Chaos' Heir

Chapter 125 - Ride

Chapter 125 - Ride

The free days of Khan's third week on Nitis felt like a dream, one of the good ones that he never had the chance to experience during his sleep. Except for George's outburst, that period unfolded beautifully since he did nothing but train and spend valuable time with Liiza.

George and Khan didn't talk. Still, neither of them felt the need to speak about what had happened due to the pink liquor. The two didn't even see each other often since Khan spent most of his time inside his room when he was in the camp.


The same happened with Paul and the other recruits. Awkward glances, respectful nods, and snorts reached Khan's eyes and ears whenever he was outside his room. It was clear most recruits and Paul had yet to put the messy event in the back of their minds, but Khan didn't really care about it.

The situation didn't cause any problem to him. Actually, Khan experienced the exact opposite. The recruits and Paul saw him as the most stable and experienced soldier in the fourth team, so they simply let him do as he wished. josei

His help would also be vital in the incoming period. The fourth week would finally see other humans approaching the mountain chain to tame the Aduns, and Khan was necessary for that task. Captain Erbair had even already confirmed his position for the training program in the alien academies, so no one dared to bother him or question his habits.

Khan's training went smoothly. He didn't manage to achieve anything astonishing during his free days, but he took steady steps forward in every aspect of his abilities.

The Lightning-demon style only needed constant repetition of its techniques to improve the proficiency level, and Khan never failed to attend those exercises. He performed a few rounds of all the moves every day, and his executions continued to be perfect. His successful streak continued throughout the entire free period.

Khan had yet to complete the eleventh mental exercise, but he grew closer to that achievement after each attempt. He would eventually cross it and get one step closer to the Wave spell, and his anticipation only made him work harder.

His meditations had never encountered bottlenecks. His flesh hurt whenever mana tried to invade its fabric, but he didn't run away from pain. Instead, Khan started to see that detail as evidence that his attunement level was increasing.

His training with the Divine Reaper proceeded slowly, but Khan didn't mind that. He had just approached the new martial art, and he didn't even rely on the entirety of his concentration during the exercises. He still gave his best, but his main focus remained on the other programs since they set the very foundation of his power.

The time to focus entirely on the Divine Reaper would come, but Khan preferred to stabilize and improve what he deemed necessary for his situation. A martial art that he wouldn't be able to deploy for months clearly didn't meet his standards.

The calm respect inside the camp and the steady improvement made Khan happy, but nothing could match the feelings that he experienced when he was with Liiza. It was simply unreal how intense the attraction between them was, and that emotion even grew stronger as time passed.

Khan felt honestly surprised to see that Liiza's self-restraint almost vanished whenever they were alone. The girl would often jump on him to start intimate moments that always ended in a state that the couple had learnt to feel as normal.

The duo always ended up lying next to or on each other. Liiza often slept or rested on Khan's chest after reaching the end of their intimate sessions, and the satisfied expression that never left her face made Khan feel confident in his ability to please her. Moreover, they didn't hide anything from each other, even the specific talks that involved awkward topics, so the two constantly learnt more about each other.

Their feelings intensified as they grew closer. Khan had no idea how to explain that event. He only knew that he couldn't think straight whenever Liiza was around. His mind could only focus on her, and it took him the entirety of his mental strength to separate from her. It seemed that their relationship was turning into an addiction, but that was the Niqols' way of love.

"It's tomorrow, right?" Liiza asked in a slightly annoyed voice while she adjusted her position on Khan's chest.

"Today, actually," Khan smirked as his arms tightened on Liiza's naked body. "We'll need to find a new place where to be together. Everything will become too risky once the others gain access to the Aduns."

Khan's fourth week on Nitis had begun. He and Liiza had seen each other around midnight, and they had already spent five hours together in the flat area in the mountain. The duo would normally remain in that position, with Liiza sleeping over him, until lunchtime arrived, but Khan had to return to the camp far sooner that day. The recruits required someone to guide them during the taming test.

"I'm losing track of time lately," Liiza revealed in a sweet voice. "I'm starting to use our meetings to understand what day it is."

"This human is making you go crazy," Khan teased.

"You chose to have a Niqols as a girlfriend," Liiza whispered while tilting her head to place her mouth on Khan's neck. "You have to deal with the consequences now."

Khan couldn't help but make his hand dive into Liiza's hair. He accompanied the movements of her head and immersed himself in the cold sensations that spread through his neck, and a faint laugh escaped his mouth when he sensed a tinge of pain reaching his mind.

"Don't bite," Khan laughed. "It will leave a mark."

"The other humans need a reminder that you are taken," Liiza snorted while raising her head to stare at Khan straight in the eyes. "That Veronica clearly has set her gaze on you."

"Do you want to go possessive on me already?" Khan mocked while turning Liiza and gently placing her on the ground before lying on her. "Someone is jealous."

"You have no idea," Liiza complained in a pleading voice as she wrapped her legs around Khan's waist to pull him closer. "I hate how I can't openly call you mine."

"One day, maybe," Khan whispered before descending toward her lips.

Soft and loud moans resounded through the flat area as the couple dived back into their intimate moments. Some of those voices even echoed through the mountain chain. They forced the Aduns in the area to answer with screeches that both Khan and Liiza failed to hear.

The world disappeared when the two looked into each other's eyes. Their attraction reached new peaks whenever they added an intimate moment to their relationship. Those emotions didn't seem to have limits, and they fused with their sensations to improve their experiences together.

An alarm resounded from Khan's phone after a bit more than an hour went by. The couple was still immersed in their intimate moment by then, and both Khan and Liiza gave voice to loud curses when they heard it.

Khan had set the first alarm a bit before his deadline to make sure that he could give a proper goodbye to his girlfriend once his time was up, so he ignored the noise as he remained focused on Liiza. Still, both of them understood that they had to accelerate. Twenty minutes later, both of them had returned inside their clothes.

"I already have somewhere in mind for a new place," Liiza explained as she pulled Khan closer to her face from his uniform. "I'll let you know through Snow."

"We'll talk about the academies next time," Khan announced after giving a quick kiss. "I really need to run now."

"Go, go," Liiza giggled. "Remember to pay attention to Veronica. That girl is only waiting for a chance to jump on you."

"I can barely keep up with one Niqols doing that," Khan teased.

"That's how it should be," Liiza smirked before pulling Khan again to leave a long kiss on his lips. "Leave now before I jump on you again."

Khan laughed, but he followed her order. His girlfriend would really jump on him again. That wouldn't be her first time delaying their separation either.

Khan jumped on Snow that was waiting for him at the edges of the flat area and hurried back to the camp. He arrived twenty minutes before the official meeting, but the recruits from the two classes had already gathered near the center of the site.

"I hope you don't take his habits once you get your Aduns," Paul shouted while looking at Snow unfolding its wings and landing right behind the rows of recruits.

"Khan has been kind enough to share his knowledge with us," Paul continued. "Remember what he taught you, and go fetch the Ugu. We'll depart as soon as the envoy of the Niqols arrives."

The recruits dispersed and moved toward the other side of the camp without forgetting to shoot glances at the boy who had never dismounted from his Aduns.

"George," Khan sighed when he saw his friend passing next to him.

"What is it?" George asked while showing a broad smile. "Are you worried about me?"

"Not at all," Khan honestly explained. "You have the highest chance to get an Aduns. Everyone else should fail if you don't get it."

"I can still die during my first flight," George laughed. "You make it look quite simple, but I know that it has taken you a while to get used to it."

"Flight experience, you say," Khan thought while many recruits heard that conversation and stopped to inspect it.

Khan wanted to turn toward the recruits, but a black figure suddenly appeared in the sky and gave voice to a loud screech. The envoy had arrived, and Khan took that chance to offer his help to his friend.

"Hop on," Khan ordered. "I'll show you how to fly."

George and the other recruits remained speechless at that offer, but Khan had been completely serious. Snow had enough room for the both of them.

"That's unfair!"

"You shouldn't have favorites among recruits!"

"Paul, he is trying to give private lessons to his friend!"

A group of recruits from the other class complained, but Khan completely ignored them. He didn't even look at the squad captain to see if something was wrong with his behavior.

Of course, giving privileges to a friend didn't create a good scene, but Khan wasn't doing anything wrong or illegal. It would also help the most promising recruit in the process and do something positive for his poor mental state.

"Don't pity me," George explained as he stretched a hand toward Khan's arm.

"This isn't even close to pity," Khan replied before giving a few instructions.

George was almost ready to fly.

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