Chaos' Heir

Chapter 406 Alive

Chapter 406 Alive

Chapter 406 Alive

The settlement was small enough to plan events in a matter of hours. It was already late when Khan and Jenna arrived in Lower Level 2, but that played in their favor. Nothing major was going on, so Caja could gather the interested parties without problems.

Khan and Jenna waited by the lake for everyone to gather, and five Nele eventually reached them. Caja was among them, and Khan also recognized Pascatte.

"[It's nice to see you again]," Pascatte announced when the group reached the couple. "[I understand that you have more alien arts to show us]."

"[It's complicated]," Khan exclaimed as he stood up to greet the Nele. "[This technique involves the absorption of mana inside the body. It's quite forceful, so it might not suit you]."

"[That's why we are here, isn't it]?" Caja chuckled. "[Focus on your technique. Leave the theory to us]."

Caja didn't say anything specific, but Khan understood that the Nele around him were experts. Pascatte was a teacher, and Khan could safely assume that the others had a similar status. It would be up to them to decide whether their methods could replicate the [Blood Vortex].

Khan nodded before returning to the ground and emptying his backpack. The bucket, the container, and a few sets of clothes came out, and Khan sorted them out to have them where he wanted.

Usually, the [Blood Vortex] would require a thorough study of the environment, but Khan had already spent days near that lake. Moreover, his overall control over mana had improved, and his relationship with Jenna had given him insights into how the Nele affected an area.

Khan had only needed to return to the lake to know that he could perform the [Blood Vortex] there. He recognized those shores, and their specific energy signature grew clearer in his mind as he poured the blood into the bucket.

Mana came out of Khan's hands as soon as he placed them on the bucket, but that energy quickly changed color to obtain the features he needed. The process immediately attracted the group's attention, and even Caja bent forward to inspect everything closely.

The Nele were no strangers to the manipulation field, but they didn't apply it like the Niqols. Khan was showing them something complicated and exotic, which managed to retain their attention for its entire duration.

'It's done,' Khan thought when the blood became a dense, dark liquid that suited his needs. 'Now, the easy part.'

"[Jenna, I need some space]," Khan requested as he stood up.

Jenna didn't hesitate to comply, but surprise appeared on her face when Khan started undressing. She had questions, but Khan spoke as soon as his shirt fell to the ground.

"[I hope you don't mind if I get naked]," Khan asked while moving his gaze among the group. "[This technique requires it]."

"[We are all a bit too old to mind something like that]," Caja joked, "[And I'm sure Jenna won't complain]."

Cheerfulness invaded the mood. The Nele laughed, and Jenna didn't bother to deny that comment. Her expression actually agreed with it, but her smile vanished when she understood something was off.

"[Jenna]," Khan called again through a serious tone. "[Don't interrupt me for any reason]."

Jenna knew that tone. It carried the same seriousness that Khan expressed whenever he trained, but something deeper had joined it at that time. The alien technique brought Khan to another planet, among the best memories of his life.

Of course, Khan's warning had a different purpose. He wasn't even aware of the face he was making. He only wanted to prepare Jenna for what was coming.

Khan's mindset changed the mana in ways that Caja and the others could read. The cheerfulness quickly disappeared, and seriousness took over as soon as Khan finished undressing.

The phone acted as a mirror as Khan dipped his fingers in the bucket to use the modified blood as ink. He had long since committed the [Blood Vortex]'s marks to memory, but drawing them still took time due to the precision they required.

Khan lay on the ground before completing the last mark. Then, the [Blood Vortex] activated, creating a sucking force that attracted the mana and sent it inside his body.

The Nele remained silent, but Khan could sense their surprise. Their reaction was perfectly normal, and that feeling only intensified when Khan's skin started to burn.

Jenna understood the meaning of Khan's warning at that point. The urge to jump in manifested itself, but she suppressed it to let the technique continue. Still, Khan didn't make it easy for her.

'I have less than two weeks,' Khan thought as he steeled his resolve. It was time to endure as much as possible.

Jenna's emotions grew more prevalent than the others as the [Blood Vortex] went on. The group could sense the injuries Khan was suffering, and Jenna couldn't share her companions' calm. The scene resembled proper torture and watching it hurt her.

Part of Khan wanted to interrupt the [Blood Vortex] to end Jenna's suffering, but he kept going. His flesh burned under the friction caused by the flowing mana, but he barely felt it. His mind was elsewhere, reviewing memories that still managed to stir his emotions.

Eventually, Khan felt forced to interrupt the technique. His senses warned him about the seriousness of his injuries, so his hand snapped to remove part of the closest mark.

Jenna gasped when she saw how deeply the [Blood Vortex] had dug, but the bitter spectacle had just begun. Khan groaned as he stood up to walk inside the lake and remove the remaining marks. More and more injuries appeared as Khan cleaned himself until he finally turned to show his condition.

Red lines covered most of Khan's body, and some blood fell out of them. He had gained hideous marks which fused with the azure scar to create a strange scene.

Jenna could only focus on the injuries, but the other Nele were different. Khan's current appearance couldn't be farther from a human. Watching him walk out of the lake left a deep impression in their minds that they couldn't put into words yet.

Khan felt some discomfort. Moving in that condition was annoying since everything triggered pain. Even putting back his pants back on made him release a grunt, and another followed when he sat on the ground.

"[The mana is under these marks now]," Khan explained as he crossed his legs and prepared to meditate. "[I need to absorb it to complete the procedure]."

"[Do you plan on using this technique for your whole stay here]?" Jenna asked as she sat next to Khan.

"[It's the fastest way to increase my attunement with mana]," Khan stated without hiding the helplessness that Jenna's concerned gaze caused.

Jenna pushed on an intact part of Khan's shoulder to make him half-turn and show his condition. Those injuries would take a while to heal, especially without specific ointments, but Jenna planned to take care of that.

"[How fitting]," Jenna sighed.

"[Fitting]?" Khan asked.

"[For you]," Jenna continued. "[I know your character, remember? These arts involve prices and sacrifice. They are perfect for someone like you]."

"[My resolve is worthy of legends]," Khan joked.

"[It's not resolve]," Jenna corrected. "[It's selflessness. You don't see any problem in hurting yourself because you are too used to it. You don't see the value in avoiding this pain]."

"[Liiza cried the first time I overdid]," Khan revealed. "[She even hit me]."

"[I can see why]," Jenna uttered. "[I wish I could also beat some sense into you. It's a pity you see your value only when reflected in those you care about]."

"[I wish there were another way]," Khan sighed.

"[No]," Jenna objected. "[You wish I weren't here to see this]."

Khan could only reveal a meaningful smile and watch as Jenna stood up. She appeared pretty annoyed and sad, but her following words carried as much affection as she could muster. "[I'll bring you something for your injuries]."

Jenna turned to leave, and the group inspected her departure before focusing on Khan again. Pascatte and one of the male Nele even crouched toward Khan to get a better look at the injuries and the mana under them.

"[It's quite forceful]," The male Nele commented.

"[And goes against our methods]," Pascatte added.

Khan agreed with those evaluations. The [Blood Vortex] forced the mana to enter the body. The technique wasn't a request but an order.

The steps required to activate the [Blood Vortex] were also a problem for a species that heavily focused on the mana in the environment. Khan didn't know if the Nele had the necessary expertise in the manipulation field to accomplish such a feat.

"[Take note of the specifics]," Caja eventually ordered. "[Add them to our records for now. We'll perform a proper study once things stabilize]."

"[You can come to see it the next time too]," Khan stated while pointing at the empty container. "[I just need more materials to perform it]."

"[Next time]," Caja repeated. "[Abusing this technique will push your body to the limit. It might end up doing more harm than good]."

"[I'm aware of the risks]," Khan revealed. "[This is my sole option, and I can pursue it only if you help me]."

Caja gave another look at Khan's injuries before nodding at her companions. The group quickly began to leave, but Caja remained.

"[You truly are a peculiar human]," Caja announced. "[Your arts are even more diverse than your heritage]."

"[My element is my only conflicting heritage]," Khan pointed out.

"[Maybe]," Caja voiced. "[Still, your perspective is unique. Mixing different arts is uncommon, but I guess it suits the chaos' freedom]."

"[Aren't you trying to do the same]?" Khan wondered.

"[My species has lost a lot over the years]," Caja explained. "[We must use others to accelerate the reconstruction of our records]."

Maban had said something similar. The Nele had basically reinvented their traditions and arts after achieving freedom, but it would take them a long time before reaching their neighbors' levels.

"[Also, I never said we would mix the two arts]," Caja chuckled. "[Our goal is to create a version of your technique that we can see as ours]."

'A proper translation then,' Khan thought before voicing an idea that popped into his mind. "[Shouldn't I do it? I'm the best for the job since I know both arts]."josei

Caja didn't expect that reaction, but Khan's sincerity put a warm smile on her face. She could see that his desire to help didn't hide any deeper purpose. He only wanted to give a hand.

"[Do you really have the time to think about others]?" Caja joked. "[I thought you were in a hurry]."

"[Oh]," Khan recalled. "[Right. Maybe I can work on it once my mission is over]."

Caja shook her head, but her smile remained. She still recalled how tense Khan had been during their first meeting. He had acted as a young ambassador back then, but he seemed to treat the Nele as friends now.

"[No wonder Maban accepted you]," Caja commented. "[Focus on yourself for now. Then, if you ever achieve a good status and still want to help, we'll continue this conversation]."

Khan understood Caja's thoughts because Jenna had teased him about the same topic. She didn't want to burden him with the problems of her species, at least not with superficial ones. Khan would become able to provide significant help only if his position in the Global Army improved.

"[Don't tell me that you are already thinking about it]," Caja laughed while covering her mouth with a hand. "[It's reassuring. We might really count on you in the future but deal with your problems for now. Jenna wouldn't like it if you ruined your life over us]."

"[I-]," Khan wanted to say something, but Caja suddenly turned. Soon, Jenna's presence entered the range of Khan's senses and explained the purpose of the gesture.

"[I've taken some from our stash]," Jenna exclaimed as soon as Khan and Caja could see her. "[I hope it's not a problem]."

Jenna's crossed arms contained a series of flowers, leaves, roots, and chunks of wood. She had also stuffed a couple of cups in her hands, but she seemed ready to bring everything back if Caja said otherwise.

"[It's not]," Caja announced. "[Treating him is the least we can do]."

"[Did you learn how to adapt the technique]?" Jenna questioned in surprise as she reached Khan to drop the items at his side.

"[Nothing like that]," Caja sneered. "[Let's say that our allies deserve our support]."

"[Thank you]!" Khan promptly declared.

"[No, thank you]," Caja responded. "[I'll give you some privacy now. Feel free to join the lessons tomorrow if you are interested]."

"[I'll do my best to participate]," Khan promised, and Caja shot another smile at him before turning to leave.

An expert like Caja could easily hide her mental state, especially from Khan. However, her thoughts sent a slight tremor in the mana. She felt reassured. The Nele had truly found a loyal ally.

Jenna began to arrange the chunks of wood while Khan watched Caja disappear among the trees. Her last smile had given away something. She had made a decision, but Khan couldn't point out the exact topic. Still, he thought about his betrayal on Nitis for some reason.

"[Do you always end up in this condition when you use that technique]?" Jenna asked before murmuring something that only the mana heard. In an instant, the chunks of wood lit up to create a fire.

"[I'm pushing myself a bit more]," Khan explained. "[It's my best bet]."

"[So, you always suffer injuries]," Jenna replied as she started adding the leaves to the fire. "[Learn this then. It might come in handy in the future]."

Jenna didn't look at Khan at all. Her full attention was on the flames and the mana in the environment. Murmurs accompanied the addition of new materials, and crackling noises resounded whenever the process altered the fire.

"[Are you making a potion]?" Khan wondered.

"[Yes]," Jenna confirmed. "[I'm using suitable plants and mana to enhance their properties. I'll teach you the theory in these weeks]."

Khan didn't need to ask to know Jenna's reasons. She didn't want to feel useless while he immersed himself in that intensive training. Moreover, the ability to concoct ointments could genuinely help, and she desired to pass it on to him.

"[Did you ask Caja for permission]?" Khan questioned.

"[Do you think I'd care right now]?" Jenna responded, finally lifting her gaze. "[You told her something, didn't you]?"

"[I didn't say much]," Khan admitted. "[I only offered my help]."

"[You can barely take care of yourself]," Jenna mocked. "[Saving my species is not your job]."

"[Still]," Khan sighed. "[You took care of me in the dock, you showed me your methods, and you are even helping with the investigation. I want to give something back]."

"[Most of our forces are free now]," Jenna revealed. "[We finished stashing goods long ago. As for the dock, you did more than you should have there]."

"[Stashing goods]," Khan repeated. "Imminent chaos. [Do you think your prediction will become true during the celebrations]?"

"[That's not how it works]," Jenna stated while adding the last materials to the fire. "[You know that]."

The flames turned from red to orange after the last addition, and Jenna promptly placed a cup near their base. A dense yellow liquid soon made its way through the burning chunks of wood, and Jenna collected it without spilling any drops.

"[Drink up]," Jenna ordered when she handed the full cup to Khan.

Khan didn't dare to object. Smoke came out of the cup, but he drank the whole liquid in one gulp anyway. He knew the potion wouldn't burn.

Warmth filled Khan's chest before spreading through his body and flowing toward his injuries. A lot of mana had gathered there, but the potion's effects ignored it to focus on the maimed flesh.

"[I'll teach you how to do this and some ointments]," Jenna declared. "[It would be better if you learnt to recognize the vegetation, but that's too much to ask, especially if you travel often]."

"[I can always ask the mana, can't I]?" Khan wondered.

"[Yes]," Jenna said, revealing a wonderful smile. "[You are truly getting better at this]."

"[Don't jump on me]," Khan laughed while raising his arms. "[I'm injured]."

"[Don't worry]," Jenna giggled. "[I'll be the one taking care of you in these weeks]."

"[How can I even not want to save your species]?" Khan shook his head. "[I should meditate]."

"[I'll be here]," Jenna promised before following with a question when a shameless smile appeared on Khan's face. "[Did you get a dirty thought? I should hurry and get naked]."

"[It was something random]," Khan revealed while closing his eyes. "[I wonder, can someone even buy a planet]?"

Jenna exploded into a laugh, but the meaning behind the statement made her melt. She fought the urge to jump on Khan and limited herself to sitting behind him. His back was intact, so she could use it to convey her warmth.

The stay in the hidden dome didn't offer any free time. Khan used the [Blood Vortex] whenever his body healed, followed Jenna's teachings when he was at his lowest, and handled his other exercises in between that.

Needless to say, sleep rarely arrived and only when Khan absolutely needed it. He was willing to exhaust himself completely since the dock would give him time to recover, and Jenna supported him to the best of her abilities.

The chances to socialize also didn't arrive often. Khan and Jenna ate with the other Nele and even attended some morning lessons, but that was it.

The Nele still grew used to Khan's presence, and Jenna's unrestrained affection vouched for him in ways that meetings couldn't achieve. The general curiosity soon transformed into proper salutes, with some aliens even taking their time to exchange a chat with him during the meals.

In a way, that type of life was perfect for Khan. He had Jenna and natural mana. A man like him didn't need anything else. Still, at the end of the second week, it became clear that his body couldn't sustain that rhythm forever. Moreover, Monica made her way through his thoughts more than once. Khan actually missed her.

The time to leave eventually came, even if Khan almost forgot about it. He had to thank the weekly updates with Luke for that since Jenna didn't dare to mention anything about it.

Khan and Jenna exchanged general and short goodbyes with Caja and a few other Nele before resurfacing and making their way toward the fourth asteroid. By then, the celebrations were less than a week away, and crossing the short-distance teleports revealed that some preparations were already in place.

Most asteroids featured similar sceneries, but Khan noticed many peculiar details when he left the hangar. Crowds filled the streets on the first floor, and hundreds of ships flew around the central pillar before diving into the city below.

The shops on the streets and the city below also showed some changes. Brighter banners had appeared on most buildings, and the same went for shining graffiti that radiated different colors. Flags and giant balloons even occupied the space between the first floor and Lower Level 1, hinting at the imminent celebrations.

The overall cheerful atmosphere was another different aspect that usually belonged to the first asteroid. Milia 222 seemed ready to party, but Khan couldn't enter that mood due to the strange sensation that assaulted his sensitivity.

"[It has gotten stronger]," Khan revealed when the elevator granted some privacy.

"[I still don't feel anything]," Jenna cursed before shooting an annoyed look at the red marks on Khan's face. "[Don't get into fights this week. Focus on healing and stabilizing your mana]."

"[I'll only have a few meetings and sleep with you]," Khan promised. "[The dock might even be empty, all things considered]."

"[Let's hope empty of troublemakers]," Jenna added.

The newfound chaos of the fourth asteroid stirred Khan's sensitivity. He would typically enjoy the city's crowded streets and happy mood, but the strange sensation ruined any chance of having some fun.

The increased intensity of that sensation was another problem. Khan could easily connect the event to the recent theft, but the absence of actual proof forced him to put those thoughts aside.

Khan found some consolation in his short time. Exploring the celebrations wasn't an option in his situation, so he ignored everything as he strode toward an area occupied by Nele. He would use their passages to reach the dock.

The journey to the lower levels went smoothly. The Nele in charge of the various checkpoints recognized both Khan and Jenna, so the two could reach Lower Level 3 without meeting any problems.

The symphony of mana partially confirmed Khan's guess. There seemed to be fewer crews on Lower Level 3, but the area remained quite populated. Yet, nothing had changed for the location of the small Nele's district, so the two could head in its direction right away.

Maban wasn't in the district, but Khan and Jenna found Piran, who provided a room without asking questions. Still, Khan left on his own right after dropping his backpack since he wanted to settle his matters as soon as possible.

The path toward the Tors' district had long since become part of Khan's memory. He crossed the dock's streets and reached the area with oily synthetic mana in no time before sitting on the floor to wait for someone to receive him.

As always, the Tors took a few minutes to show their presence, and they said the exact words Khan wanted to hear when they jumped over the guardrails. "Come, chaos wielder."

Some anticipation built up in Khan's mind as three caped Tors led him inside their district. The aliens left once they reached a familiar small house, and Khan crossed its entrance without hesitation.

The city above turned out to be only one of the things that had changed. A large hole now spread from where the trapdoor had once been. The Tors had enlarged the passage for the lower floor, and bright purple-red light came out of it.

Khan didn't need to use his sensitivity there. His eyes were enough to confirm that the Tors had created something chaos-adjacent, and a short peek at the area below convinced him to jump through the hole.

Clanging noises resounded as soon as Khan landed on the lower floor. He had fallen on a layer of junk and random metal items, but the reptilian alien hanging from the wall didn't mind that, and noticing the source of the purple-red light put Khan into the same mindset.

The Tors was almost exactly where Khan had left it. Only the number of flasks connected to the metallic structure on its back had changed. The alien was using four of them, which spoke loudly about the difficulty of the project.

That change remained quite superficial compared to what had fallen in Khan's vision. The array of tubes and pipes was still there, but it was far larger than before due to the bright figure contained inside.

Khan almost couldn't believe his eyes. The tubes contained a purple-red cloud with no fixed shape and trembling surfaces. The amount of mana inside was incredible and made it worthy of second-level mages, but Khan only experienced fear at that sight.

'What is that thing?' Khan gasped in his mind, and the situation didn't hesitate to turn even stranger. The cloud's tremors intensified when Khan focused on its energy, and a clicking growl came out of it. The spell seemed alive.

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