ChangNing’s Imperial Army

Chapter 5 - - Just A Name

Chapter 5 - - Just A Name

Chapter 5 – Just A Name
The Mengs had a huge yard. After all, Mr. Meng was considered a wealthy man in Yulin town. However, no matter how big their yard was, they did not dare to build a house that was too tall. If the government officials said that he had disobeyed regulations, he could go bankrupt and his family could be homeless, even though he might be the sea bandit, Bai Litu, that nobody was aware of.

When Meng Changan found Shen Leng in his dilapidated room, he was squatting in a corner in a daze. He looked traumatized, – as though he had lost half his soul.

“Come on!”

Meng Changan raised his voice, and then sighed, “Are you really planning on taking Shen as your last name?”

His father just died, but his obstinate nature forbade him to cry. No matter how terrible he felt, he refused to cry.


Shen Leng’s reply was simple and direct. He sounded more stubborn and decisive than Meng Changan.

“What are you going to do in the future?”

Meng Changan asked him after a few moments of silence. However, before Shen Leng had a chance to reply, another crisp voice answered on his behalf.

“What else can he do? Of course he’s coming with us.”

That voice belonged to Shen Cha Yan, the young lady who was beautiful albeit arrogant. She was slightly shorter than Shen Leng. If she was described as a flower, instead of stamen, she had killing intent hiding in her bud.

Meng Changan scoffed. He did not have a good impression of this young lady.

“Why aren’t you leaving? Are you waiting for me to personally take revenge?” he asked.

Cha Yan grunted and pointed at Shen Leng, “We’re leaving after taking this useless thing. However, do you really think that you stand a chance against us?”

She was a budding beauty in her teenage years, yet so overbearing and aggressive.

She was about to say that his dad deserved to die, but she controlled herself – she felt that it was way too hurtful.

Meng Changan and Shen Cha Yan locked eyes, both of them refusing to back down. After they stared at each other for the timeframe of twenty breaths, they lost interest. How was he going to avenge for his father? Was he really going to take revenge? If not, wouldn’t he be considered unfilial?

His father was the sea bandit, Bai Litu. If the families of his townsmen and merchants who were killed by his father wanted to seek revenge, wouldn’t he be hacked into a million pieces? When Meng Changan thought about this, chills ran down his spine.

“What about you?”

Shen Leng suddenly stood up and asked, “What are your plans?”

“There’s a place for me to go. Furthermore, I have a big family business. What’s there to be afraid of? Even though father has died, the house and properties are under our names. Even though it’s tainted…I will pack up a couple of things and return to Changan in a bit. At least there’s still a spot for me in the Yanta Academy of Classical Learning. As for you, you should be careful, since you’ll be with two people of unidentified origins.”

He walked over to Shen Leng and patted on the shoulder. This made him seem like a mature adult.

“Stupid Leng. Don’t be so loyal and devoted to anyone you meet. The world is vast and waters run deep. You may know a person for a long time without knowing their true colors. After you have explored the outside world for a bit, change your last name back to Meng. This business is yours. I don’t care for it.”

“I don’t care for it either.”

Shen Leng shook his head, “Like what you said before, it’s tainted.”

Meng Changan smiled widely. He was somewhat agonized. He took a deep breath and made his last attempt, “All the young masters from affluent families are studying and training at the academy. They can bring along one person with them. If you…”

“He’s not going!”

Shen Cha Yan stood in front of Shen Leng, blocking him. “He has to be with us from now on. He will not go to some stupid academy to become a scholar or whatsoever. He can abandon him, but I can’t.”

Meng Changan rolled his eyes and said in an angry tone, “Who the hell are you?”

Shen Cha Yan started laughing. She narrowed her eyes and said, “Mister said that I’m still young, and should not be involved in killings, but he did not say that I’m not allowed to hit others.”

Meng Changan thought about how this girl managed to grab both him and Shen Leng before jumping out of the window, he clenched his teeth and held back his anger.

“Stupid Leng, you better remember this. If you suffer a lot in the outside world, but if it helps you in the future, tolerate it. However, if you got schemed against…do not tolerate. Or tolerate till you get to me.”

He took out Shen Leng’s small hunting knife and waved it in front of him. “I am not returning this to you. Just take it as…nothing. In any case, I’m not returning.”

Shen Leng grunted, “I have the scabbard, you have the knife. In future, we will meet again.”

Meng Changan said it would be because of the knife, and not for him. After that, he left with a bundle of things. He did not bring with him a tael of silver at all. He was obstinate till the very end, which was heartwrenching but worthy of respect and admiration.

He did not even bring a single article of clothing. He changed into the academy’s scholar robe. Apart from the small hunting knife, he also had the proof of identification for the academy, as well as a flask of water.

Changan was several thousands of miles away. He had no money to his name – this journey would be an arduous one for him.

Shen Leng chased after him and gave Meng Changan all the money that he had saved from before. “It’s mine. I got them through honest means. They are clean.”

Meng Changan’s nose twitched and his eyes started to get red. He looked up to the sky, in an attempt to stop his tears from falling. He laughed heartily and said, “I will accept this stupid money, that only you care about, for your sake. I will return you a thousand times in future.”

The young Shen Leng did not know that this was Meng Changan’s first supreme vow.

How serious was a supreme vow? Even if it was not pertaining to revenge, a supreme vow was still very highly regarded in one’s heart.

The young man Meng Changan took big strides as he walked away, not looking back at all.

Shen Cha Yan looked at Shen Leng and could not help but scoff, “There aren’t any cowards in your family. But look at you right now – you deserve to be beaten up for your cowardice.”

Shen Leng replied, “I am not a coward. I just feel bad for him…don’t forget that his father died.”

Shen Cha Yan was speechless for a moment. She realized that that young man did not shed a single tear from the start till the end. For some reason, she felt chills. The more she thought about the look in his eyes, the more she got scared.

After Meng Changan left, Mr. Shen appeared. He said regretfully, “After all, I killed his father. It’s better for me not to appear in front of him. He is a cold and resolute person – it would be hard for him not to achieve great things. As for you…Little Cha was right – you are soft on the inside.”

Shen Leng grunted and did not want to explain himself.


Would a soft person hold a blunt knife in his mouth and charged into the icy cold water? Would a soft person charge towards Bai Litu?

While the will of young men was unstable, principles were innate.

Mr. Shen grabbed Shen Leng’s hand and said, “Come with me. I remember last year, you’ve mentioned before that if you ever become very strong and powerful, you will kill all the sea bandits in this world.”

Shen Leng lifted his head and his eyes lit up, “Yes!”

“Let me impart you the skills to be powerful. As well as wisdom.”

Shen Leng nodded his head with all his might and walked, while holding on to Mr. Shen’s hand. Shen Cha Yan hit his hand away and said, “You’re too old to be holding an adult’s hand.”

Mr. Shen frowned slightly, “Little Cha, don’t behave this way.”

Shen Cha Yan scoffed unhappily, “I’m right though. Not forgetting he’s a man too.”

Mr. Shen forced a smile and shook his head. He did not attempt to hold Shen Leng’s hand again, “Do you know why I gave you a small hunting knife without a scabbard?”

“No, I don’t.”

“I have said it earlier on – you are rather soft beneath the surface. Perhaps this has something to do with the environment you grew up in over the past twelve years. After being bullied and oppressed every day and night for so many years, you have developed a type of self-defense. You are not aware of the kind of power and strength you are capable of and how domineering you should be. The reason why I gave you a knife without a scabbard is because I was trying to tell you that you should not hide your power and aggression. Young man, show of your abilities.”

He suddenly stopped walking for a bit, and thought of the small hunting knife that Meng Changan took from him. He couldn’t help but sigh. “That fella. He already flaunts his strength and power, why does he need the knife? Both of you should have exchanged items – the scabbard for him, and the knife for you.”

Shen Cha Yan recalled Meng Changan’s face and asked, “Was what the Daoist said true?”

“It was all made up.”

Mr. Shen’s reply was rather unexpected. “Be it Daoism or Zen Buddhism, nobody can foresee the future ten years ahead. I am not saying that nobody has this ability. The Daoist spiritual master on Mount Dragon Tiger, and the Zen Buddism master can tell the future without a problem. As for the other people…However for a person like Meng Changan, if nobody subdues him before he turns twenty, I’m afraid that no one in this world is able to do that after.”

When he thought about what he said about how nobody can foresee the future ten years ahead, he could not help but laugh at himself.

“But Yanta Academy of Classical Learning is just an academy.”

“Did you forget Pei Tingshan again?”

The two of them talked and walked at the same time. Shen Leng followed behind them silently, without interrupting. He felt that he was equipped with very little knowledge. He knew what Yanta Academy of Classical Learning was, but who was Pei Tingshan?

The people of Yulin town were unaware of what happened to the Meng family. The dead corpses in the abandoned warehouse were not found yet. These three people did not capture the passerbys’ attention on the streets.

“Leng’er, where are you going?”

A coolie who pulled rickshaws for a living called out to him. It was Chen Ran’s father.

“Uncle, I am leaving this place.”

Shen Leng stopped in his tracks. Thereafter, he bowed to him, like an adult. “Leng’er is extremely grateful to uncle for taking care of me all these years. I will come back to visit you in the future.”

Chen Ran’s father was dumbfounded. “You are really…leaving for good? Wait here. Wait for a minute.”

He suddenly turned around and ran as fast as he could. His legs were supposed to be very strong and steady, since he had been pulling the rickshaw for so many years. However, when he started running, he seemed to be stumbling a little, as though he had tripped over something.

Shen Cha Yan frowned a little, “We don’t have any more time to waste.”

Mr. Shen pressed his hands against her shoulders, “You are too impatient and intense, not like other girls. Just wait for a while more. We have already waited twelve years, what’s another hour?”

Soon, Shen Leng saw the chubby Chen Ran running over to him from the alley across from them, gasping for air. His face was pale. He yelled as he ran, “Leng, wait for me!”

Chen Ran’s father followed closely behind him, reaching out both hands. He was worried his son would fall.

Chen Ran hurriedly ran over and stuffed a bag of things into Shen Leng’s hand. “I don’t know why, I always had a feeling that you wouldn’t stay for long. Sooner or later, you will leave Yulin town…I have some steamed buns and vegetables here, as well as salted duck eggs. You know that we can’t afford to give you anything else.”

Chen Ran’s father took out a money pouch that jingled. He was about to count some copper coins to give to Shen Leng. After slight consideration, he decided to give everything to him. “Don’t be afraid to spend some money. I still have a lot of energy in me. If you have finished using the money, you can always come back. The bed in Mr. Meng’s house is cold, but the one in my house is warm. Even though there isn’t any woman to take care of us.”

Shen Leng could no longer hold back his tears and cried out loud.

He did not reject their kind intentions. He took a vow in his heart too.

I will come back in the future, and give you all the glory and wealth.

Both Meng Changan and Shen Leng took a vow in their hearts before they left Yulin town. The heavens seemed to be disdainful. All of a sudden, it got dark and lightning struck a couple of times.

Chen Ran hugged Shen Leng tightly and cried. After he finished crying, he let go of his hand, “What my father said was right. At the very least, if you come back to Yulin town, as long as we are here, you don’t have to be afraid.”josei

Shen Leng used all his might to nod his head.

Thinking about how they used to lay on the grass slope, watching the sun set, Shen Leng asked Chen Ran, with a piece of grass in his mouth, “Who gave you such a refined name?”

Chen Ran shrugged and said, “You know, I was originally called Chen Zai. When I was little, I was always walking unsteadily and often tripped and fell. My father asked around, thinking that my name was the issue, because there is a line above the chinese character for ‘Zai’. Akin to carrying a pole over my head, hence I could not walk steadily. Thus, he changed it to Chen Ran.

Shen Leng asked, “That superstitious?”

Chen Ran replied, “Take it with a pinch of salt. It’s just a name. For example, your name is Leng’er, but are you really cold?”

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