eat it there. "

"You don't cook by yourself?"


"Won't you or won't you learn?"

"So I don't want to learn?"

"It's interesting to cook. You'll know when you do it."

Ji xuege takes a look at he but says, "it's like you can cook."

"I will. After my family was two and a half years old, I basically brought them, not professional level dishes

Ji xuege's mouth trembled for a long time, or he didn't resist a national scolding, "can you give others a way? What are you doing perfectly? " josei

"That's my previous life attitude, the same as yours."

"Hey, are you tired when you used to live like that?"

"Do you feel tired of your lifestyle?" He asked.

"I thought it was very exciting when I was just passing by. It's just like that after a long time."

"I feel almost the same. Now I think the current life style is good. I have a lot of time to think about the future every day. But if I haven't come up with it three months later, I will fall into the anxious mood, increase my psychological burden, and accelerate the appearance of another personality in my body. "

"Then don't think about it. It's no use thinking about it. I heard Li Yuan say that you have a good family. What are you doing so hard? There's no shortage of your stuttering at home. "

"You're right, too."

Ji xuege proudly said: "learn from me more to save yourself from being a psychopath."

"Well. I've been following you all this time. "

"Are you kidding?"

"Really." He is not determined.

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