Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 41 Weapons Of gods

Chapter 41 Weapons Of gods

41  Weapons Of gods

In the cold dark water of Atlantis. A gigantic aquatic organism in the shape of a huge octopus could be seen moving through the water at a speed faster than thrice the speed of sound.

Taking a closer look at the octopus, one would notice it pulling a golden-colored carriage behind it, which was covered by a strange blue barrier preventing the backlash on those within the carriage for moving with so much speed.

In the carriage...

Zeras sat opposite the man, his new gigantic silver trident resting on his lap.

"So, do you want to tell me what happened to Dyvan then," Zeras asked as they had been moving in the carriage for more than two hours now, and the silence was killing him?

The old man took a deep breath as he glanced outside the carriage without looking Zeras in the eye. Even though he was only staring at the cold dark waters.

Zeras could feel the man was no longer calm since they'd begun their journey.

"Do you remember what I told you about the war between Atlantis and the Skulls?

Even though Atlantis won, we only had three people surviving the war out of almost ten thousand soldiers.

That begs the question of how powerful are the Skulls. Well, the Skulls are not particularly strong physically. A middle-aged Athlanthean citizen should be able to take care of two adult male skulls without breaking a sweat.

But the remarkable thing about the Skulls is their weapons."

"Yes, it is. It can only be given to Dyvan by Sammodra himself. And if Sammodra got his hands on these weapons kept by King Atlas. Then I'll say being a Skull himself, this battle just grew ten times harder." The man said finally revealing his reason for dread.

Zeras sat down there numbed by the information, when he thought his fight with Sammodra would be a tough one. Now the difficulty bar was raised once again. Did the tower want him to fail so badly? josei

"I can only say do your best boy. And if there's something that can help you. It would be the waves I told you about. Just try to understand and comprehend them more. With them, there's a chance you can still win." The old man said, but even he wasn't completely sure of that.

A smile appeared on Zera's face as he closed his eyes and concentrated on the surrounding water trying to sense the waves in them, but he said silently to himself

'I'll win this fight, Old man as this isn't just a battle for Atlantis. It's a battle for a major step in my life. It's my only hope of achieving my goal.

There's no other option for me. It is either I win or fail. So rest assured old man, I'm not going to fail. Definitely.' Zeras said the word echoing within him as he decided all his time to understand this new source of power, the power of Waves.

-- -- --

4 days later...

"We're here..." the voice of Plank rang out from outside as Zeras opened his eyes before muttering

"Is it finally happening?"

Moving out of the carriage, Zeras good there numbed as he gaped at the second most gigantic structure of his life right in front of him.

"Welcome people, to the Atlantis Palace."

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