Changing Only For Her Novel

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Meanwhile, Tristan and the others had already arrived at the airport and boarded their flight.

Felix had thought something would happen on their way to the airport. However, to his surprise, they got there safe and sound.

This isn’t like Nicholas at all.

“Mr. Tristan, did you do something without me knowing? How is it that Nicholas didn’t come after us? It doesn’t make any sense!”

We’d already set up an ambush and everything, but Nicholas didn’t show up. All our efforts are in vain.

“Shall we get someone to find out what happened?” He had wanted to teach Nicholas a lesson, yet his plan had come to naught.

“Well, we can only wait until we get off the plane. I can’t possibly be making calls while on the plane, right?” Tristan replied. He’s really too curious about what happened.

“Sophie, aren’t you the least bit curious?” They had been talking about the matter for some time, yet Sophie had not even looked up from her phone.

She doesn’t seem interested to know more about this situation. How strange. Could it be that she knows something?

Sophie raised her head and glanced at him. “What’s there to be curious about? Are you that eager to have someone come after you? Is there something wrong with your brain, Mr. Northley?”

Felix pointed at himself in puzzlement.

“Something wrong with me? What could be wrong? Anyone would be curious, okay?” he retorted. It’s already weird enough that she doesn’t give a hoot about anything at all, and now she’s even accusing me of being weird! That’s preposterous!

“That’s enough. If there’s nothing wrong with you, go over there.”

After hearing what Tristan said, Felix felt even more at a loss for words.

I see how it is. I’m the odd one out on this plane, alone and helpless. No one is going to back me up. Those two are ganging up on me, and I’m all alone. How can I be a match for them? I can’t win in an argument or a physical fight. Oh, my life is such a tragedy.

Tristan laughed at the sight of Felix’s pitiful expression.

“After we get back, you should pursue Ysabelle in earnest. Then, you won’t be alone anymore,” he said.

“So what if I succeed? She’s absolutely obsessed with Sophie, so there’s no way she’d take my side.”

“Does that mean you’re not going to pursue her anymore?”

“Oh, I will. Of course, I will,” Felix replied. I’ve had feelings for her for such a long time. How could I give up just like that? If it were possible, I’d have done so ages ago. There’d be no need for me to go down this difficult path.

“Stop bullying him, Mr. Tristan. He’s had it rough enough as it is,” Sophie piped up.

“How has he had it rough?”

“Because of Ysabelle, obviously. We don’t even know when she’ll realize Felix likes her. He’ll probably be stuck on this path he’s on for a very long time.”

And there’s no saying whether he’ll end up together with her.

“That’s rough indeed,” Tristan remarked. It’s indeed quite challenging to pursue Ysabelle. After all, she’s still naive. She dreams about falling in love every day, yet she’s completely oblivious to the fact that she has Felix, who has done so much for her, by her side.

By the time they landed at the airport in Jipsdale, it was already half past one in the morning.

As soon as they got off the plane, they spotted Ysabelle waiting for them.

Felix’s spirits soared when he saw the girl he liked, and he beamed from ear to ear.

“We haven’t seen each other in three days, Ysabelle. Did you miss me?” he asked.

Holding a big bouquet of flowers in her arms, she glanced at him as though he were an idiot.

“It has only been two days. What’s there to miss?”

When Ysabelle saw Sophie approaching, however, she handed the flowers to the latter at once.

“Welcome back, Sophie. Do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you while you were away the past three days?”

Words eluded Felix.

That’s totally a double standard! Is there any need to be so cruel? How can she treat me like this? What did I do wrong?

Sophie could not help but chuckle after taking a quick look at the piteous Felix.

Then, she gave the flowers to Tristan. While he held the flowers for her, she placed an arm around Ysabelle’s shoulder and started walking out with her.

Felix’s lips twitched.

I swear Sophie is doing that on purpose!

That made him jealous, and very much so.

Alas, what’s the use of being jealous? Nobody cares about me. I’m nothing but an incredibly pitiful person!

“Sophie, did you enjoy yourself in Anglandur?”

“It was raining the entire time in Norham, so I didn’t get to go out and do anything fun. Let’s wait until the university entrance exam is over. Then, both of us can go and have a good time together.”


“However, you have to make sure you do well in the university entrance exam.”

“Relax. It won’t be a problem for me,” Ysabelle answered, feeling very confident with herself.


“Mr. Tristan, please keep a rein on your girlfriend. She always flirts with gullible and naive young ladies,” Felix complained. This is too much!

“My girlfriend can do whatever she wants. What’s the matter? Do you have any objections? If you do, we can always fight it out.”

Felix stared at him wordlessly.

This couple enjoys bullying others, huh? Would I even be in this situation if I could beat him in a fight?

The group returned to Wisteria Apartments.

Since the university entrance exam was only three days away, classes in Jipsdale Premier High were temporarily suspended to allow the students to study at home.

“Sophie, I’ll study here with you, okay? I don’t want to go back. If I stay here, I can ask you right away if there’s anything I don’t understand,” Ysabelle said woefully as soon as they arrived at Wisteria Apartments.

“Sounds good to me,” Sophie replied. Naturally, she did not have any objections.

In truth, there’s not much studying to do. At this point, one should already have a good grasp of everything one needs to know. However, if Ysabelle wants to get into Jipsdale University, she’ll still need to study hard.

Ysabelle hugged Sophie immediately.

“You’re the best, Sophie. Oh, why aren’t you a guy? If you were a man, I’d marry you,” said Ysabelle.

“If she were a man, what would happen to me?”

Tristan’s voice suddenly rang out behind them, giving Ysabelle a scare.

“What are you talking about, Uncle Tristan? I was only drawing a hypothetical scenario,” she explained. Does he have to be so petty? Besides, I was friends with Sophie first. Nonetheless, upon noticing the fierce expression on his face, she added sweetly, “Don’t worry. Even if I did like Sophie, it’d be pointless. Her heart only beats for you. There’s no room in her heart for anyone else.”

As the saying goes, a wise man adapts to the situation. Also, a wise man knows better than to resist when the odds are against him. I know I’m no match for my uncle. However, I can always act innocent and adorable.

When Felix saw how little she cared about her dignity in the face of Tristan, he could not refrain from letting out a snort of laughter.

“You truly have no integrity, Ysabelle.”

Ysabelle swept her gaze over him.

“Are you kidding me right now? Why would I need that when I’m facing my uncle? It’s more important for me to save my skin.”

When it’s a choice between my integrity and my life, do I look like I can’t tell which is more important?

“You… Forget it. I can’t win an argument with you. As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters,” Felix responded, not wanting to argue with her.

“If the two of you are done bickering, you may leave,” Tristan uttered coldly.

This is my territory. Even if someone wants to get all affectionate here, that’d be mine and Sophie’s prerogative. These two are definitely not welcome to do so.


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