Chaos' Heir

Chapter 400 Deployment

Chapter 400 Deployment

Chapter 400 Deployment

Luke didn't add any detail to his message, but its contents were more than clear. Another prototype of the reinforced fabric had gone missing, so a meeting had become necessary. The team had to gather to plan the next move.

Khan didn't immediately leave his room. His eyes remained on the phone while his thoughts ran wild. He probably was the team member with the best understanding of the situation, but that only made it harder for him to accept what had just happened.

The factory was an isolated environment with limited space. The Cobsend family couldn't add too many guards. Yet, it had probably implemented new security measures after the thefts.

Moreover, Luke's team had spent the last month tracking the various warehouses and vehicles connected to the industrial district. That action couldn't go unnoticed, so the criminals involved with the thefts were bound to know they had eyes on them.

Most criminals would choose to lay low in that situation, and that without adding Raymond's arrival and Khan's attack on the buyers to the equation. The thieves were suffering attacks from both sides, but the factory had still lost another prototype.

'The theft must have been recent,' Khan thought. 'We might be able to catch up with the criminals if we hurry, or so Luke will think.'

Khan could guess what Luke had in mind. The last theft had put a target on the vehicles that had recently entered the industrial district. Luke would probably send the team after them, but Khan's guts told him that the effort would be useless.

The criminals involved in the theft were by no means ordinary. They wouldn't commit mistakes, and the very probable inside help would cover any trace.

Luke's plan would probably make everyone waste time, but Khan couldn't refuse to follow his orders. He had to play his part, so someone else had to handle the other aspects of the investigation.

"[What do you need me to do]?" Jenna asked as soon as Khan turned toward her. She had read the message, and his expression had told her enough.

"[Luke will probably deploy us]," Khan explained. "[You can't stay here on your own, not with Raymond around. I need you among your species where no one can touch you]."

"[Do you really think I'll leave you]?" Jenna asked as she half-turned to lay her left side on Khan's chest. "[I need to watch your back now more than ever]."

"[Jenna]," Khan called.

"[Don't Jenna me]," Jenna complained. "[You want to keep me safe, but so do I]."

"[It's not about keeping you safe]," Khan tried to justify.

"[What is it then]?" Jenna asked as she grabbed Khan's neck to push him down. Khan's back ended up on the mattress, with Jenna pinning him down by pressing on his shoulders.

Jenna wasn't holding back. True strength flowed through her arms to prevent Khan from moving. He would have to fight back properly to break free.

"[I will force you to accept my help if I must]," Jenna continued as her expression gained crazy traits. Even the synthetic mana around her echoed her seemingly frenzied state.

Jenna would appear truly dangerous from the outside, but Khan ended up smiling at that scene. He knew what was happening. Her emotions had simply made her snap.

"[Do you think I'm replacing you with Monica]?" Khan joked.

"[That's not what I said]," Jenna pointed out. "[But, you aren't sending her away, are you? You are even sleeping with her now. That place belongs to me]."

"[Listen to my mind]," Khan said while thinking about his affection toward Jenna. "[Listen to what the mana is telling you]."

Khan's attempt to calm down Jenna had the opposite effect. His affection added fuel to her frenzied state and made her grab his right hand to place it on her chest.

"[Take me]," Jenna almost begged. "[Make me yours and keep me at your side forever. Use me as you plea-]!"

Jenna let out a surprised gasp when Khan squeezed her chest. The remaining arm on his shoulder lost strength, allowing him to sweep it away without hurting her.

Jenna fell on Khan, but he stopped her before she could slam her head on his. She immediately tried to kiss him now that they were so close, but a thumb stopped her lips before they could reach his mouth.

"[Khan]," Jenna whined as she grabbed Khan's head and tried to close the distance that separated their lips.

"[You will do as I say now]," Khan declared, sending as much authority as possible into the synthetic mana.

A tremor ran through Jenna when those words reached her ears. She stopped struggling to kiss Khan and remained still as she waited for his next order.

"[Get up]," Khan voiced, and Jenna followed the order. She straightened her back to stand on her knees, and Khan used that chance to sit on the bed.

"[Come here]," Khan continued while sounding even bossier. He was playing on Jenna's desire to please him to make her calm down, but that was only the beginning of the process.

Jenna fell in Khan's embrace, and he adjusted her position to make her right side lay on his chest. Warm cuddles followed, and Jenna shook whenever his fingers touched her skin. She had grown incredibly sensitive in her frenzied state, and Khan didn't hold back from kissing her head from time to time.

Difficult minutes went by. Jenna still experienced bursts of emotions that made her try to kiss or tease Khan, but he mustered the entirety of his self-control to avoid that outcome. There would be no going back if he accepted her even once, and that didn't apply only to Jenna.

Jenna's breathing eventually grew ragged before slowing down to return to a normal pace. She nestled deeper in Khan's chest as her emotions became quieter. She was finally calming down, and Khan kept cuddling her until she regained her sanity.

"[I didn't expect-]," Jenna muttered.

"[It's fine]," Khan interrupted her. "[We knew something like this would happen]."

"[I'm getting too dangerous for you]," Jenna started to panic. "[I almost-]."

"[Don't even start]," Khan scolded while flicking Jenna's forehead.

Jenna went silent, but her beautiful eyes often peeked at Khan's concerned expression. A smile slowly broadened on her face, and Khan felt the need to curse when he recognized the emotions she radiated.

"[Are you about to jump on me again]?" Khan asked.

"[I was just fantasizing]," Jenna giggled. "[I demand you get this bossy more often]."

Khan shook his head, but he also heaved a sigh of relief. Jenna had gone back to her normal state. They had managed to avoid the crisis.

"[That's my lewd girl]," Khan teased while tightening the hug on Jenna. He had to leave to attend the meeting, but she had the priority. He needed to clear things up with her first.

Khan wasn't trying to sideline Jenna. He simply didn't want her to remain alone in a building owned by the Cobsend family. Yet, he still needed her in the investigation, and he made sure to be as transparent as possible with his following words.

"[I need you to join the search for Rodney]," Khan explained, "[At least while I'm away]."

"[I get it]," Jenna sighed, "[But don't leave me alone for too long]."

"[I wouldn't dare]," Khan reassured. "[Contact me if you find anything or need me to spoil you for a bit]."

"[I won't even try to hold back]," Jenna giggled.

"[You are impossible]," Khan joined her laugh.

A few more minutes passed, but the couple eventually separated and dressed up. Luke sent another message in the meantime, but Khan ignored it as he hurried outside the room with Jenna.

Nothing could escape the two's senses, so they went straight for the main hall and outside the building. The path was clear since the team was busy with the meeting, so Khan could send Jenna away without alerting anyone.

Khan went back into the building after the separation. Now that Jenna was outside the Cobsend family's reach, he could focus on the investigation, so he didn't hesitate to use the elevator to reach the last floor.

The meeting was in the same room with the interactive map of Lower Level 1. Khan only had to knock on its door to enter a tense environment filled with sour faces and anger. The synthetic mana echoed everyone's feelings, and Luke turned out to be the most intense of the group.

"What took you so long?!" Luke shouted when the entrance closed behind Khan.

"I had to deal with a problem," Khan vaguely explained.

"What can be more important than this?" Luke scolded as Khan approached the interactive desk. "These criminals had the gall to steal a prototype with me here. This is a direct insult to my family."

"Luke," Khan called while mustering the calmest words he could think of, "I came as soon as possible. You know I did."

Khan's evident honesty made Luke realize that his previous words had been too much. He didn't address them to save face, but he took a deep breath to calm down and avoid falling prey to his anger. Sadly, he wasn't the only one annoyed by Khan's late arrival.

The whole team had gathered in the room, and, except for Master Ivor, everyone was standing around the interactive table. Silence reigned, so the snort that followed sounded extremely loud. Francis didn't add anything else, but his gesture expressed his stance.

Khan wasn't in the mood for games. His relationship with Monica had yet to provide proper emotional and physical release, and the previous interaction with Jenna had only pushed him to his limits.

Luke had also deserved a polite and collected answer, but Francis didn't fall in that category, and Khan was already beyond holding back with him. Francis stood on the opposite side of the desk, and his eyes widened when a threatening figure suddenly jumped on it.

"Khan!" Bruce shouted when Khan landed on the interactive table and fixed his cold gaze on Francis.

"Come on," Khan ordered, completely ignoring Bruce. "Speak your mind."

"Khan, this is not the time," Luke stated.

Khan's eyes remained on Francis for the whole time. The latter kept a straight face, but the synthetic mana around him reeked of his fear. He was acting tough to save face, but his resolve shook as that chilling gaze remained on him.

"I've killed things three times your size in Ecoruta's trenches while bullets flew above my head," Khan slowly said as he crouched on the interactive desk. "Don't fuck with me."

"Khan!" Luke called as he stepped before Francis to hinder Khan's path.

"How do you expect me to work with him?" Khan asked, even if his gaze remained on Francis.

"You won't work with him today," Luke quickly explained. "I'm splitting you into different teams. You are with Master Ivor."

"Master Ivor?" Khan repeated as he finally looked at Luke.

Master Ivor was standing near the metal wall, but he left it to approach the interactive desk after Luke's words. He walked until he reached Francis and even placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We will go after the deliveries that happened in the past hours," Master Ivor said while wearing a polite smile. "We must deal with the only one handled by Orlats."

Khan shot another chilling glance at Francis before stepping down from the desk. The situation was slightly different from his initial prediction. He would understand the team's deployment, but Master Ivor's presence would tell everyone that the operation had the blessing of the Cobsend family.

"There will be no turning back after this," Khan pointed out.

"I need to make this attack official and compensate any innocent party," Luke summarized. "I will only turn my family into a public enemy otherwise."

"What if we don't find anything?" Khan wondered.

"I will have to accept that the task is beyond me," Luke declared.

Luke's sad situation became clear after that short explanation. A theft had happened under his direct supervision. He had already failed in his task. The current assault was only a desperate move meant to save his reputation.

"Alright," Khan nodded. "I won't go easy on the Orlats if that's what you want."

"Thank you," Luke sighed in relief.

"Mister Alstair, if I may," Master Ivor continued while pulling Francis' shoulder to make him half-turn. "Lieutenant Khan outranks you. It's only proper for a descendant with your status to show some manners."

Khan didn't expect Master Ivor to scold Francis, and he felt even more surprised to see the latter listening to his words. Francis gulped before performing a military salute and mustering the politest tone he could. "I'm sorry, Lieutenant Khan. I've been disrespectful."

Francis' emotions didn't match his words, but Khan couldn't use them to contradict him. He nodded and let the matter go for now as he brought his focus to Master Ivor.

"I can update Lieutenant Khan on the road," Master Ivor announced while letting Francis go. "We can't waste time."

"Is that okay?" Luke asked Khan.

"No problem," Khan exclaimed.

"Very well," Luke stated as he clapped his hands. "It's time to go. Don't kill anyone, but don't let these factions take you lightly either. Good luck!"josei

The team split into different groups that hurried toward the exit. Khan could confirm that Monica and Martha were together, and he nodded when both of them shot concerned gazes at him.

Khan moved once Master Ivor reached him, and the two left the room without saying anything. Only Luke and Bruce remained behind, but they didn't add anything either.

Master Ivor and Khan remained silent even after they left the building. A car was waiting for them on the street past the sidewalk, and they entered it without wasting any time.

"Ecoruta," Master Ivor spoke once the car started moving. "I heard that the Stal are huge."

"That's not their strangest feature," Khan chuckled while trying to suppress the memory of the Stal's sexual organs.

"You sure have seen a lot for your young age," Master Ivor sighed. "It must be hard to contain yourself before such blatant disrespect."

"Why did you help me?" Khan wondered since Master Ivor mentioned the issue. "I'm grateful, but I don't understand why."

"Luke asked me to," Master Ivor revealed. "I am quite respected among wealthy families. I can scold Mister Alstair without putting any blame on the Cobsend family."

Khan appreciated Luke's concern, but his relationship with Francis remained extremely poor. It even seemed that nothing could fix it, especially since he had every intention to keep dating Monica.

"Ivor, sir, lend me your experience," Khan eventually requested. "What do you think I should do with Francis?"

"I'm afraid there's nothing you can do," Master Ivor chuckled. "Mister Alstair seems set on hating you."

"That's not funny," Khan cursed, even if a short laugh ended up leaving his mouth.

"Do not despair," Master Ivor reassured. "Earning the enmity of a wealthy descendant is a common occurrence, especially for someone as popular as you."

"Won't that doom my career?" Khan wondered.

"Success creates enemies," Master Ivor stated. "It's perfectly natural."

Khan sighed, but Master Ivor promptly added something. "Lieutenant Khan, this old man thinks you did the right thing. Showing weakness would have only led to bullying. Sometimes, the clueless kids need to learn their place."

"Clueless kids?" Khan snickered. He didn't expect Master Ivor to be disrespectful toward wealthy descendants.

"I trust this conversation won't leave this vehicle," Master Ivor casually uttered.

"You have my word," Khan laughed, and the car's insides went silent.

The vehicle took a while to reach its destination, but Khan and Master Ivor eventually found themselves before a large two-story building. The place had a vast metal gate and no windows. Moreover, its surfaces hindered Khan's senses.

Two Orlats guarded the gate, but both tensed up when they saw Khan and Master Ivor walking in their direction. Those aliens were mere first-level warriors without great sensitivity, but the pressure radiated by their opponents told them that they were outmatched.

"We need to talk with your boss," Master Ivor announced after reaching the gate. "Let us through."

"No human gets inside without previous authorization," One of the Orlats exclaimed, even if his voice grew fainter as Khan added more coldness to the synthetic mana in the area.

"I can create a path," Khan suggested while turning toward Master Ivor.

Master Ivor didn't get the chance to reply since the gate suddenly started to open. Its metal doors slid to create a narrow passage, and a stronger Orlats became visible in that gap.

"We don't want any problem," The newly arrived second-level warrior stated, "But we will ask for some form of compensation."

"That won't be a problem," Master Ivor quickly announced as he made his way through the narrow passage. Khan followed him, and a vast warehouse full of metal boxes and other items unfolded in his view.

The warehouse had a straightforward design. Two staircases in the back of the area connected the first floor to the second, and a few crews of Orlats moved the various items according to their orders. Only five second-level warriors occupied the place. All the others were weaker than them.

"Open these boxes," Master Ivor ordered without showing any trace of his previous friendliness. "We need to check them."

"We can't show you the goods," The second-level warrior who had welcomed the duo complained.

"And you can't stop us from opening them by force," Master Ivor responded.

The Orlats frowned before Master Ivor's serious stance. He didn't want to follow his orders, but he appeared more scared of the consequences of his refusal.

"The Cobsend family will have to pay a steep price to compensate for this insult," The Orlats threatened.

"That won't be a problem," Master Ivor replied. "Now, the boxes."

The Orlats kept his eyes on Master Ivor for a few more seconds before turning toward the other second-level warriors in the warehouse and nodding. The latter gave new orders to the workers, who began to open the various boxes to show their contents.

Khan hid his surprise but studied every reaction. The Orlats stayed true to their fame by knowing that Khan and Master Ivor were working for the Cobsend family, and their decision to cooperate also spoke for their political skills.

A fight would have only damaged the warehouse and the goods. Instead, accepting Master Ivor's conditions would give that faction the chance to blackmail the Cobsend family without losing anything. That was the smart choice, but Khan still found something odd.

In theory, Master Ivor was the biggest threat and the figure with more authority. The Orlats were also bound to know his level. Yet, Khan found himself at the center of most worried glances. Even the first-level warriors paid more attention to him.

Everything became clear when Khan heard some of the faint murmurs exchanged by the Orlats. The words "chaos wielder" explained how far his fame stretched. Those workers were probably aware of his actions in the dock.

"It's better to be feared in some cases," Master Ivor said while Khan was still immersed in his inspection. "Fame can be a good shield."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Khan uttered.

"It was a compliment," Master Ivor chuckled. "Let's go, Lieutenant Khan. We have many boxes to check."

Khan could rely on his senses to check for the reinforced fabric since he had memorized its unique aura. Still, the boxes could have hidden drawers, and only a personal inspection could uncover them.

The warehouse was big enough to contain hundreds of boxes, and the variety of items they held was also surprising. Provisions, magical weapons, and tools of various shapes and functions crossed Khan's vision and awakened his curiosity, but he couldn't find anything connected to the reinforced fabric.

That result matched what Khan had initially predicted. The Orlats weren't on his target list in the first place either, so he felt no disappointment once the inspection ended and left him empty-handed.

"What now?" Khan asked after Master Ivor checked the hour on his phone.

"Now, we hope the other teams find something," Master Ivor sighed.

"And if they don't?" Khan wondered.

"You heard Luke," Master Ivor whispered to make sure that the Orlats in the warehouse didn't hear him. "Our stay on Milia 222 might come to an end in that case."

"Are you done?" One of the second-level warriors shouted since Khan and Master Ivor were merely standing at the center of the warehouse. "Our business must continue."

"The Cobsend family will send a negotiator in a few days," Master Ivor promptly announced. "Thank you for your cooperation."

Master Ivor turned to leave at that point, and Khan followed him. It was clear that the outcome had left a bitter taste in the old man's mouth. He probably wanted Luke to succeed and gain some respect in the family, but the universe didn't cooperate.

Khan knew enough to keep the investigation alive even after today's failure, and he considered whether to say something in the meantime. Master Ivor could be the perfect middle-man since Khan's message spoke about a traitor in the Cobsend family, but something distracted him as soon as he left the warehouse.

"I've called the car," Master Ivor revealed once the gate closed behind the duo. "It should come here in a matter of minutes."

"You go ahead," Khan replied as he carefully inspected his surroundings. "I have something to do."

"Lieutenant Khan, it might not be wise to act on your own," Master Ivor warned. "The general mood won't be happy if the others come back empty-handed too."

"I'm afraid Luke will have to trust me on this one," Khan declared before making up his mind and facing Master Ivor properly. "Tell him that I'll reveal everything once I get back."

Master Ivor looked deep into Khan's eyes for a few seconds before diverting his gaze. He seemed to lose interest in the matter as he said his goodbyes. "Good luck, Lieutenant Khan."

Khan only needed to read the synthetic mana to know that Master Ivor was simply being protective over Luke. There seemed to be genuine affection between the two, but Khan didn't linger too much in that inspection. He had to leave now.

A familiar presence made Khan cross the street and turn a corner to end up in a relatively isolated area surrounded by buildings. He was still close to the warehouse and could even sense Master Ivor from his position, but his entire attention ended up on a lonely car parked near the sidewalk.

The car didn't have anything special except for the familiar presence coming out of the slightly lowered window in the back. Other vehicles also crossed it and reassured Khan about the area's safety, but he still walked around the district to avoid ending up in another trap.

Once the inspection ended, Khan headed for the car but didn't immediately approach the backseats. He stopped in front of the pilot's window when he reached the vehicle and knocked on it before pointing down with his fingers.

The window went down and revealed the human pilot behind it. The dark glass had blocked Khan's senses, but he could now inspect the first-level warrior on the steering wheel. The middle-aged man seemed scared of him, and he took that as a good sign.

"I'll make this thing explode if you try anything funny," Khan threatened. "Are we clear?"

The pilot slowly nodded, and Khan checked the reaction of the synthetic mana to confirm that his message had gotten through. His interest in the middle-aged man vanished at that point, and he turned to approach the backseats.

A mere pull unlocked the door and revealed a luxurious place. The back of the car featured a rectangular area with many comfortable seats, but Khan ignored everything to focus on the smirking figure that had unfolded in his view.

"Your senses are something else," Rodney announced while inspecting Khan from head to toe. "Maybe I should have really listened to our alien teachers."

"Give me one reason not to kill you right away," Khan threatened as his hand went on his sheath. He was still outside the car, but he was confident in killing Rodney before the pilot could set off.

"Hey, hey," Rodney laughed. "You turned me into a prisoner, and I tried to kill you. The way I see it, we are even."

"I turned you into a prisoner because you tried to kill me," Khan corrected.

"Let's not linger on old details," Rodney casually voiced. "You are alive, and I'm almost free. Nothing else matters."

"One reason," Khan repeated. He wasn't in the mood for games, especially with Rodney.

"No fun as always," Rodney shook his head. "I'll give you two reasons. First, if I don't return, your signed letter goes public. I believe you don't want to deal with that."

"That's easy to fix if you are nowhere to be found," Khan declared.

"How cold," Rodney laughed. "I guess I need to use my second reason. It turns out that we are on the same side. We have to cooperate to get what we both want."

"I'll count to three," Khan warned. "One."

"Calm down," Rodney exclaimed. "Look, I took this job to make quick cash and establish some political relationship. I had no idea Raymond fucking Cobsend was involved. Isn't that what you are worried about?"

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